milpat(2020) vs. blore(2006) *

standard 45+45, 2019-02-15

blore(2006) whispers: woof
1.c4 (0:00) b6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:05) e6 (0:09) 3.g3 (0:05) Bb7 (0:03) 4.Bg2 (0:03) d6 (0:05)
milpat(2020) whispers: blore always come with unorthodox openings
milpat(2020) whispers: that is why i never have to prepare :) would be wasted time
5.Nc3 (1:29) Nd7 (0:18) 6.d4 (1:25) Ngf6 (0:14)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
7.O-O (0:09) Be7 (1:27) 8.Qc2 (2:34) O-O (5:51)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
9.e4 (0:38) e5 (0:28) 10.d5 (2:23) a5 (0:24) 11.Ne1 (0:26) Nc5 (0:10) 12.Nd3 (0:17) Nfd7 (0:13)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
13.Be3 (0:50) Bg5 (0:41) 14.Bxg5 (7:23) Qxg5 (0:10) 15.Nxc5 (2:08) Nxc5 (0:08)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
16.f4 (0:16)
blore(2006) whispers: i guess ff4 yes it is...he moved before i could type
16...exf4 (0:37)
blore(2006) whispers: my knight is stable but he has some sort of central and kingside roller
blore(2006) whispers: gxf now
blore(2006) whispers: woof
blore(2006) whispers: maybe e5!? creating chaos in the centre
blore(2006) whispers: if e5 I will likely go fxg3
17.Rxf4 (4:20)
brunftbert(1830) whispers: surprising...
blore(2006) whispers: i wonder if f6 is not the best blocks the f file it prevents e5 and blocks the bishop in
blore(2006) whispers: the next threat is Rf5 hitting my queen
blore(2006) whispers: i want Bc8 but playing it immediately locks in my QR from entering the kings wing
blore(2006) whispers: on the other hand an immediate Rae8 allows Rf5...maybe i can afforf the loss of time with ...Bc8, ...Bd7 and then ...Rae8 and or ...f6
blore(2006) whispers: even at the cost of time it looks crucial to control f5 as if white takes advantage of f5 square i might be in troublr
blore(2006) whispers: well ...g6 will control the f5 square in a more ham-handed fashion....not clear what now
blore(2006) whispers: woof
blore(2006) whispers: maybe f5 being conceded is not a big deal as queen retreats to g6 and kicks out the rook in good time
blore(2006) whispers: so maybe long term structural weaknesses and restraint is the order of the day
blore(2006) whispers: which suggests ...f6 over ...Bc8 or ...Rae8
blore(2006) whispers: i could then prepare to hit e4 with all my forces on the e file
blore(2006) whispers: the diagonal along f7 to the king will be a distant future if white wants to open it with pawns on c4 and d5
blore(2006) whispers: my knight is better so if after f6 there is Bh3 Bc8 and an exchange of LSBs the pawn structure in the knights and major pieces middle game will favour me due to the better knight and the control over e5 c5 and attack or pressure on e4
blore(2006) whispers: i am going with f6 woof
17...f6 (8:49)
blore(2006) whispers: woof
blore(2006) whispers: the logical followup is ....Rae8, ...Re5,...Rfe8,....Bc8
blore(2006) whispers: assuming there are no tactical compulsions like Rf5...maybe Rf5 and Qe3+ with check!?>?!
blore(2006) whispers: woof
18.Nb5 (2:28)
blore(2006) whispers: oh nice!!! I had not even anticipated this possibility when i played ...f6 but miraculously I (without planning) have enabled ...Rf7 defending my c7 and thus not requiring me to play a clumsy formation like Rc8 or some such
blore(2006) whispers: i do not see any defect in playing ...Rf7 now but let me see...I had totally not anticipated ...Nb5 though i had thought of that move around ten moves ago
blore(2006) whispers: the viscious Na7-Nc6 idea can be played by white after Rf7
blore(2006) whispers: well maybe i will just exchange bishop for knight at c6 if that happens
blore(2006) whispers: for now i guess Rf7 is the move
18...Rf7 (3:46)
blore(2006) whispers: i think a queen exchange with Rf5 Qe3 Qf2 Qxf2 might favour me a bit but then the weakness at c7 becomes more pronounced
blore(2006) whispers: maybe the idea is Ba6 and Bxb5
blore(2006) whispers: woof
blore(2006) whispers: might be time to swing the queen to e5 next
19.Raf1 (3:30) Re8 (1:47) 20.Nd4 (6:06) blore lost connection; game adjourned *

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