xandor(2303) vs. ghambo(2073) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2018-05-04
1.d4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:04) Nf6 (0:07) 3.Bf4 (0:55)
ghambo(2073) whispers: David is exxelent queens pawn player
ghambo(2073) whispers: and he loves to play Bf4
trebejo(2067) whispers: And so the 2nd round begins for the Plasma
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: forza ghambo!!!
ghambo(2073) whispers: ok, lets challange centre 3...c5 (2:12)
Psycho(1851) whispers: not a fan of the london or system play 4.e3 (1:05)
trebejo(2067) whispers: ghambo is a great sportsman, btw. xandor had trouble logging on this morning and ghambo was able to accomodate us. So thank you ghambo for making sure that we have a great game to watch today :D 4...Nc6 (0:25) 5.c3 (1:10) d5 (0:38)
Introspection(1740) whispers: wow that's a strange move order for Black 6.Bd3 (1:22)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Ok, the London in action!
trebejo(2067) whispers: The "London" system is yet another example of cultural imperialism
trebejo(2067) whispers: Did you ever wonder how a country with such mediocrity in chess could nonetheless have so many opening systems to its name?
trebejo(2067) whispers: The English Opening
trebejo(2067) whispers: The English Defence (spelling!)
trebejo(2067) whispers: The English Attack
trebejo(2067) whispers: The London system
trebejo(2067) whispers: We even have the Scotch (granted, it was supposed to be a stupid opening) 6...Bd6 (3:08)
trebejo(2067) whispers: Meanwhile, one look at the Aeroflot Open and you would think that every opening would be named after some town in the old USSR
PreZandy(1807) whispers: What about "Paleface attack"? :) Also nice name :)
Introspection(1740) whispers: Never heard of Aeroflot
Introspection(1740) whispers: :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: Aeroflot is an airline :) 7.Bg3 (2:33)
trebejo(2067) whispers: PreZ, your opening will raise some eyebrows :D
trebejo(2067) whispers: Imagine if instead of the Queen's Indian, we had... no, I won't type it ;)
trebejo(2067) whispers: btw if this was supposed to be a reversed Slav, then I'm not sure what Bd6 is doing 7...c4 (2:33) 8.Bc2 (0:21)
trebejo(2067) whispers: ok, so we're locking 8...b5 (0:09)
trebejo(2067) whispers: I cannot say why, but I don't trust this setup for Black but of course i was out of book long ago
PreZandy(1807) whispers: For me it is typical setup against London, including Nc6 Bd6 Nf6
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Qe7 can be added
trebejo(2067) whispers: Right... but usually, White has played c2-c4, right? 9.Nbd2 (1:50)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: c3 is typical for London I think
trebejo(2067) whispers: time for me to hit the books
PreZandy(1807) whispers: c4 is played against Bf5 though
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: forza ghambo
trebejo(2067) whispers: ok the "London System" is what we have here... and the Bf4 lines in the QGD are for another game ;)
mcstorytaller(1767) whispers: Nimzo, You old patzer!
Introspection(1740) whispers: I dont hink he's that old ;-) 9...b4 (3:12)
mcstorytaller(1767) whispers: but he's patzer for sure
Introspection(1740) whispers: Blitzer 10.e4 (4:38)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Yes, quick advance on Q-side is the way for Black here
trebejo(2067) whispers: Black has some problems to solve here
trebejo(2067) whispers: If Black takes on e4, then c4 looks like a target
trebejo(2067) whispers: 10.... dxe4 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 looks very dominant 10...Bxg3 (3:45)
trebejo(2067) whispers: 10... Bxg3 hxg3 makes it impossible for the black king to castle kingside 11.hxg3 (0:07) h6 (0:01)
trebejo(2067) whispers: ok maybe not impossible but ugh
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Time for Ne5 now I think
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmmm
trebejo(2067) whispers: i was thinking that after e4-e5, white obtains the world's greatest French setup for white
trebejo(2067) whispers: there is also g3-g4-g5 12.exd5 (3:42)
trebejo(2067) whispers: and then there is cxd5 ;) 12...exd5 (0:15)
ghambo(2073) whispers: hmm
ghambo(2073) whispers: was it nessesary?
ghambo(2073) whispers: it liberates my position, if i dont miss something
trebejo(2067) whispers: there are tactics here maybe
ghambo(2073) whispers: i was waiting e5 and pawn storm at kside... 13.Ne5 (1:49)
trebejo(2067) whispers: 13... Nxe5 dxe5 Nd7 (say) f4 followed by Nd2-f3 and d5 will be under great pressure
PreZandy(1807) whispers: But Nf3 has nothing with d5 (?)
