nbz(2064) vs. farzadalizadeh(2121) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2017-11-11
1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03) c5 (0:10) 3.d5 (0:05) d6 (0:06) 4.Nc3 (0:09) g6 (1:04) 5.e4 (0:09) Bg7 (0:51) 6.Nf3 (0:57) O-O (1:28) 7.Be2 (0:27) e6 (1:38) 8.O-O (0:24)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Farza learning from me?
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: :)
Mayors(1756) whispers: lol
Mayors(1756) whispers: he told me its first time he playing this 8...exd5 (0:33) 9.cxd5 (0:06)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: bg4 now not a6
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: exchange the problem bishop before white plays h3 9...a6 (1:55) 10.a4 (0:08)
Mayors(1756) whispers: oh 10...Re8 (0:15)
Mayors(1756) whispers: hope you like this moves too ryde
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: damn Black is slightly worse now
Mayors(1756) whispers: oh
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Black has created a weakness on b6 which after 1...Bg4.2.Nd2 White's knight goes to c4 with a5 comming up
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: that is a plan not the plan
Mayors(1756) whispers: i hope we dont get much damage in this position
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: alee aleee forza!!!! farzi! 11.Nd2 (2:47)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: and there you have it. Black will have a hard task finding a role for the c8 bishop :-(
Mayors(1756) whispers: damn 11...Nbd7 (1:08)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: yet if I know Farza he will come up with something
Mayors(1756) whispers: yes he is so smart
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: do not be pessimist Ryd,Farzi is eating players around 2000 for breakfast lol 12.f4 (2:27)
Mayors(1756) whispers: i hope farza can make this work
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: I have analysed this position at home. c4 is the move
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: yes now c4!!
Mayors(1756) whispers: aha great
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: it is clasic Benoni move
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: if i know Farzi well ,he will play safer variant
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: I know that is what I think as well
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: as he has not played it before Farza might not know the idea
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: probably 12...Qc7 (4:30)
Mayors(1756) whispers: there ya go
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: bingo
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: c4 the threat now
Mayors(1756) whispers: farzad said he become crazy to play this at the start now has to get it togheder and fix it
Farzadalizadeh(2121) whispers: i'm little worried at this position i must play verry smart
Mayors(1756) whispers: hey schach
Mayors(1756) whispers: this game so important to us 13.Kh1 (9:47)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: so should white Farza so should white!
Mayors(1756) whispers: its a big line to pass thehotrock team 13...Rb8 (0:25)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: Kh1 ?
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: Rud ,your favourite move Ryd LOL
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: RYD*
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: lol 14.a5 (2:37) b5 (0:21) 15.axb6 (0:08) Nxb6 (0:17)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Black had to play b5 soon as b6 was a weakness in his camp
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: seems black is just fine now ?
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: at least neutralized white's natural adventage
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Equal now
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: fcspartak would have +2 at least untill move 15 lol
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: aleeeeeeee aleeeeee ,c'mon FARZI! 16.Bf3 (6:48)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: hmmmm
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: not sure about Bf3
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: reliquishes control of c4 16...c4 (2:07)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Well done!!
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: found the right move
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Where does the d2 Knight go now?
Mayors(1756) whispers: nice 17.Re1 (6:07)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: well seems Farzi started to push him
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: will be back shortly ....just on time to celebrate Farzi's victory lol
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Nfd7 now getting the g7 into action 17...Nfd7 (4:01)
Mayors(1756) whispers: bingo
Farzadalizadeh(2121) whispers: d3 is best place for my knighte if i get it... 18.e5 (2:53) dxe5 (0:23)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: and advantage to black after e5 19.Nde4 (0:36)
Farzadalizadeh(2121) whispers: i dont understand e5! 19...f5 (0:54)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: it is a motif of freeing squares for pieces typical in these structures 20.d6 (6:52)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Qd8 20...Qd8 (10:41) 21.Ng5 (0:48) e4 (0:42) 22.Nd5 (3:44) exf3 (1:59)
Mayors(1756) whispers: hmm 23.Ne7+ (1:33) Rxe7 (0:04) 24.dxe7 (0:44)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: ef3 was an innacuracy 24...fxg2+ (0:35) 25.Kxg2 (1:42)
Mayors(1756) whispers: what you think rydebergova
Mayors(1756) whispers: can farzad take advantage of this? 25...Bb7+ (0:15)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: kg2 an innacuracy as it allows Bb7 26.Kg3 (0:38)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: yes 26...Qe8 (0:28)
Mayors(1756) whispers: now white has to be very active or get lost 27.Qd6 (1:18)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: now Bf6 27...Bf6 (2:11)
Mayors(1756) whispers: thats what i thought also
Mayors(1756) whispers: best option here 28.Ra3 (6:06)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: h6?
