smallblackcat(2046) vs. pupkin(2011) *

standard 45+45, 2018-02-20

1.c4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:05)
trebejo(2085) whispers: the english is not tactical :)
2...Nf6 (0:52) 3.Bg2 (0:05) d5 (0:15) 4.cxd5 (0:11) Nxd5 (0:02) 5.Nf3 (0:18) Nc6 (0:04) 6.O-O (0:37) Nb6 (0:20)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: hmm, tempted to sidestep the mainlines with b3 here
Hathkhola(1609) whispers: b3 followed by bb2 is the idea
7.Nc3 (1:52)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: main line isn't too bad for a must-win I guess
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: just so long as I get it right
7...Be7 (0:49) 8.a3 (0:26)
Hathkhola(1609) whispers: will white play b4 at some point?
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: a long think here suggests that he doesn't know these variations better than I do, but it's not as if these are particularly theory-heavy lines
8...f6 (4:48)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: oh, that seems premature though
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: ok, time for a deeper think
kmindzero(1845) whispers: I really dont like this f6
kmindzero(1845) whispers: Qb3 looks obvious
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: d3 seems fairly natural
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: I could also be super ambitious and play for a quick d4
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: d4 exd4 Nb5 Bc5 b4 seems to work
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: cos a6 bxc5 attacks his Nb6
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: ah d4 Nxd4 Nxd4 exd4 Nb5 c5
9.b4 (9:52)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: most likely this will just push the game into normal lines
9...O-O (1:53) 10.d3 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: and now we have a main line position
10...Be6 (0:44) 11.Bb2 (0:27)
kmindzero(1845) whispers: also a boring one :)
11...a5 (4:11) 12.b5 (0:09) Nd4 (0:09)
kmindzero(1845) whispers: not anymore!
13.Nxd4 (1:20) exd4 (0:23) 14.Na4 (0:04)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: this feels familiar too, don't remember how black avoids losing a pawn here
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: maybe Bd5 Bh3 Bf7 is the solution
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: but then I am essentially gaining another tempo
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: ah Qd7 is probably it
14...Bd5 (2:25)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: when I guess I should play Rb1
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: ok
15.Bh3 (0:27)
trebejo(2085) whispers: after nxb6 white is basically up a pawn
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: right now there's no downside to giving up that diagonal
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: ah c6
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: then just Bxd4 Nxa4 Qxa4 cxb5 Qxb5 and my pieces are a bit loose
15...Bf7 (1:22)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: but if Bc6 I can just play Qb2 and things seem to be ok
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: ok I feel fairly happy here
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Rc1 and Nc5 seems logical
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Qd7 is stopped, so b5 is safe for now
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Bh5 looks interesting, but I guess just Re1 there
16.Rc1 (1:39)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: trying to play faster this week, since I lost 1/2 due to time pressure last round
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: a slightly mean thing I can do is return the B to g2, since Bd5 is now met by Bxd5 Qxd5 Rxc7
16...Nd5 (4:51)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: good idea, black has to do something
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: and he stops Nc5 cos of Nc3 Bxc3 Bxc5!
17.Qc2 (2:20)
kmindzero(1845) whispers: this guy really like to talk :)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Bg2 might have been more direct
17...Re8 (1:03)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: hmm, progress is tricky
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Bg2 still isn't threatening Bxd4 cos he has Nb4
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Re1 some move Qb1 and then what?
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Na4 is loose, maybe he can take advantage
18.Rfe1 (4:44)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Q around to a1 and at least I am setting him some problems
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: although...b6 Qb1 Bf8 Qa1 Ne7 leaves me in difficulties because of Bb3
18...b6 (4:41)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: yeah I'd better work that one out
trebejo(2085) whispers: 19.Qc6 +-
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: he has taken away his knights flight square
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: but I can't really gang up on it
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: long winded solution would be Ra1 Bc1 Bd2 Nb2 and Nc4
19.Bg2 (5:31)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: very surprising that I can't find a way to take advantage here
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: although I have now realised that Bxd4 is playable, if not exactly good
19...Rc8 (0:59)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Bxd4 Nb4? Qb2 is fine, Bxd4 Bxa3 is not what I want though
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: so Ra1 would seem to threaten Bxd4
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Ra1 Qd7 Qc6 seems forced, but I guess it's ok too
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: well
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: Ra1 Qd7 Bxd4 is just about playable too
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: hard to believe I have to play Ra1 here, but I don't see another way to make progress
20.Ra1 (2:37)
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: 16 Rc1 now just looks foolish, instead maybe just Re1 was more accurate
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: but I guess it forced the whole thing with Nd5 and b6
trebejo(2085) whispers: 20.Qc6 +-
trebejo(2085) whispers: 20.Ra1? =
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: oh c6 is more trouble than I realised
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: oh well, it's interesting
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: on c5 I think I have to allow the line closure
trebejo(2085) whispers: ok so white has a liability on b5, a clutter at a4, a lady staring down a rook at c2, and a glorious bishop on g2 with nary a target
trebejo(2085) whispers: black needs to make a 20th that is a 20th move...
smallblackcat(2046) whispers: oh dear, on c6 I have to take
Pupkin lost connection; game adjourned *

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