trebejo(2067) whispers: no, but it aims for d4
trebejo(2067) whispers: the pressure on d5 will be there until the endgame
trebejo(2067) whispers: there is also 13... Nxe5 dxe5 Nd7 e6 13...Bd7 (4:31)
trebejo(2067) whispers: now, among other things, b4 is hanging after Nxc6 Bxc6
trebejo(2067) whispers: but i would not be so eager to play Nxc6 yet... 14.Ndf3 (1:04) O-O (0:24)
trebejo(2067) whispers: but that is a very important queenside advantage for white in an endgame. so if he does not want to do it, he must have something better in mind
trebejo(2067) whispers: I don't like calling this the London system
trebejo(2067) whispers: I like the Lima System :D
ghambo(2073) whispers: this knights are very annoying
ghambo(2073) whispers: and i must look for some tactical sacs from David 15.Nxc6 (1:13) Bxc6 (0:02)
trebejo(2067) whispers: man... the pressure looks mighty now 16.Ne5 (0:18)
ghambo(2073) whispers: yeah, am talking about it
ghambo(2073) whispers: Devid is exelant player
trebejo(2067) whispers: g3-g4-g5 is there whenever white wants it
trebejo(2067) whispers: Qf5 would be a mighty move for White, so Black may want to control f5 with the Bishop, say Bc6-d7-e6 but White's attack looks mighty
ghambo(2073) whispers: pawn is hanging
trebejo(2067) whispers: 16... Bd7 17.axb4 (just for fun), then Qd2, f2-f3, g3-g4-g5 ugh
ghambo(2073) whispers: am thinking thinkign to give him my tall pawn for his c and b pawns and than play qb6 re8
Introspection(1740) whispers: Tall pawn?
ghambo(2073) whispers: no, its too cracy line, if not impossible
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Tall light-squared pawn :)
Psycho(1851) whispers: perhaps he means the bishop on c6
ghambo(2073) whispers: better to play safely 16...Re8 (7:14) 17.O-O (1:28)
ghambo(2073) whispers: propably ill compensate it will weak d4 17...Bd7 (2:34) 18.cxb4 (1:14) Qb6 (0:07)
ascoliloko(1897) whispers: hi all 19.Qd2 (0:44)
ghambo(2073) whispers: its getting very interesting
ghambo(2073) whispers: ok, lets make some fortress 19...Be6 (4:39)
ghambo(2073) whispers: now its real tall pawn
ghambo(2073) whispers: i didinot found another duty for it
ghambo(2073) whispers: am wrong, i found duty for it, it keeps position...
ghambo(2073) whispers: now i can throw my forces at qside and play on that side
ghambo(2073) whispers: hopefully he cant mate me at that time... :) 20.a3 (3:44)
ghambo(2073) whispers: later i can aim d4 wakness (because i think, that i must aviod knight exchange)
schachbjm(2407) whispers: hi there :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: hi again guyz :) 20...a5 (2:49)
schachbjm(2407) whispers: @ascoliloko, @evilmike good luck for your game tonight! Have fun and enjoy the game :)
evilmike(2068) whispers: thank you
mcstorytaller(1767) whispers: BJM!
schachbjm(2407) whispers: white is better here
schachbjm(2407) whispers: @darkochess what is the reason that your boards 1 and 2 are missing? 21.bxa5 (3:56)
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: fcspartak is on tournament 21...Rxa5 (0:10)
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: underworld will skip all season 22.a4 (0:43)
ghambo(2073) whispers: i was thinking about qa5 too, but after David exchanges queens i will have no forces to annoy d4 in future
Slek(2016) whispers: russian league? 22...Rea8 (1:56)
damouno(2100) whispers: here
damouno(2100) whispers: xandor who ? :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: xandor is your team mate damouno :)
damouno(2100) whispers: , i know i know..go Xand-MAN
PreZandy(1807) whispers: :D
Slek(2016) whispers: hey trebejo!
trebejo(2067) whispers: hi Slek. I couldn't parse your paper :( 23.Rfb1 (4:21)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: damo, I posted in ch
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: come on gio
PreZandy(1807) whispers: DO White prepare b4 push? 23...Qc7 (7:37)
Slek(2016) whispers: white could push b4 right away
ghambo(2073) whispers: i think its only move to meet b3!
