royrogersc(1885) vs. cayo(1895) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2017-05-09

9.e3 (2:34)
JoshuaR(1902) whispers: Go RoyRogersC!
9...Re8 (5:02) 10.Nh4 (1:13) Bd3 (0:58) 11.Bf1 (0:06) Bxf1 (0:04) 12.Rxf1 (0:02)
JoshPruett(1956) whispers: 2 josh's for roy :D
12...Qc7 (3:06) 13.Nhf3 (7:27) b5 (1:21) 14.a3 (3:38) c4 (2:36) 15.Re1 (1:29)
Hathkhola(1693) whispers: The idea is to play e4 at some point.
15...Ne4 (2:26) 16.Qc2 (3:12) f5 (0:35) 17.Nxe4 (0:05) fxe4 (2:18) 18.Nd2 (0:16) Rf8 (0:48) 19.Rf1 (0:19) Bg5 (2:24) 20.f4 (1:31) Be7 (0:41) 21.Rf2 (6:08) Nf6 (0:24) 22.Kg2 (1:03) Bd6 (1:22) 23.h3 (3:25) Qf7 (0:55) 24.Qd1 (1:14) Qg6 (0:33) 25.Nf1 (1:47) h5 (0:56) 26.Nh2 (0:09)
Valiantangel(1933) whispers: wow what a mess W is in!!!
Valiantangel(1933) whispers: another colle played badly g3 Bg2 was a waste of tempo just like yesterday
Valiantangel(1933) whispers: in booth game B develops fast n play direct..with c5
26...h4 (6:58)
Valiantangel(1933) whispers: how to get out of this mess?
Valiantangel(1933) whispers: u hav to look for b3..and organise a counter attack
Valiantangel(1933) whispers: other choice here
27.g4 (2:23) Nh5 (2:40) 28.Nf1 (1:21) Rf7 (1:04) 29.Kh2 (3:20) Nf6 (0:32) 30.Qe1 (0:19) Nxg4+ (3:36) 31.hxg4 (1:29) Qxg4 (0:03) 32.Rg2 (0:06) Qh5 (0:27) 33.Kh3 (0:14) Qf5+ (0:42) 34.Rg4 (0:22) Be7 (0:58) 35.Qe2 (1:07) g5 (4:15) 36.Kh2 (1:41)
DevFortyTwo(1510) whispers: let's take a vote on changing the rules to chess: Kxh4 should be allowed as the pawn is pinned!
36...Rg7 (0:36)
DevFortyTwo(1510) whispers: and now it's not. :p
37.Qg2 (0:20)
DevFortyTwo(1510) whispers: (granted I <<== me as in, not RRC, wouldn't probably try such a move and then end up getting his Q pinned! )
37...Bf6 (1:22) 38.Bd2 (0:45) Kf7 (0:09) 39.Re1 (1:09) Rag8 (0:25) 40.Qh3 (1:26) gxf4 (0:37) 41.Rxf4 (0:26)
DevFortyTwo(1510) whispers: uh-oh
DevFortyTwo(1510) whispers: Stockfish liked Rxg7+ better
41...Qg5 (1:12) 42.Ng3 (1:17)
DevFortyTwo(1510) whispers: SF, again, Qg6 was better. but why?
42...hxg3+ (1:03) 43.Kg2 (0:06) Rg6 (0:43) 44.Rh1 (1:30) Ke7 (3:07) 45.Qh7+ (0:36) R6g7 (0:24) 46.Qh5 (3:02) Qxh5 (1:50) 47.Rxh5 (0:12) Rg5 (0:24) 48.Rh7+ (3:18) R5g7 (0:26) 49.Rh3 (0:13) RoyRogersC offers a draw. cayo declines the draw request. 49...e5 (0:46) 50.Rf5 (0:39) Ke6 (0:06) 51.Rf1 (1:06) exd4 (0:06) 52.cxd4 (0:03) Be7 (1:41) 53.Be1 (0:51) Bd6 (0:14) 54.Rh6+ (0:10) Rg6 (0:17) 55.Rh7 (0:18) R8g7 (0:12) 56.Rh8 (0:02) Kd7 (1:37) 57.Ra8 (0:35) Kc6 (0:06) 58.Rc8+ (0:21) Kb7 (0:07) 59.Rd8 (0:05) Rh7 (0:19) 60.Rf5 (0:52) Rh2+ (2:44) 61.Kg1 (0:06)
Twikki(2092) whispers: g2 looks very matey
gentsquash(1665) whispers: Ay, matey!
61...Rgh6 (4:19)
Twikki(2092) whispers: well that's a blunder
62.Kf1 (1:23)
Twikki(2092) whispers: Rxd6 and white had drawing chances
62...g2+ (1:27) 63.Kg1 (0:28) Rh1+ (0:04) 64.Kxg2 (0:01) R6h2# (0:03) RoyRogersC checkmated 0-1

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