morphylite(1879) vs. venkobrother(1714) 1-0

standard 9+99, 2018-01-12

1.g4 (0:00) g6 (0:00) MorphyLite requests to abort the game. 2.h4 (0:20) venkobrother declines the abort request. 2...d5 (1:21) 3.g5 (0:13) Bg7 (1:08) 4.d4 (0:24) e5 (0:24) 5.dxe5 (0:21) Bxe5 (0:34) 6.f4 (0:05) Bg7 (0:43) 7.Rh2 (0:21) Ne7 (1:04) 8.a4 (0:28) Nf5 (1:01) 9.Ra3 (0:14) d4 (1:47) 10.e4 (0:18) dxe3 (2:13) 11.Qxd8+ (0:12) Kxd8 (0:16) 12.Rd3+ (0:07) Ke8 (0:51) 13.Bxe3 (0:20) b6 (2:26) 14.Na3 (0:22) Ba6 (0:49) 15.Nb5 (0:28) Bxb5 (0:41) 16.axb5 (0:09) Bxb2 (0:41) 17.Bg2 (0:11) c6 (2:22) 18.bxc6 (0:29) Na6 (0:36) 19.c7 (0:10) Rc8 (0:43) 20.Bb7 (0:20) Rxc7 (0:12) 21.Bxa6 (0:06) Rxc2 (0:47) 22.Rxc2 (0:45) venkobrother resigns 1-0

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