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: or Rc8? I like Rc8 better 28...Nd5 (2:27)
Mayors(1756) whispers: i like this Nd5 better also 29.Ra5 (2:35) Nxe7 (0:46) 30.Re6 (1:38)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Rc8? 30...Rc8 (5:52) 31.Qd1 (1:37) Rc6 (0:17) 32.Rxc6 (1:09) Nxc6 (0:09) 33.Rd5 (0:51)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Nd4 33...Nd4 (0:41)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: After Rd6 Qe7 34.Rd6 (1:03) Ne2+ (1:09) 35.Kf2 (0:11) Nxc1 (0:25) 36.Qxc1 (0:13)
Koff(2022) whispers: somewhere white lost a piece
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Black should be careful
Mayors(1756) whispers: yes
Mayors(1756) whispers: or will be draw
Mayors(1756) whispers: right? 36...c3 (2:12)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: or even worse. Ne2 was innacurate.
Mayors(1756) whispers: ah
Koff(2022) whispers: take it! 37.bxc3 (0:33)
Mayors(1756) whispers: for free? 37...Bxg5 (0:30)
Mayors(1756) whispers: good
Mayors(1756) whispers: some relief 38.fxg5 (0:17) Qe7 (0:16)
Mayors(1756) whispers: i just dont know why farzad gave that pawn for free
Mayors(1756) whispers: probably he could not defend it
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: because Qc4 was a serious threat
Mayors(1756) whispers: right
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: by c3 he blocked access to c4
Mayors(1756) whispers: nice
Koff(2022) whispers: i recall when NBZ and I played in a same team. He was a resourceful player even in difficult situations 39.Rd4 (1:47)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Nc5 39...Ne5 (2:50)
Mayors(1756) whispers: not cool
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: still willing less precise 40.h3 (1:18)
Mayors(1756) whispers: qc5? 40...Nf3 (1:03) 41.Rd3 (0:23) Nxg5 (0:34) 42.Qd1 (0:11)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: well as i said
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: Farzi is just too strong
mcstorytaller(1754) whispers: Nimzo, You old patzer!!! 42...Bc6 (1:38) 43.Rd8+ (1:07) Kf7 (0:13)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: :-$ MC people will see your poor skills :))
mcstorytaller(1754) whispers: i don't make stalemate with 4 queens otb
mcstorytaller(1754) whispers: :D
Mayors(1756) whispers: loooooooooooooooooool 44.Qd4 (1:26) Nxh3+ (0:33) 45.Kf1 (0:23)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: :))
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: yes cos you do not playing :)))
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: so it is impossible to make mistake :)) 45...Bb5+ (1:57) 46.c4 (0:18) Nf4 (0:28) 47.Qxf4 (1:20)
Mayors(1756) whispers: 3 pawns ahead
Mayors(1756) whispers: after pieces get gone
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Farza is not playing with precision here though still winning
Mayors(1756) whispers: q vs 3 pawns and a queen
Mayors(1756) whispers: yes
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: :D 47...Qxd8 (1:30) 48.cxb5 (0:07)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: he like to tantalise him LOL
Mayors(1756) whispers: my mistake 4 pawns ahead
Mayors(1756) whispers: lol 48...Qd3+ (1:25)
Mayors(1756) whispers: this better
Mayors(1756) whispers: yesssss 49.Kf2 (0:07) Qxb5 (0:41) 50.Qc7+ (0:04) Ke6 (0:30) 51.Qxh7 (0:14) Qb2+ (0:24) 52.Kf1 (0:04) Qc1+ (0:14) 53.Kf2 (0:05) Qd2+ (0:16) 54.Kf1 (0:07) Qf4+ (0:08) 55.Ke1 (0:16) Kf6 (1:31) 56.Qa7 (0:39) Qe4+ (0:41) 57.Kf1 (0:07) Qc4+ (0:46) 58.Ke1 (0:11) g5 (0:24) 59.Qh7 (0:10)
Mayors(1756) whispers: Qh4
Mayors(1756) whispers: check
Mayors(1756) whispers: and game over
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: indeed 59...Qh4+ (1:18)
Mayors(1756) whispers: now resiganbl NBZ resigns 0-1
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Farza learning from me?