ghambo(2073) whispers: i must defend rb8
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: black has c3 after b4
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: hence qc6... good idea
ghambo(2073) whispers: this knight is vampire
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: rather qc7
Slek(2016) whispers: yes but then the c pawn is blocked by the bishop while the a and b pawns are marching together
ghambo(2073) whispers: it drinks blood :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: Vampire Knights
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: white Is a clean pawn up...can be hard to sustain this
trebejo(2067) whispers: well there is a great name for a chessrock band :)
ghambo(2073) whispers: hmm
ghambo(2073) whispers: maybe better was d6? 24.b4 (5:02)
Slek(2016) whispers: I think black should take en passant
ghambo(2073) whispers: wow
ghambo(2073) whispers: even better move than b3
ghambo(2073) whispers: i must take! 24...cxb3 (0:46) 25.Bxb3 (0:06)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: In case of en passant, what is the difference between b4 and b3? :)
Slek(2016) whispers: b3 was pressuring c4 in case black didnt take.
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: atleast the pawn.is alone now
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: go gio
Slek(2016) whispers: ghambo is strong but xandor is 2300
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: white may look to exchange the Queens I guess
Slek(2016) whispers: the Ne5 is a monster
trebejo(2067) whispers: it is actually a vampire, Slek :)
ghambo(2073) whispers: ok now ne4d6 is possible 25...Ne4 (2:24)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: it's harsh but gambo just blundered a pawn.... he might not have done that with a lower rated opposition... may b numbers play a role in mind
ghambo(2073) whispers: better line than ne8e6
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: forza ghambo!!!
Slek(2016) whispers: Rc1 and Nc6?
Slek(2016) whispers: ah right the queen is attacked
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: qxq nc3 and black may get the pawn.back 26.Qc1 (2:51)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: black can't allow nc6 26...Nc3 (1:59) 27.Rb2 (0:17) Rc8 (0:02)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: hmm pinning own queen...things can get complicated for both now 28.Qe3 (0:30)
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmm 28.Rc2? Ne2+
trebejo(2067) whispers: the knight on c3 is not drinking blood
trebejo(2067) whispers: there is an instant horrible pin with R2c2 and R1c1, but it's not easy to peel the black queen off the c-file at this moment
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: may b nb5 28...Qb6 (3:16)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: hmm rc1 and what is the answer
Slek(2016) whispers: after Rc1 there is Ne2+
Slek(2016) whispers: black dont lose a piece there
ghambo(2073) whispers: i havent played game nicer than this 29.Nd3 (2:58)
ghambo(2073) whispers: now it doesnot matter if i loose it
ghambo(2073) whispers: i knew this move
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: come on gio take him out of his comfort zone
trebejo(2067) whispers: oh boy.. Nc5 hits c3 and e6
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: some discoveries I see
trebejo(2067) whispers: 29.. Ne4 Bxd5...
Slek(2016) whispers: wonder if Bg4 is possible. to play Ne1 if white plays Nc5
trebejo(2067) whispers: that knight on d3 is performing an important defensive duty (holding b2) and a fearsome attacking option (Nc5) 29...Qd8 (2:47)
Slek(2016) whispers: basically the Nd3 is acting as a white cell
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmm 30.Nc5 Nb5 Nxe6 ouch. 30.Nc5 Ne4 Nxe4 dxe4 Bxe6 fxe6 Qxe4 ouch.
trebejo(2067) whispers: 30.Nc5 Rxc5 does not seem like an option either 30.Nc5 (2:19) Raxc5 (0:55) 31.dxc5 (0:11)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: there u go..complicate it... make it dirty 31...Qf6 (0:45)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: re1 may b
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: qd2 or else 32.Qf3 (5:55) Qd4 (2:27) 33.Qe3 (1:09) Qb4 (1:37) 34.Qd2 (2:13)
Slek(2016) whispers: d4 here?
