royrogersc(1861) vs. lno(1967) *

standard 45+45, 2017-06-10

11...e5 (1:01) 12.dxe5 (0:14) dxe5 (0:05) 13.Qb3 (0:04)
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: i didn't expect white to take on e5
gubbengraa(2014) whispers: Wite seems to be going for a solid position
13...Be6 (2:41)
LNO(1967) whispers: itsa not only axel that has connection problems
14.Qc2 (0:35)
LNO(1967) whispers: this is soon becoming an urgent issue
gubbengraa(2014) whispers: Be6 looks strong
14...Rad8 (3:03) 15.Ne4 (0:09)
LNO(1967) whispers: he is playing very fast, but i dont belive for a moment that this is prep
axeltiger(2199) whispers: this could soon become very difficult for white
15...Nxe4 (2:39) 16.Qxe4 (0:02)
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: f5?
axeltiger(2199) whispers: possible
axeltiger(2199) whispers: but bf5 is also possible
axeltiger(2199) whispers: but in either case, white has misplayed this position
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: i like f5 because of e4 and d3 becomes weak
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: is de was mistake, i didn't expect such move in white's set up
LNO(1967) whispers: Bf5, Bd5 or f5?
16...Bf5 (4:12) 17.Qb4 (0:06)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: white has only spent time on the move 11.e3.
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: a5?
axeltiger(2199) whispers: that seems like an idea
axeltiger(2199) whispers: why was 11.e3 such a difficult decision in comparison with the other moves? I have no idea
17...a5 (1:52)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: white's time management in this game has been atrocious
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: may be he wanted to play something like london sistem?
18.Qb3 (0:56)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: but why g3 then? And why no Bf4?
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: i don't know, g3 after c3 looks strange for me
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: but i have never playd london sistem
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: i see perpetual
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: Be6
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: Qc2
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: Bf5
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: etc.
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: i think black has more than draw here
axeltiger(2199) whispers: there are ways for both players to deviate from that line in every move of the sequence though...
axeltiger(2199) whispers: and black is somewhat better here
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: why not perp.?
axeltiger(2199) whispers: because black is better
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: draw is a good result
axeltiger(2199) whispers: not for black
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: you do know how lars likes draws:)
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: ok
axeltiger(2199) whispers: at least not here
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: yes
18...Bf6 (6:46) 19.Rad1 (0:20)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: bf6 seemed weird since it allowed e4
axeltiger(2199) whispers: but apparently white isn't interested in playing that move anyway
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: is there bd3? and then e4?
axeltiger(2199) whispers: I think that white will be able to play e4 before black then
19...Kg7 (1:07)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: there was a line ...e4 Nd4 Bg4 though
20.Rd2 (0:15)
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: be6 e4 g5
20...Rxd2 (0:31)
LNO(1967) whispers: I am not wooried about the time yet
21.Nxd2 (0:25)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: I'm not sure that I understand what is going on in this game anymore
Nitreb(1355) whispers: No reason to go for a draw, B has a good position
axeltiger(2199) whispers: indeed
21...Be6 (1:49)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: but I don't feel like black is putting up much in the form of pressure
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: when You let me drawn? @ Axel
axeltiger(2199) whispers: when the position is a dead draw :)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: what else
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: :D
Nitreb(1355) whispers: Yes
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: Nitreb!
Nitreb(1355) whispers: Should take the file
Nitreb(1355) whispers: mc
axeltiger(2199) whispers: what is black's bishop doing on f6?
22.c4 (1:49)
LNO(1967) whispers: I am not taking the a pawn
LNO(1967) whispers: hmmm
axeltiger(2199) whispers: hmmm
axeltiger(2199) whispers: ok, I assume that black will remove his bishop from f6
axeltiger(2199) whispers: it's just in the way on f6, completely pointless
22...b5 (1:54)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: but the best place for that bishop would have been on g7
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: ouch
23.Qc2 (0:27)
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: Roy is in trouble
axeltiger(2199) whispers: and still blitzing...
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: yes
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: i told him already many times to slow down
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: even today before game
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: ;)
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: i told him
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: SLOW DOWN!!!
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: you did?
axeltiger(2199) whispers: well, then you will also have to slow down. Otherwise it would seem pretty weird coming from you ;)
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: yes
mcstorytaller(1742) whispers: :D
23...b4 (1:42) 24.b3 (0:13)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: oh man, black has to play Be7 just to get the bishop out of the way of the f-pawn
axeltiger(2199) whispers: so much time lost
24...Rd8 (1:53)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: why isn't he removing the bishop from f6?! It's an awful piece ever since it got there!
RoyRogersC lost connection; game adjourned *

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