maxgolden(1970) vs. matan(1903) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2018-02-17

1.b3 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.Bb2 (0:15)
blore(1843) whispers: wooooooooof
2...Nc6 (1:00) 3.e4 (0:14)
blore(1843) whispers: slek!!!! Larsen opening it is
Slek(1984) whispers: woof
blore(1843) whispers: grrrrrr woooof
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: ah jeeze A01
blore(1843) whispers: woof
blore(1843) whispers: d6 now?!!?
3...Bc5 (2:37)
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: Matan seems unprepared for this particular line of the nim-lar
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: why not just d5, blore?
4.Nc3 (1:01)
blore(1843) whispers: sure... why not... just that I am a cautious player so I see short moves
4...d6 (1:14)
blore(1843) whispers: particularly early in the opening I usually don't make wild lunges
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: might as well though, some white openings basically give the 1st move advantage to black
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: sometimes being too cautious is risky
blore(1843) whispers: it is often difficult to figure it probably none even exists..
blore(1843) whispers: I mean a single best move is hard to peg down
blore(1843) whispers: so I guess different players choose different moves based on their style
5.Nf3 (2:06)
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: there are a lot of choices sometimes
blore(1843) whispers: that of course is not applicable where clearly only one move is good
blore(1843) whispers: I want Nf6 now
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: its interesting to think that they will probably solve backgammon before chess, because there probably isn't as many positions to analyze in backgammon
5...Nf6 (1:49)
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: nf6 it is !
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: this might have even transposed into something normal
6.Be2 (1:15)
blore(1843) whispers: the position looks normal
schachbjm(2405) whispers: hi there
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: maybe this is the Philidor Defence
schachbjm(2405) whispers: black enjoys a pleasant position here
blore(1843) whispers: well not really. that is 2...d6. no way the Bishop can be at c5
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: the philidor defense, but black has two good bishops
schachbjm(2405) whispers: whites bishops are not very strong, the fianchetto DSB is totally restricted by the e5 pawn
blore(1843) whispers: woof
6...O-O (2:59)
blore(1843) whispers: bg4 now?!
7.O-O (0:04)
blore(1843) whispers: bg4 now
schachbjm(2405) whispers: Bg4 allows Nxe5
schachbjm(2405) whispers: typical motif in positions like this one
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: slow down maxgolden, white needs to focus on equalizing
schachbjm(2405) whispers: position does not require immediate action, black can slowly impove his position claiming that his structure is a bit better
schachbjm(2405) whispers: so even a slow setup with h6 Re8 Bd7 is fine here
7...a6 (2:50)
BldStrategyMaster(1722) whispers: what would Re8 do though?
blore(1843) whispers: is ne7 ng6 a6 b5 c6 ra7 ne8 f5 raf7 an idea?!!?
schachbjm(2405) whispers: prophylactically in case position opens up
schachbjm(2405) whispers: white needs his DSB active longterm speaking, so he ll have to challenge blacks pawn formation
8.d3 (1:04)
schachbjm(2405) whispers: yeah, but you are right, Re8 is not needed
blore(1843) whispers: matan has followed the first move of the line I suggestwd
blore(1843) whispers: the rook on queens should reach f7 via a7
blore(1843) whispers: b5
8...Bg4 (4:31)
blore(1843) whispers: b5 is like gun-control!!!
schachbjm(2405) whispers: Nxe5 needs to be looked at
9.h3 (2:30) Bd7 (1:44) 10.Nd5 (5:03) Nxd5 (5:25) 11.exd5 (0:06) Ne7 (0:02) 12.c4 (2:54) Ng6 (0:37) 13.Rb1 (3:00)
blore(1843) whispers: woof
13...Nf4 (3:01) 14.Bc1 (0:19) Qf6 (3:23) 15.b4 (1:15) Ba7 (0:33) 16.Bxf4 (0:49) Qxf4 (0:35) 17.Qd2 (2:59) Qg3 (2:42)
Slek(1984) whispers: it's inviting c5
EmberSpirit(1536) whispers: I favor black position here much more
EmberSpirit(1536) whispers: bishop pair + better pawn structure
EmberSpirit(1536) whispers: but who am I to speak 15xx player
Slek(1984) whispers: c5 Qg6 Nh4 Qf6 and black will win the c5 pawn
Slek(1984) whispers: there's Kh1 also
EmberSpirit(1536) whispers: d any good?
EmberSpirit(1536) whispers: d4
Slek(1984) whispers: ah no Kh1 Bxf2
18.Qg5 (5:21) Qxg5 (0:18) 19.Nxg5 (0:03) h6 (0:12) 20.Nf3 (3:44) f5 (0:21) 21.Rfc1 (3:24)
blore(1843) whispers: d4 simply blunders the pawn?!
Slek(1984) whispers: maybe e4?