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: :)
Mayors(1756) whispers: lol
Mayors(1756) whispers: he told me its first time he playing this 8...exd5 (0:33) 9.cxd5 (0:06)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: bg4 now not a6
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: exchange the problem bishop before white plays h3 9...a6 (1:55) 10.a4 (0:08)
Mayors(1756) whispers: oh 10...Re8 (0:15)
Mayors(1756) whispers: hope you like this moves too ryde
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: damn Black is slightly worse now
Mayors(1756) whispers: oh
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Black has created a weakness on b6 which after 1...Bg4.2.Nd2 White's knight goes to c4 with a5 comming up
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: that is a plan not the plan
Mayors(1756) whispers: i hope we dont get much damage in this position
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: alee aleee forza!!!! farzi! 11.Nd2 (2:47)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: and there you have it. Black will have a hard task finding a role for the c8 bishop :-(
Mayors(1756) whispers: damn 11...Nbd7 (1:08)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: yet if I know Farza he will come up with something
Mayors(1756) whispers: yes he is so smart
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: do not be pessimist Ryd,Farzi is eating players around 2000 for breakfast lol 12.f4 (2:27)
Mayors(1756) whispers: i hope farza can make this work
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: I have analysed this position at home. c4 is the move
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: yes now c4!!
Mayors(1756) whispers: aha great
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: it is clasic Benoni move
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: if i know Farzi well ,he will play safer variant
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: I know that is what I think as well
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: as he has not played it before Farza might not know the idea
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: probably 12...Qc7 (4:30)
Mayors(1756) whispers: there ya go
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: bingo
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: c4 the threat now
Mayors(1756) whispers: farzad said he become crazy to play this at the start now has to get it togheder and fix it
Farzadalizadeh(2121) whispers: i'm little worried at this position i must play verry smart
Mayors(1756) whispers: hey schach
Mayors(1756) whispers: this game so important to us 13.Kh1 (9:47)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: so should white Farza so should white!
Mayors(1756) whispers: its a big line to pass thehotrock team 13...Rb8 (0:25)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: Kh1 ?
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: Rud ,your favourite move Ryd LOL
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: RYD*
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: lol 14.a5 (2:37) b5 (0:21) 15.axb6 (0:08) Nxb6 (0:17)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Black had to play b5 soon as b6 was a weakness in his camp
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: seems black is just fine now ?
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: at least neutralized white's natural adventage
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Equal now
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: fcspartak would have +2 at least untill move 15 lol
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: aleeeeeeee aleeeeee ,c'mon FARZI! 16.Bf3 (6:48)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: hmmmm
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: not sure about Bf3
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: reliquishes control of c4 16...c4 (2:07)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Well done!!
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: found the right move
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Where does the d2 Knight go now?
Mayors(1756) whispers: nice 17.Re1 (6:07)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: well seems Farzi started to push him
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: will be back shortly ....just on time to celebrate Farzi's victory lol
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Nfd7 now getting the g7 into action 17...Nfd7 (4:01)
Mayors(1756) whispers: bingo
Farzadalizadeh(2121) whispers: d3 is best place for my knighte if i get it... 18.e5 (2:53) dxe5 (0:23)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: and advantage to black after e5 19.Nde4 (0:36)
Farzadalizadeh(2121) whispers: i dont understand e5! 19...f5 (0:54)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: it is a motif of freeing squares for pieces typical in these structures 20.d6 (6:52)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Qd8 20...Qd8 (10:41) 21.Ng5 (0:48) e4 (0:42) 22.Nd5 (3:44) exf3 (1:59)
Mayors(1756) whispers: hmm 23.Ne7+ (1:33) Rxe7 (0:04) 24.dxe7 (0:44)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: ef3 was an innacuracy 24...fxg2+ (0:35) 25.Kxg2 (1:42)
Mayors(1756) whispers: what you think rydebergova
Mayors(1756) whispers: can farzad take advantage of this? 25...Bb7+ (0:15)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: kg2 an innacuracy as it allows Bb7 26.Kg3 (0:38)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: yes 26...Qe8 (0:28)
Mayors(1756) whispers: now white has to be very active or get lost 27.Qd6 (1:18)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: now Bf6 27...Bf6 (2:11)
Mayors(1756) whispers: thats what i thought also
Mayors(1756) whispers: best option here 28.Ra3 (6:06)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: h6?
