royrogersc(1916) vs. nokiatwenty(2093) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2017-01-29

31...Bc5 (4:54)
Jammes(1779) whispers: kf2 doesnt help because bg4 re2 doesnt help because of bg4 there is a move that helps a bit but thats only engine
Jammes(1779) whispers: to me it looks completly hopeless for white
NokiaTwenty(2093) whispers: I do not know if I can defend (hold) it
NokiaTwenty(2093) whispers: but I will be defending hard
32.Kf1 (12:41)
Jammes(1779) whispers: wtf is wrong with nokia?
Jammes(1779) whispers: his position looks much superior
32...Bh3+ (0:33) 33.Kf2 (0:20) Bg4 (0:23) 34.Qd5 (0:29) Bxe3+ (0:05) 35.Kg2 (0:35) Bh3+ (3:35) 36.Kh1 (0:32)
Psycho(1958) whispers: thought 36. Qg6 was interesting, not sure how you continue after nokias try
Jammes(1779) whispers: looks like the endgame qxe5 is the best for black here any other move would allow re2
Jammes(1779) whispers: i had the feeling there was a faster path to victory somewhere. the endgame might not be that simple
36...Bf5 (6:17)
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok this is better than qxd5
37.Qxe6 (2:49) Rxe6 (0:00) 38.Rd8+ (0:08) Kg7 (0:03) 39.Kg2 (0:14) gxf4 (5:52) 40.gxf4 (0:27) Bxf4 (0:43) 41.Rf1 (2:44)
Psycho(1958) whispers: rg6+ seems good
Psycho(1958) whispers: looks like the h2 pawn drops
uber(1931) whispers: crafty agrees :)
41...Be4+ (8:39)
uber(1931) whispers: black is winning big time
uber(1931) whispers: white has 3 options here... hmmmm
uber(1931) whispers: oh wait! 4 options
uber(1931) whispers: he can interpose with his rook, but that would prolly be very bad
Psycho(1958) whispers: kh3 seems the only move that doesnt risk an exchange
Psycho(1958) whispers: or loss of pawn
42.Kh3 (4:10)
uber(1931) whispers: 42. Kg1 Rg6+ 43. Kf2 (Only move and the h pawn falls.)
42...Bf5+ (1:37)
uber(1931) whispers: 42. ... Bf5+ 43.
uber(1931) whispers: yeah that was my guess...
Psycho(1958) whispers: well kg1 simply be3+ and rook for bishop exchage looms
43.Kg2 (0:37) Bg5 (0:09)
uber(1931) whispers: seems like black is happy to just move around here
44.Rd4 (1:27)
Psycho(1958) whispers: well its tricky to find a good home for that rook looks of nasty surprise forks
uber(1931) whispers: roy has a lot of time, but it will be hard to win this...
uber(1931) whispers: yeah those bishops are deadly with an exposed king
uber(1931) whispers: nokia might ruin it for himself because of his lack of time
44...Kg6 (1:52)
uber(1931) whispers: h4 looks decent for white here
45.Kg3 (2:12)
uber(1931) whispers: hmm maybe not
Jammes(1779) whispers: i didn t see anything special h4 would ve achieved
45...Be7 (2:25) 46.Ra4 (1:39) a5 (0:58) 47.Rd4 (0:48) h5 (0:38) 48.Rd5 (3:28) Bg4 (0:40) 49.Rd2 (1:01)
uber(1931) whispers: right about now, i would be moving and analysing on my opponents turn
49...Kg5 (2:02)
Psycho(1958) whispers: can white snatch f7?
uber(1931) whispers: i dont see why not
50.Rd5+ (3:11)
uber(1931) whispers: you would have to check both checks first i suppose (Re3+ & Bd6+)
50...f5 (0:14) 51.h4+ (0:14)
uber(1931) whispers: personally, i think white shouldn't try forcing moves, it makes the replies easier for black to figure out
51...Kg6 (0:16)
uber(1931) whispers: now black has a solid position
52.Rd3 (0:22) Be2 (1:16)
uber(1931) whispers: yeah that's got to be over now
53.Rff3 (0:25)
uber(1931) whispers: should be very easy for black to win from this postion even being low on time
53...Bxf3 (0:27) 54.Rxf3 (0:03) Re2 (0:14) 55.b4 (0:44) Bd6+ (0:10)
Psycho(1958) whispers: losing material again or mate
56.Rf4 (0:19) Re3+ (0:05) 57.Kf2 (0:03) Bxf4 (0:00) 58.bxa5 (0:02) bxa5 (0:01) 59.c4 (0:01) Kf6 (0:05) 60.c5 (0:01) Ke6 (0:01) 61.c6 (0:01) Rc3 (0:04) 62.c7 (0:01) Rxc7 (0:03) 63.a4 (0:02) Rc3 (0:02) 64.Kg2 (0:02) Ke5 (0:05) 65.Kh1 (0:10) Ke4 (0:00) 66.Kg2 (0:01) Rc2+ (0:02) 67.Kh1 (0:01) Kf3 (0:02) 68.Kg1 (0:01) Rc1# (0:00) RoyRogersC checkmated 0-1

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