tseltzer(1966) vs. jfrl(1935) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2017-09-10

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:02) Nc6 (0:35) 3.d4 (0:04) cxd4 (0:18) 4.c3 (0:03)
tseltzer(1966) whispers: okay, we try something different today :)
tseltzer(1966) whispers: becomes a Morra-type position if dxc3
tseltzer(1966) whispers: if Nf6, then more like a Nf6 Alapin after e5
4...dxc3 (2:03) 5.Nxc3 (0:00) g6 (0:43) 6.Bc4 (2:05) Bg7 (2:38) 7.e5 (5:09) Nh6 (4:47) 8.O-O (1:33) O-O (0:14)
JoshuaR(1990) whispers: Interesting decision whether to take that pawn or not. Probably safest to have done this.
9.Bf4 (2:58) Kh8 (4:40) 10.Qd2 (1:14) Ng4 (2:09) 11.Rfe1 (0:20) Qa5 (0:11) 12.Qd5 (8:07) Qxd5 (1:16) 13.Nxd5 (0:06) e6 (0:55) 14.Nc7 (0:10) Rb8 (0:20) 15.Nb5 (0:15) a6 (2:04) 16.Nd6 (0:04) b5 (0:31) 17.Bf1 (6:34) Nb4 (1:22) 18.Rec1 (1:26) Nd5 (0:41) 19.Bg3 (0:10) Bb7 (1:57) 20.a4 (1:56)
tseltzer(1966) whispers: a4 was too thematic NOT to play
tseltzer(1966) whispers: my hope is to get a R to the 7th rank and exert some pressure
tseltzer(1966) whispers: a7 being the current target square
20...bxa4 (13:44) 21.Rxa4 (7:50) Nh6 (1:51) 22.Ng5 (5:45) Bc6 (2:12) 23.Rxa6 (0:36) Rxb2 (0:22) 24.Ra7 (2:14) Kg8 (0:43) 25.Nf3 (1:39) Rb4 (1:07) 26.Bc4 (2:31) Ra8 (3:48) 27.Rxa8+ (0:27) Bxa8 (0:04) 28.Bxd5 (6:15) Bxd5 (2:33) 29.Rc8+ (0:14) Bf8 (0:06) 30.h3 (0:28) Ra4 (1:33) 31.Ng5 (3:34) Ra1+ (1:16) 32.Kh2 (0:02) Ra8 (0:05) 33.Rc7 (0:04) Bc6 (0:18) 34.Nge4 (0:11) Be7 (0:34) 35.Bf4 (1:09) Nf5 (3:07) 36.Nxf5 (0:03) gxf5 (2:09) 37.Bg5 (3:52) Bxg5 (2:42) 38.Nxg5 (0:00) h6 (0:07) 39.Nf3 (0:03) Ra4 (0:25) 40.Kg3 (2:41) Kg7 (0:53) 41.Nh4 (1:55) f6 (3:45) 42.Nf3 (0:55) Kf7 (1:33) 43.Kh2 (0:11) Ke7 (0:49) 44.exf6+ (0:04) Kxf6 (0:04) 45.Ne1 (1:08)
JoshuaR(1990) whispers: Go jfrl!
45...Ke7 (2:57) 46.Rc8 (0:02) Be4 (1:01) 47.Rh8 (0:17) Ra1 (0:10) 48.Nf3 (0:16) Bxf3 (0:03) 49.gxf3 (0:00) d5 (0:02) 50.Rxh6 (0:11) d4 (0:02) 51.Rh7+ (0:41) Kd6 (0:24) 52.Rh8 (0:03) Ra7 (0:31) 53.Rb8 (4:57) Rd7 (1:34) 54.Kg2 (0:11) Ke5 (0:33) 55.Kf1 (0:38) Kf4 (0:26) 56.Re8 (1:13) Rd6 (0:26) 57.Ke2 (0:03) d3+ (0:06) 58.Kd2 (0:01) Kxf3 (0:08) 59.h4 (0:37) Kg4 (0:27) 60.Rh8 (0:02) e5 (0:10) 61.h5 (0:05) e4 (0:46) 62.h6 (0:02) Kf3 (0:12) 63.Rf8 (0:07) Rxh6 (0:14) 64.Rxf5+ (0:02) Kg4 (0:03) 65.Rf8 (0:27) Rd6 (0:37) 66.Rf7 (0:20) Rd5 (0:21) 67.Rg7+ (6:14) Kf4 (0:18) 68.Rg3 (0:42) Ra5 (3:01) 69.Rh3 (1:39) Ra2+ (0:31) 70.Ke1 (0:01) Ra1+ (0:04) 71.Kd2 (0:05) Rf1 (0:11) 72.f3 (1:11) Rf2+ (0:33) 73.Ke1 (0:12) Rxf3 (0:06) 74.Rh4+ (0:01) Ke3 (0:05) 75.Rh1 (0:30) d2+ (0:15) 76.Kd1 (0:01) Rf2 (2:10) 77.Rh3+ (0:12) Kf4 (0:33) 78.Rh4+ (0:08) Kf3 (0:05) 79.Rh3+ (0:04) Kg4 (0:17) 80.Ra3 (1:54) Kf4 (0:24) 81.Rh3 (0:41) e3 (0:10) 82.Rh4+ (0:09) Kg3 (0:14) 83.Rd4 (0:30) Rf1+ (0:46) 84.Ke2 (0:02) d1=Q+ (0:10) 85.Rxd1 (0:10) Rxd1 (0:03) 86.Kxd1 (0:01) Kf2 (0:02) tseltzer resigns 0-1

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