tinours(1831) vs. thatgirl(1967) 1/2-1/2

standard 45+45, 2018-09-12

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:08)
milpat(1958) whispers: go Kevin man!
2...d6 (0:20)
Slek(1950) whispers: go thatgirl girl!
3.Nc3 (0:13) Nbd7 (0:05) 4.e4 (0:09) e5 (0:06) 5.d5 (0:12)
milpat(1958) whispers: the winner gets the playoffs spot, big game!
5...g6 (2:05) 6.Bd3 (0:52) Bg7 (2:20)
milpat(1958) whispers: book: Nge2
7.Nge2 (1:22) Nc5 (0:17) 8.Bc2 (0:25) a5 (0:07)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: this is a nice foundation to play for a win
9.O-O (0:55) O-O (0:56)
milpat(1958) whispers: https://www.365chess.com/opening.php?m=19&n=88344&ms=d4.Nf6.c4.d6.Nc3.Nbd7.e4.e5.d5.g6.Bd3.Bg7.Nge2.Nc5.Bc2.a5.O-O.O-O&ns=
Slek(1950) whispers: I am not sure a5 and Nc5 were a good idea. I've seen black play a6, provoking a4, and then goind a5-Nc5
milpat(1958) whispers: a5 is common to secure the Nc5
10.Be3 (3:09)
Slek(1950) whispers: yes but the idea of a6 first is to provoke a4, so b4 becomes completely impossible
10...Na6 (0:38)
milpat(1958) whispers: ok, this is suspicious
Slek(1950) whispers: Na6 you mean?
milpat(1958) whispers: yes
11.a3 (0:46) Ng4 (0:07)
Slek(1950) whispers: I think thatgirl is playing a bit too fast here
milpat(1958) whispers: yea, cool ;)
12.Bd2 (0:27)
Slek(1950) whispers: f5 now?
12...f5 (0:25)
milpat(1958) whispers: i presume white is ready to open things
13.f3 (2:14) Nf6 (0:09)
Slek(1950) whispers: white should try Rb1
Slek(1950) whispers: maybe a bit slow though
14.exf5 (1:30) gxf5 (0:24) 15.Ng3 (0:20)
milpat(1958) whispers: i know white's play is supposed to be qside
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: good move, encourages f4 after which I really like white's position
milpat(1958) whispers: Ne4 forever if f4
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: f4 Nge4 and black has no counterplay on the kingside
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: and Ne8 is not a fun alternative
milpat(1958) whispers: f4 is too nice with the Bc2
15...f4 (1:35) 16.Nge4 (0:12) Nxe4 (0:15)
Slek(1950) whispers: f4 looked bad, but what else could black do? Ne8 seemed passive
17.Nxe4 (1:26)
milpat(1958) whispers: a5 hangs, just sayin
17...b6 (0:28)
milpat(1958) whispers: b4
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: yup
milpat(1958) whispers: thatspeed
Slek(1950) whispers: Ba4 maybe?
18.b4 (0:58)
Slek(1950) whispers: white is better now
milpat(1958) whispers: seems into the spirit
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: yeah, this is at least +/= already
milpat(1958) whispers: simply compare the Ns ;)
18...Bf5 (1:12)
Slek(1950) whispers: maybe Qh4-Rf6-Rh6
milpat(1958) whispers: or the usual Qe8/Qg6 thing
19.Qe2 (1:57)
milpat(1958) whispers: scratch bxa5 pls :P
milpat(1958) whispers: cant allow that N back on c5
milpat(1958) whispers: !
milpat(1958) whispers: making Bxe4 less cool
19...Nb8 (4:30)
Slek(1950) whispers: c5 now?
milpat(1958) whispers: that exposes d5 uh?
milpat(1958) whispers: ah well, that a2/g8 digonal...
Slek(1950) whispers: white's plan is generally to push on the Qside in this type of position
milpat(1958) whispers: yes it is, and u have to do something disturbing, before black N reaches the kside
Slek(1950) whispers: maybe bxa followed by Rb1 is possible
milpat(1958) whispers: going Rb5, sounds
Slek(1950) whispers: or Rb7
milpat(1958) whispers: then double
20.Rfd1 (7:47) axb4 (0:47) 21.axb4 (0:14) Rxa1 (0:17) 22.Rxa1 (0:03) Nd7 (0:03) 23.Bc3 (0:51) h6 (1:03) 24.Bd3 (2:25) Qb8 (0:53) 25.Qc2 (0:48) Bxe4 (0:27) 26.Bxe4 (0:06) Qb7 (0:23)
milpat(1958) whispers: can bring Be6 if u want
27.Bf5 (0:38) Nf6 (0:33) 28.Be6+ (0:10) Kh8 (0:03)
milpat(1958) whispers: go nours man
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: probably Ra4 next
milpat(1958) whispers: this will slow the Rg8 stuff
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: a-file is blacks only attempt at counterplay, don't let him have it
milpat(1958) whispers: Qa2 ?
milpat(1958) whispers: Qa4
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: Qa4 might be good
milpat(1958) whispers: then go Qa7
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: followed by Qb5 and getting the queen behind the rook
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: IMO Ra7 is better than Qa7
milpat(1958) whispers: better but slower
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: nevermind, Qb5 Ra8 and it's the same as immeiate Ra4
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: Ra4 forces Ra8
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: at least to my mind
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: and that looks good for white
29.Qa4 (3:58)
milpat(1958) whispers: :D
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: but I have no objection to this
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: claims the a-file, which is what matters, Qa7 next seems good
milpat(1958) whispers: white can play b5 after Qa7, then c7 would be under fire forever
milpat(1958) whispers: making the endgame bad for black
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: b5 is very committal
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: it's nice to have the option of c5 at some point too
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: brb
milpat(1958) whispers: finally got her to think :)
29...Qb8 (4:15) 30.Qa7 (0:45) Qd8 (0:07) 31.Qb7 (0:58)
Slek(1950) whispers: i dont think black can win that, which means that the Quebecers should go to the playoffs...
milpat(1958) whispers: we need absolutely a win, draw is not enough
31...e4 (1:05)
Slek(1950) whispers: a draw bags you the match no?
milpat(1958) whispers: but we lose tiebreak
milpat(1958) whispers: gp