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: or Rc8? I like Rc8 better 28...Nd5 (2:27)
Mayors(1756) whispers: i like this Nd5 better also 29.Ra5 (2:35) Nxe7 (0:46) 30.Re6 (1:38)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Rc8? 30...Rc8 (5:52) 31.Qd1 (1:37) Rc6 (0:17) 32.Rxc6 (1:09) Nxc6 (0:09) 33.Rd5 (0:51)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Nd4 33...Nd4 (0:41)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: After Rd6 Qe7 34.Rd6 (1:03) Ne2+ (1:09) 35.Kf2 (0:11) Nxc1 (0:25) 36.Qxc1 (0:13)
Koff(2022) whispers: somewhere white lost a piece
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Black should be careful
Mayors(1756) whispers: yes
Mayors(1756) whispers: or will be draw
Mayors(1756) whispers: right? 36...c3 (2:12)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: or even worse. Ne2 was innacurate.
Mayors(1756) whispers: ah
Koff(2022) whispers: take it! 37.bxc3 (0:33)
Mayors(1756) whispers: for free? 37...Bxg5 (0:30)
Mayors(1756) whispers: good
Mayors(1756) whispers: some relief 38.fxg5 (0:17) Qe7 (0:16)
Mayors(1756) whispers: i just dont know why farzad gave that pawn for free
Mayors(1756) whispers: probably he could not defend it
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: because Qc4 was a serious threat
Mayors(1756) whispers: right
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: by c3 he blocked access to c4
Mayors(1756) whispers: nice
Koff(2022) whispers: i recall when NBZ and I played in a same team. He was a resourceful player even in difficult situations 39.Rd4 (1:47)
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Nc5 39...Ne5 (2:50)
Mayors(1756) whispers: not cool
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: still willing less precise 40.h3 (1:18)
Mayors(1756) whispers: qc5? 40...Nf3 (1:03) 41.Rd3 (0:23) Nxg5 (0:34) 42.Qd1 (0:11)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: well as i said
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: Farzi is just too strong
mcstorytaller(1754) whispers: Nimzo, You old patzer!!! 42...Bc6 (1:38) 43.Rd8+ (1:07) Kf7 (0:13)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: :-$ MC people will see your poor skills :))
mcstorytaller(1754) whispers: i don't make stalemate with 4 queens otb
mcstorytaller(1754) whispers: :D
Mayors(1756) whispers: loooooooooooooooooool 44.Qd4 (1:26) Nxh3+ (0:33) 45.Kf1 (0:23)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: :))
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: yes cos you do not playing :)))
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: so it is impossible to make mistake :)) 45...Bb5+ (1:57) 46.c4 (0:18) Nf4 (0:28) 47.Qxf4 (1:20)
Mayors(1756) whispers: 3 pawns ahead
Mayors(1756) whispers: after pieces get gone
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: Farza is not playing with precision here though still winning
Mayors(1756) whispers: q vs 3 pawns and a queen
Mayors(1756) whispers: yes
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: :D 47...Qxd8 (1:30) 48.cxb5 (0:07)
DarkoChess(1624) whispers: he like to tantalise him LOL
Mayors(1756) whispers: my mistake 4 pawns ahead
Mayors(1756) whispers: lol 48...Qd3+ (1:25)
Mayors(1756) whispers: this better
Mayors(1756) whispers: yesssss 49.Kf2 (0:07) Qxb5 (0:41) 50.Qc7+ (0:04) Ke6 (0:30) 51.Qxh7 (0:14) Qb2+ (0:24) 52.Kf1 (0:04) Qc1+ (0:14) 53.Kf2 (0:05) Qd2+ (0:16) 54.Kf1 (0:07) Qf4+ (0:08) 55.Ke1 (0:16) Kf6 (1:31) 56.Qa7 (0:39) Qe4+ (0:41) 57.Kf1 (0:07) Qc4+ (0:46) 58.Ke1 (0:11) g5 (0:24) 59.Qh7 (0:10)
Mayors(1756) whispers: Qh4
Mayors(1756) whispers: check
Mayors(1756) whispers: and game over
Rydebergova(2445) whispers: indeed 59...Qh4+ (1:18)
Mayors(1756) whispers: now resiganbl NBZ resigns 0-1