Slek(2016) whispers: oh nevermind 34...Qxc5 (1:45)
ghambo(2073) whispers: imho its lost already
ghambo(2073) whispers: but ill play it till the end
ghambo(2073) whispers: a pawn is very annoying 35.Bd1 (1:45)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: make it hard for ur Opp gio
trebejo(2067) whispers: xandor has the calmest style :) 35...Ra8 (1:57)
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmmm 36.Rc1 d4 37.Rb5 just to see what happens? 36.Bc2 (2:31) ghambo forfeits on time 1-0
ghambo(2073) whispers: David is exxelent queens pawn player
ghambo(2073) whispers: and he loves to play Bf4
trebejo(2067) whispers: And so the 2nd round begins for the Plasma
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: forza ghambo!!!
ghambo(2073) whispers: ok, lets challange centre 3...c5 (2:12)
Psycho(1851) whispers: not a fan of the london or system play 4.e3 (1:05)
trebejo(2067) whispers: ghambo is a great sportsman, btw. xandor had trouble logging on this morning and ghambo was able to accomodate us. So thank you ghambo for making sure that we have a great game to watch today :D 4...Nc6 (0:25) 5.c3 (1:10) d5 (0:38)
Introspection(1740) whispers: wow that's a strange move order for Black 6.Bd3 (1:22)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Ok, the London in action!
trebejo(2067) whispers: The "London" system is yet another example of cultural imperialism
trebejo(2067) whispers: Did you ever wonder how a country with such mediocrity in chess could nonetheless have so many opening systems to its name?
trebejo(2067) whispers: The English Opening
trebejo(2067) whispers: The English Defence (spelling!)
trebejo(2067) whispers: The English Attack
trebejo(2067) whispers: The London system
trebejo(2067) whispers: We even have the Scotch (granted, it was supposed to be a stupid opening) 6...Bd6 (3:08)
trebejo(2067) whispers: Meanwhile, one look at the Aeroflot Open and you would think that every opening would be named after some town in the old USSR
PreZandy(1807) whispers: What about "Paleface attack"? :) Also nice name :)
Introspection(1740) whispers: Never heard of Aeroflot
Introspection(1740) whispers: :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: Aeroflot is an airline :) 7.Bg3 (2:33)
trebejo(2067) whispers: PreZ, your opening will raise some eyebrows :D
trebejo(2067) whispers: Imagine if instead of the Queen's Indian, we had... no, I won't type it ;)
trebejo(2067) whispers: btw if this was supposed to be a reversed Slav, then I'm not sure what Bd6 is doing 7...c4 (2:33) 8.Bc2 (0:21)
trebejo(2067) whispers: ok, so we're locking 8...b5 (0:09)
trebejo(2067) whispers: I cannot say why, but I don't trust this setup for Black but of course i was out of book long ago
PreZandy(1807) whispers: For me it is typical setup against London, including Nc6 Bd6 Nf6
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Qe7 can be added
trebejo(2067) whispers: Right... but usually, White has played c2-c4, right? 9.Nbd2 (1:50)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: c3 is typical for London I think
trebejo(2067) whispers: time for me to hit the books
PreZandy(1807) whispers: c4 is played against Bf5 though
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: forza ghambo
trebejo(2067) whispers: ok the "London System" is what we have here... and the Bf4 lines in the QGD are for another game ;)
mcstorytaller(1767) whispers: Nimzo, You old patzer!
Introspection(1740) whispers: I dont hink he's that old ;-) 9...b4 (3:12)
mcstorytaller(1767) whispers: but he's patzer for sure
Introspection(1740) whispers: Blitzer 10.e4 (4:38)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Yes, quick advance on Q-side is the way for Black here
trebejo(2067) whispers: Black has some problems to solve here
trebejo(2067) whispers: If Black takes on e4, then c4 looks like a target
trebejo(2067) whispers: 10.... dxe4 Nxe4 Nxe4 Bxe4 looks very dominant 10...Bxg3 (3:45)
trebejo(2067) whispers: 10... Bxg3 hxg3 makes it impossible for the black king to castle kingside 11.hxg3 (0:07) h6 (0:01)
trebejo(2067) whispers: ok maybe not impossible but ugh
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Time for Ne5 now I think
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmmm
trebejo(2067) whispers: i was thinking that after e4-e5, white obtains the world's greatest French setup for white
trebejo(2067) whispers: there is also g3-g4-g5 12.exd5 (3:42)
trebejo(2067) whispers: and then there is cxd5 ;) 12...exd5 (0:15)
ghambo(2073) whispers: hmm
ghambo(2073) whispers: was it nessesary?
ghambo(2073) whispers: it liberates my position, if i dont miss something
trebejo(2067) whispers: there are tactics here maybe
ghambo(2073) whispers: i was waiting e5 and pawn storm at kside... 13.Ne5 (1:49)
trebejo(2067) whispers: 13... Nxe5 dxe5 Nd7 (say) f4 followed by Nd2-f3 and d5 will be under great pressure
PreZandy(1807) whispers: But Nf3 has nothing with d5 (?)