Slek(1950) whispers: ah right, in case of a draw you're equal with them, losing on tie break
32.fxe4 (1:35) Nxe4 (0:12) 33.Bxg7+ (0:07) Kxg7 (0:03) 34.Ra7 (0:19)
Slek(1950) whispers: a shame Qh4 fails
34...f3 (0:57)
Slek(1950) whispers: well let's see, Qh4 Qxc7+ Kg6, how does white win?
35.Qxc7+ (0:47) Qxc7 (0:03) 36.Rxc7+ (0:02) Kg6 (0:03) 37.gxf3 (0:10) Rxf3 (0:05)
milpat(1958) whispers: Rc6?
Misteraw(1926) whispers: go tinours
38.Rb7 (3:02) Nd2 (0:23) 39.Rxb6 (1:03) Nxc4 (0:04) 40.Rc6 (0:17) Ne3 (0:15) 41.h3 (0:37) Rf1+ (0:16) 42.Kh2 (0:06) Kg5 (0:14)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: Rxd6 Kf4 is a perp
43.Kg3 (0:47)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: good!
Slek(1950) whispers: Rf4 now?
43...Rb1 (0:48)
Slek(1950) whispers: hmmm white can play h4+ npw
Slek(1950) whispers: *now
milpat(1958) whispers: Rc3
44.h4+ (1:14) Kf6 (0:32)
Slek(1950) whispers: the more pawns are getting traded, the more black chances of drawing increase
milpat(1958) whispers: so Rb6 pratical choice
milpat(1958) whispers: but Ke5 gets d5 so... mmmm
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: I think there are still winning chances after Rxd6
milpat(1958) whispers: could get the h-pawn?
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: can see some endings where only rooks and white's h-pawn is remaining but it's a win because the black king is cut off (taking d5)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: if white takes d6 and h6 and black takes d5 exchanging knight for bishop it should be winning for white
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: (and b4 of course=
45.Rc3 (10:21)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: this I like less
Slek(1950) whispers: can white win after Nxd5 Bxd5 Rxb4?
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: I'd imagine so
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: probably
milpat(1958) whispers: cat
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: awfully tricky cos any rook trade draws, but seems possible at least
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: pat!
milpat(1958) whispers: we need absolutely a win here to meet u in playoffs
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: looks like one of black's pawns falls almost at once too
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: yes I've seen the standings ;)
45...Nf5+ (3:43)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: if we're more than 1 point clear does that means we've already won? ;;) No need for playoff
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: new rule proposal eh? sounds quite reasonable to me ;)
milpat(1958) whispers: yea, run
BOTCHvinik(1791) whispers: heh
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: this actually seems pretty good, if BxN then it's hard for white to keep both b4 and d5
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: this actually seems pretty good, if BxN then it's hard for white to keep both b4 and d5
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: it's pretty sad if you lose out by .5 gp, having won the head-to-head
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: tragic even
milpat(1958) whispers: can someone close that cat door pls
46.Bxf5 (5:05) Kxf5 (0:26) 47.Re3 (0:09) Rxb4 (0:06) 48.Re6 (0:02) Rb3+ (0:17) 49.Kf2 (0:27) h5 (0:07) 50.Rxd6 (0:25) Ke5 (0:08) 51.Rh6 (0:05) Kxd5 (0:04) 52.Rxh5+ (0:03) Ke6 (0:03)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: hah, sorry thatgirl offers a draw.
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: now we get a theoretical endgame that I'm sure is drawn
milpat(1958) whispers: rest to achieve it ;)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: black K needs to be cut-off much further than it is for this to win, as I recall
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: oh sure, no-one should just accept the draw here
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: there are pitfalls
milpat(1958) whispers: especially when it throws u out the finals ;) TiNours declines the draw request.
53.Rg5 (1:27) Kf6 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: Rg8 is basically the only move now
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: and then Rh3 Rh8 Kg7 looks like a quick draw
54.Rg8 (0:51) Kf7 (0:05) 55.Rg4 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: well there's one slight mistake
55...Kf6 (0:10) 56.Kg2 (0:11) Kf5 (0:07) 57.Rg8 (0:08)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: Rb6-g6 looks like a good idea now
milpat(1958) whispers: can just shuffle K
milpat(1958) whispers: Rb3 seems well placed
57...Kf4 (0:36)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: true
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: infinite checks b2-b3 and Rh2 if king goes away
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: there may not be a wrong move here
58.h5 (0:13)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: looked easy
58...Rb5 (0:36)
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: now I'm not 100% sure it works
ShakaZahn(1982) whispers: this should do it too
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: Rh8 Kg4 h6 and maybe Rb2+
59.h6 (0:59) Rh5 (0:06) 60.Rh8 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: oh R trade doesn't draw
60...Kg5 (0:29)
smallblackcat(2194) whispers: sorry pat ;(
61.h7 (0:09) Kg6 (0:04)
milpat(1958) whispers: good fight nours man
62.Kg3 (0:12)
milpat(1958) whispers: thatgirl did well to simplify things
62...Rxh7 (0:08) 63.Rxh7 (0:01)
milpat(1958) whispers: e4!
63...Kxh7 (0:03) Neither player has mating material 1/2-1/2

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