royrogersc(1861) vs. lno(1967) *

standard 45+45, 2017-06-10

1...Nf6 (0:00) 2.c3 (0:44) g6 (0:06) 3.Nf3 (0:15) Bg7 (0:23) 4.g3 (0:23) O-O (0:05) 5.Bg2 (0:02) d6 (0:09) 6.O-O (0:03) Nbd7 (2:48) 7.Bg5 (0:17) h6 (0:52) 8.Bxf6 (0:44)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: black should consider the different possible captures on f6 here
gubbengraa(2014) whispers: I like this capture for black
8...Nxf6 (1:38)
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: hi all
axeltiger(2199) whispers: hello
gubbengraa(2014) whispers: but maybe i prefered to keep control on e5
axeltiger(2199) whispers: taking with the bishop could also be considered
9.Nbd2 (1:02)
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: is kid set up best in such positions? i mean may be it would be better to play d5 instead of d6?
axeltiger(2199) whispers: d5 setup seems reasonable as well
axeltiger(2199) whispers: but d6 enables black to play e5/c5, so I guess it's up to preference of the players
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: i like d5 cause it block a8-h1 diagonal
axeltiger(2199) whispers: yeah, and it fights for control over e4
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: personaly i always play kid set up but curent opening is hardly known for me and i would play d5
9...c6 (7:34) 10.Re1 (0:05) Qc7 (0:30)
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: what's the idea of c6 and qc7?
axeltiger(2199) whispers: probably to play ...e5 in the near future
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: butwould re8 be faster?
11.e3 (3:55) e5 (1:01)
axeltiger(2199) whispers: well, Qc7 also clears the d8 square
ascoliloko(1932) whispers: yes, but white is not going to play de
LNO(1967) whispers: I am not used to play vs this setup for white, but it doesnt seem to sharp.. lets hope that i can avoid blunders
RoyRogersC lost connection; game adjourned *

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