impetermeister(2355) vs. gmlopezmartinez(2580) 0-1

standard 120+0, 2018-12-15

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:02) g6 (0:59) 3.Nc3 (1:01) d5 (3:01) 4.Bf4 (1:03) Bg7 (1:03) 5.e3 (0:07) O-O (1:53) 6.Be2 (1:59) c5 (6:03) 7.Ne5 (8:01) Nc6 (13:04) 8.O-O (2:00) cxd4 (3:00) 9.exd4 (2:02) Bd7 (1:01) 10.a4 (22:15) e6 (5:03) 11.Ra3 (8:05) a6 (9:06) 12.Qd2 (8:04) Rc8 (3:02) 13.Nxc6 (10:07) Bxc6 (1:01) 14.Be5 (4:01) Qe7 (4:03) 15.Qe3 (12:04) Rfd8 (2:00) 16.h3 (5:05) Bf8 (1:00) 17.Bd3 (2:00) Nd7 (1:02) 18.Bg3 (4:02) Bg7 (1:00) 19.Ne2 (1:01) Nb6 (4:03) 20.a5 (1:02) Nc4 (0:03) 21.Bxc4 (0:03) dxc4 (0:03) 22.c3 (0:53) Rd5 (0:58) 23.Nc1 (2:03) Rb5 (1:01) 24.Qe2 (3:02) Qd8 (3:00) 25.b4 (3:00) cxb3 (0:04) 26.Qb2 (0:56) Bd5 (1:03) 27.Nxb3 (0:59) Bf8 (0:03) IMPeterMeister requests to pause the game. Game clock paused. IMPeterMeister resigns 0-1

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