21...e4 (0:42) 22.Ne1 (0:48)
blore(1843) whispers: this is nice.. the e4 pawn will crumble the white Bishop and knight
blore(1843) whispers: curtail bot crumble
22...b5 (3:25) 23.cxb5 (2:05) Bxb5 (0:07) 24.Rxc7 (1:35) f4 (0:33)
blore(1843) whispers: black blundered a pawn?!
blore(1843) whispers: oh nice attack on the K side
25.a4 (5:26) f3 (2:36) 26.Bxf3 (0:13) exf3 (0:20) 27.axb5 (0:12) fxg2 (0:27)
blore(1843) whispers: check at f2 next
EmberSpirit(1536) whispers: black position is so much better
28.Rb2 (2:15) axb5 (0:38) 29.Ra2 (0:20)
EmberSpirit(1536) whispers: mistake?
29...Bd4 (2:55) 30.Rxa8 (0:42) Rxa8 (0:03) 31.Nc2 (0:40) Be5 (3:49) 32.Kxg2 (0:05) Ra2 (0:45) 33.Kf3 (0:21) Rb2 (0:39) 34.Ke4 (0:30) Rb1 (0:41) 35.f4 (1:20) Bf6 (0:36) 36.Kf5 (2:27) Rh1 (0:48) 37.Na3 (2:44) Rxh3 (0:43) 38.Nxb5 (0:06) Rxd3 (0:05) 39.Nxd6 (1:32) Rxd5+ (0:52) 40.Ke6 (0:09) Rd4 (1:19) 41.b5 (0:11) Rxf4 (0:56) 42.b6 (0:15)
Slek(1984) whispers: looks lost for black now :(
42...Rb4 (0:42) 43.b7 (0:17) Kh7 (0:40) 44.Rc8 (0:14) Kg6 (0:41) 45.b8=Q (0:11) Rxb8 (0:01) 46.Rxb8 (0:02) h5 (0:25) 47.Ne4 (1:33) Bg5 (0:35) 48.Nxg5 (2:06) Kxg5 (0:07) 49.Rb1 (0:24) Kf4 (0:27)
Slek(1984) whispers: I didnt like the move Rb1. instead Rg8 would have won the g pawn
50.Rb4+ (2:13)
mindlin(2018) whispers: i liked Rf1 better
50...Kg5 (0:29) 51.Ke5 (0:11)
Slek(1984) whispers: I preferred Kf7
51...h4 (0:15) 52.Ke4 (0:35) Kg4 (0:33) 53.Ke3+ (0:10)
Slek(1984) whispers: I wonder if Matan can pull out a miracle here
53...Kg3 (0:56)
mindlin(2018) whispers: not sure i see how the h pawn would play out
54.Rb5 (0:41)
mindlin(2018) whispers: could be one of those mates with the queen at h1
Slek(1984) whispers: Kg4 here?
mindlin(2018) whispers: Kg4 seems pretty hopeless to me
Slek(1984) whispers: it doesnt look good but it somehow keeps some possibilities for black
mindlin(2018) whispers: i would try the advanced h-pawn
54...h3 (2:58)
GMfree(2302) whispers: h3 is lost
mindlin(2018) whispers: h3 Rg5 Kh2 Rxg7 h3 Kf3 Kh1 seems the pawns too slow
Plebusan(1804) whispers: you played h3 twice
GMfree(2302) whispers: his only hop was to try and connect the two pawns. Now the K is going to trapped on the h-file and the white K will take the pawn
Slek(1984) whispers: mindlin you lost one tempo for black
mindlin(2018) whispers: ok my bad
JMM(2255) whispers: "trapped" may be also good news
Slek(1984) whispers: Rg5+ Kh2 Rxg7 Kh1 Kf2 h2 least to stalemate
Slek(1984) whispers: *leads
mindlin(2018) whispers: Rg5 Kh2 Rxg7 Kh1 Kf3 h2 Ra7?
GMfree(2302) whispers: black isn't going to fall for that
55.Rg5+ (2:28)
Slek(1984) whispers: it's so bizarre to be commenting a game along with my opponent
mindlin(2018) whispers: what he play though
55...Kh2 (0:15)
Slek(1984) whispers: maybe the solution for white is Kf2 now instead of taking the pawn
mindlin(2018) whispers: i don't like Kf2
JMM(2255) whispers: take pawn, and then Kf3 instead og Kf2
mindlin(2018) whispers: yeah Kf3
GMfree(2302) whispers: yes JMM
Slek(1984) whispers: Kf2 Kh1 Kg3
JMM(2255) whispers: and Ra2 -> Ra1 checkmate
56.Kf3 (2:39)
mindlin(2018) whispers: exactly with the queen on h1 if needed
JMM(2255) whispers: and Ra7 -> Ra1 checkmate
mindlin(2018) whispers: i've seen this before :)
Plebusan(1804) whispers: Re7 -> Re1 mate is slightly better JMM
JMM(2255) whispers: plebusan ;-))))
56...g6 (1:29) 57.Rxg6 (0:04) Kh1 (0:08)
Plebusan(1804) whispers: quicker for the mouse
58.Kg3 (0:03) h2 (0:06) 59.Rh6 (0:05)
Slek(1984) whispers: ok that is lost
schachbjm(2407) whispers: there was a mate in 2
mindlin(2018) whispers: aww he didn't go for the mate
GMfree(2302) whispers: just missed mate
schachbjm(2407) whispers: R over and R1#
Matan resigns 1-0

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