trebejo(2067) whispers: no, but it aims for d4
trebejo(2067) whispers: the pressure on d5 will be there until the endgame
trebejo(2067) whispers: there is also 13... Nxe5 dxe5 Nd7 e6 13...Bd7 (4:31)
trebejo(2067) whispers: now, among other things, b4 is hanging after Nxc6 Bxc6
trebejo(2067) whispers: but i would not be so eager to play Nxc6 yet... 14.Ndf3 (1:04) O-O (0:24)
trebejo(2067) whispers: but that is a very important queenside advantage for white in an endgame. so if he does not want to do it, he must have something better in mind
trebejo(2067) whispers: I don't like calling this the London system
trebejo(2067) whispers: I like the Lima System :D
ghambo(2073) whispers: this knights are very annoying
ghambo(2073) whispers: and i must look for some tactical sacs from David 15.Nxc6 (1:13) Bxc6 (0:02)
trebejo(2067) whispers: man... the pressure looks mighty now 16.Ne5 (0:18)
ghambo(2073) whispers: yeah, am talking about it
ghambo(2073) whispers: Devid is exelant player
trebejo(2067) whispers: g3-g4-g5 is there whenever white wants it
trebejo(2067) whispers: Qf5 would be a mighty move for White, so Black may want to control f5 with the Bishop, say Bc6-d7-e6 but White's attack looks mighty
ghambo(2073) whispers: pawn is hanging
trebejo(2067) whispers: 16... Bd7 17.axb4 (just for fun), then Qd2, f2-f3, g3-g4-g5 ugh
ghambo(2073) whispers: am thinking thinkign to give him my tall pawn for his c and b pawns and than play qb6 re8
Introspection(1740) whispers: Tall pawn?
ghambo(2073) whispers: no, its too cracy line, if not impossible
PreZandy(1807) whispers: Tall light-squared pawn :)
Psycho(1851) whispers: perhaps he means the bishop on c6
ghambo(2073) whispers: better to play safely 16...Re8 (7:14) 17.O-O (1:28)
ghambo(2073) whispers: propably ill compensate it will weak d4 17...Bd7 (2:34) 18.cxb4 (1:14) Qb6 (0:07)
ascoliloko(1897) whispers: hi all 19.Qd2 (0:44)
ghambo(2073) whispers: its getting very interesting
ghambo(2073) whispers: ok, lets make some fortress 19...Be6 (4:39)
ghambo(2073) whispers: now its real tall pawn
ghambo(2073) whispers: i didinot found another duty for it
ghambo(2073) whispers: am wrong, i found duty for it, it keeps position...
ghambo(2073) whispers: now i can throw my forces at qside and play on that side
ghambo(2073) whispers: hopefully he cant mate me at that time... :) 20.a3 (3:44)
ghambo(2073) whispers: later i can aim d4 wakness (because i think, that i must aviod knight exchange)
schachbjm(2407) whispers: hi there :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: hi again guyz :) 20...a5 (2:49)
schachbjm(2407) whispers: @ascoliloko, @evilmike good luck for your game tonight! Have fun and enjoy the game :)
evilmike(2068) whispers: thank you
mcstorytaller(1767) whispers: BJM!
schachbjm(2407) whispers: white is better here
schachbjm(2407) whispers: @darkochess what is the reason that your boards 1 and 2 are missing? 21.bxa5 (3:56)
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: fcspartak is on tournament 21...Rxa5 (0:10)
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: underworld will skip all season 22.a4 (0:43)
ghambo(2073) whispers: i was thinking about qa5 too, but after David exchanges queens i will have no forces to annoy d4 in future
Slek(2016) whispers: russian league? 22...Rea8 (1:56)
damouno(2100) whispers: here
damouno(2100) whispers: xandor who ? :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: xandor is your team mate damouno :)
damouno(2100) whispers: , i know i know..go Xand-MAN
PreZandy(1807) whispers: :D
Slek(2016) whispers: hey trebejo!
trebejo(2067) whispers: hi Slek. I couldn't parse your paper :( 23.Rfb1 (4:21)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: damo, I posted in ch
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: come on gio
PreZandy(1807) whispers: DO White prepare b4 push? 23...Qc7 (7:37)
Slek(2016) whispers: white could push b4 right away
ghambo(2073) whispers: i think its only move to meet b3!
