alfonsosbirulino(1892) vs. misteraw(1839) *
standard 45+45, 2018-03-05
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:04) d6 (0:26) 3.d4 (0:04) cxd4 (0:02)
milpat(1982) whispers: Go Mr! 4.Nxd4 (0:18) Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nc3 (0:04) g6 (0:38) 6.Be3 (0:50) Bg7 (0:13) 7.f3 (0:40) O-O (0:07) 8.Qd2 (0:09) Nc6 (0:04) 9.Bc4 (0:12) Bd7 (2:30) 10.O-O-O (3:03) Ne5 (0:55) 11.Bb3 (0:18) Qa5 (0:23) 12.h4 (1:44) Rfc8 (3:56) 13.Kb1 (1:38) Nc4 (0:59) 14.Bxc4 (0:10) Rxc4 (0:03) 15.Nb3 (0:15) Qc7 (0:36) 16.g4 (2:16) a5 (1:19)
Misteraw(1839) whispers: we re still in the book 17.g5 (3:37) Nh5 (1:49) 18.Nd5 (0:14)
milpat(1982) whispers: eyeing e7 and b6 :/
Suiseiseki(2222) whispers: probably needed xc3 at some point 18...Qd8 (2:47) 19.Nb6 (0:11)
Misteraw(1839) whispers: a5 was a blunder 19...Rcc8 (0:43) 20.Nxa8 (0:11) Rxa8 (0:02) 21.Bd4 (0:05) a4 (0:30) 22.Nc1 (1:23) a3 (0:38) 23.b3 (0:08)
milpat(1982) whispers: i guess you are right Suis 23...Bf8 (1:52) 24.Nd3 (2:14) Rc8 (1:05) 25.Ba1 (1:28)
milpat(1982) whispers: white is preparing e5 i suppose
schachbjm(2389) whispers: hi
schachbjm(2389) whispers: gl alfonsos :)
mcstorytaller(1744) whispers: BJM! 25...Qb6 (3:21)
schachbjm(2389) whispers: white should have a winning position here 26.Nf4 (0:33) Nxf4 (1:37) 27.Qxf4 (0:04) Qc5 (0:13) 28.Rh2 (0:34) e5 (2:34) 29.Qd2 (0:32) b5 (0:21)
schachbjm(2389) whispers: h5 here 30.h5 (3:28) Be7 (3:42) 31.hxg6 (2:11) fxg6 (0:28) 32.Rdh1 (0:06) h5 (0:02) 33.gxh6 (0:12) Kh7 (0:01) 34.f4 (2:59) Bc6 (0:38) 35.Re1 (0:14) Rf8 (0:15) 36.fxe5 (0:49) dxe5 (0:11) 37.Qc3 (0:03) Qxc3 (1:20) 38.Bxc3 (0:04) Bc5 (0:20)
Suiseiseki(2222) whispers: not looking easy
milpat(1982) whispers: Bxd4 Bxe4 :P alfonsosbirulino lost connection; game adjourned *
milpat(1982) whispers: Go Mr! 4.Nxd4 (0:18) Nf6 (0:02) 5.Nc3 (0:04) g6 (0:38) 6.Be3 (0:50) Bg7 (0:13) 7.f3 (0:40) O-O (0:07) 8.Qd2 (0:09) Nc6 (0:04) 9.Bc4 (0:12) Bd7 (2:30) 10.O-O-O (3:03) Ne5 (0:55) 11.Bb3 (0:18) Qa5 (0:23) 12.h4 (1:44) Rfc8 (3:56) 13.Kb1 (1:38) Nc4 (0:59) 14.Bxc4 (0:10) Rxc4 (0:03) 15.Nb3 (0:15) Qc7 (0:36) 16.g4 (2:16) a5 (1:19)
Misteraw(1839) whispers: we re still in the book 17.g5 (3:37) Nh5 (1:49) 18.Nd5 (0:14)
milpat(1982) whispers: eyeing e7 and b6 :/
Suiseiseki(2222) whispers: probably needed xc3 at some point 18...Qd8 (2:47) 19.Nb6 (0:11)
Misteraw(1839) whispers: a5 was a blunder 19...Rcc8 (0:43) 20.Nxa8 (0:11) Rxa8 (0:02) 21.Bd4 (0:05) a4 (0:30) 22.Nc1 (1:23) a3 (0:38) 23.b3 (0:08)
milpat(1982) whispers: i guess you are right Suis 23...Bf8 (1:52) 24.Nd3 (2:14) Rc8 (1:05) 25.Ba1 (1:28)
milpat(1982) whispers: white is preparing e5 i suppose
schachbjm(2389) whispers: hi
schachbjm(2389) whispers: gl alfonsos :)
mcstorytaller(1744) whispers: BJM! 25...Qb6 (3:21)
schachbjm(2389) whispers: white should have a winning position here 26.Nf4 (0:33) Nxf4 (1:37) 27.Qxf4 (0:04) Qc5 (0:13) 28.Rh2 (0:34) e5 (2:34) 29.Qd2 (0:32) b5 (0:21)
schachbjm(2389) whispers: h5 here 30.h5 (3:28) Be7 (3:42) 31.hxg6 (2:11) fxg6 (0:28) 32.Rdh1 (0:06) h5 (0:02) 33.gxh6 (0:12) Kh7 (0:01) 34.f4 (2:59) Bc6 (0:38) 35.Re1 (0:14) Rf8 (0:15) 36.fxe5 (0:49) dxe5 (0:11) 37.Qc3 (0:03) Qxc3 (1:20) 38.Bxc3 (0:04) Bc5 (0:20)
Suiseiseki(2222) whispers: not looking easy
milpat(1982) whispers: Bxd4 Bxe4 :P alfonsosbirulino lost connection; game adjourned *