schachbjm(2341) vs. royrogersc(1881) *

standard 45+45, 2016-11-26

schachbjm(2341) whispers: hi there! Enjoy the game
1.e4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.exd5 (0:00) Qxd5 (0:02) 3.Nf3 (0:00) Qd8 (0:01)
Pawnshop(1822) whispers: bit of a rating discrepancy
schachbjm(2341) whispers: In the Nf3 line, black usually do not retreat to d8
Pawnshop(1822) whispers: bl
schachbjm(2341) whispers: Bg4 Be2 is the main continuation
4.d4 (0:45) Nf6 (0:40) 5.c4 (0:05) c6 (0:02)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: he goes for the usual caro-kann setup, however giving me the c4 d4 structure without developement and O-O-O seems to be wrong
6.Nc3 (0:53) g6 (0:03) 7.Bf4 (0:17)
JoshuaR(1872) whispers: competition vs WCC!
7...Bg7 (0:27) 8.Qd2 (0:35) Bg4 (0:29)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: Ne5 or Be2 here, both typical sacndi moves
9.Be2 (0:50) O-O (0:03) 10.O-O (2:31)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: Rd1 Re1 next
10...Nbd7 (0:26) 11.Rfe1 (0:09) e6 (0:06) 12.Rad1 (0:03) Qb6 (0:03)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: h3 and Ne5 are my candidates here, neither b2 nor d4 are under heavy pressure by now
13.Ne5 (7:29) Bxe2 (0:23) 14.Qxe2 (0:00) Rad8 (0:12) 15.c5 (6:29)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: queen is close to be trapped
schachbjm(2341) whispers: Qc7 would be a nasty blunder here, due to Nxg6!
15...Qa5 (0:44) 16.Nc4 (0:02) Qa6 (0:14) 17.b4 (0:01) Nd5 (0:13)
zitterbart(1985) whispers: cannot see a real followup after Qa6
18.Nxd5 (0:43) cxd5 (0:39) 19.Nd6 (0:01) Qxe2 (0:14) 20.Rxe2 (0:00)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: he just blitzed into a bad endgame
Jammes(1779) whispers: not sure exd was a wise decision that qs is dangeorus for black
zitterbart(1985) whispers: but the position looks very promising for white
20...Rb8 (0:53) 21.a4 (0:02) a6 (0:33) 22.b5 (1:33) axb5 (0:13) 23.axb5 (0:00)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: c6 is a threat here
JoshuaR(1872) whispers: love the psychology of premove
schachbjm(2341) whispers: Ra8 generating couterplay and exploiting that my backrank is weak?
23...e5 (3:35) 24.Bxe5 (1:57) Bxe5 (0:08) 25.dxe5 (0:00) Nxc5 (0:03) 26.Rxd5 (0:01) Na4 (0:16)
schachbjm(2341) whispers: giving me an extra pawn in the endgame delivers me good winning chances without risk
27.Rc2 (1:10) RoyRogersC lost connection; game adjourned *

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