ghambo(2073) whispers: i must defend rb8
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: black has c3 after b4
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: hence qc6... good idea
ghambo(2073) whispers: this knight is vampire
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: rather qc7
Slek(2016) whispers: yes but then the c pawn is blocked by the bishop while the a and b pawns are marching together
ghambo(2073) whispers: it drinks blood :)
trebejo(2067) whispers: Vampire Knights
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: white Is a clean pawn up...can be hard to sustain this
trebejo(2067) whispers: well there is a great name for a chessrock band :)
ghambo(2073) whispers: hmm
ghambo(2073) whispers: maybe better was d6? 24.b4 (5:02)
Slek(2016) whispers: I think black should take en passant
ghambo(2073) whispers: wow
ghambo(2073) whispers: even better move than b3
ghambo(2073) whispers: i must take! 24...cxb3 (0:46) 25.Bxb3 (0:06)
PreZandy(1807) whispers: In case of en passant, what is the difference between b4 and b3? :)
Slek(2016) whispers: b3 was pressuring c4 in case black didnt take.
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: atleast the pawn.is alone now
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: go gio
Slek(2016) whispers: ghambo is strong but xandor is 2300
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: white may look to exchange the Queens I guess
Slek(2016) whispers: the Ne5 is a monster
trebejo(2067) whispers: it is actually a vampire, Slek :)
ghambo(2073) whispers: ok now ne4d6 is possible 25...Ne4 (2:24)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: it's harsh but gambo just blundered a pawn.... he might not have done that with a lower rated opposition... may b numbers play a role in mind
ghambo(2073) whispers: better line than ne8e6
DarkoChess(1619) whispers: forza ghambo!!!
Slek(2016) whispers: Rc1 and Nc6?
Slek(2016) whispers: ah right the queen is attacked
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: qxq nc3 and black may get the pawn.back 26.Qc1 (2:51)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: black can't allow nc6 26...Nc3 (1:59) 27.Rb2 (0:17) Rc8 (0:02)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: hmm pinning own queen...things can get complicated for both now 28.Qe3 (0:30)
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmm 28.Rc2? Ne2+
trebejo(2067) whispers: the knight on c3 is not drinking blood
trebejo(2067) whispers: there is an instant horrible pin with R2c2 and R1c1, but it's not easy to peel the black queen off the c-file at this moment
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: may b nb5 28...Qb6 (3:16)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: hmm rc1 and what is the answer
Slek(2016) whispers: after Rc1 there is Ne2+
Slek(2016) whispers: black dont lose a piece there
ghambo(2073) whispers: i havent played game nicer than this 29.Nd3 (2:58)
ghambo(2073) whispers: now it doesnot matter if i loose it
ghambo(2073) whispers: i knew this move
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: come on gio take him out of his comfort zone
trebejo(2067) whispers: oh boy.. Nc5 hits c3 and e6
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: some discoveries I see
trebejo(2067) whispers: 29.. Ne4 Bxd5...
Slek(2016) whispers: wonder if Bg4 is possible. to play Ne1 if white plays Nc5
trebejo(2067) whispers: that knight on d3 is performing an important defensive duty (holding b2) and a fearsome attacking option (Nc5) 29...Qd8 (2:47)
Slek(2016) whispers: basically the Nd3 is acting as a white cell
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmm 30.Nc5 Nb5 Nxe6 ouch. 30.Nc5 Ne4 Nxe4 dxe4 Bxe6 fxe6 Qxe4 ouch.
trebejo(2067) whispers: 30.Nc5 Rxc5 does not seem like an option either 30.Nc5 (2:19) Raxc5 (0:55) 31.dxc5 (0:11)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: there u go..complicate it... make it dirty 31...Qf6 (0:45)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: re1 may b
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: qd2 or else 32.Qf3 (5:55) Qd4 (2:27) 33.Qe3 (1:09) Qb4 (1:37) 34.Qd2 (2:13)
Slek(2016) whispers: d4 here?
Slek(2016) whispers: oh nevermind 34...Qxc5 (1:45)
ghambo(2073) whispers: imho its lost already
ghambo(2073) whispers: but ill play it till the end
ghambo(2073) whispers: a pawn is very annoying 35.Bd1 (1:45)
KnightsFortune(1925) whispers: make it hard for ur Opp gio
trebejo(2067) whispers: xandor has the calmest style :) 35...Ra8 (1:57)
trebejo(2067) whispers: hmmm 36.Rc1 d4 37.Rb5 just to see what happens? 36.Bc2 (2:31) ghambo forfeits on time 1-0