xivarmy(1976) vs. nraravind(2107) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2016-11-21

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:03) d5 (0:02) 3.e5 (0:03) Bf5 (0:02) 4.h4 (0:13) h5 (0:03) 5.Bg5 (0:06) Qb6 (1:28)
nraravind(2107) whispers: woof!
6.Bd3 (0:16)
nraravind(2107) whispers: Every time I play the Caro, I've played Qb6 invariably...
nraravind(2107) whispers: Do I grab a pawn here or not?
nraravind(2107) whispers: Might be dangerous.
nraravind(2107) whispers: Qxb2 now or is there a trap?
xivarmy(1976) whispers: well i guess he didn't prep for this entirely too predictable aline of mine ;) i really need to take up a second white caro advance line sometime
6...Bxd3 (5:44) 7.Qxd3 (0:04) e6 (0:26) 8.Nd2 (0:33)
blore(1949) whispers: woof...go aravind!!
blore(1949) whispers: i guess black wanted to avoid Qxb2 e6 but not sure why!
8...Nd7 (2:20)
blore(1949) whispers: Qxb2 e6 Qxa1 exf7+ Kxf7 and what exactly is white going to achieve
blore(1949) whispers: it was a bluff and sadly black did not call it
nraravind(2107) whispers: c5 is worth considering perhaps that was an alternative to Nd7.
blore(1949) whispers: we would have been a clear pawn ahead as Qc3 was forced then Qxc3+ Nxc3 e6
blore(1949) whispers: unnecessarily missed chance winning a pawn with queen exchange clear plus for black
9.Ngf3 (1:31)
blore(1949) whispers: a really big plus that and if white had spurned the Qc3 option then it was even worse
nraravind(2107) whispers: A surprise, I thought Nh3-f4 attacking e6 but W must be castling k-side after all.
blore(1949) whispers: you missed a simple win of a pawn and the game would have been nearly decided in your favour aravind! You fell for his bluff or rather it was not even a bluff as he had to recapture the bishop on d3...so the mistake was even earlier
blore(1949) whispers: while b2 pawn is poisoned in the standard poisoned pawn variation and others here it was a pure and simple pawn blunder though the seeds of the blunder were clearly sown a few moves earlier as recapturing the bishop could not have been a mistake
blore(1949) whispers: undue fear of the pawn and too much respect for the bluff line beginning e6
9...c5 (5:13)
nraravind(2107) whispers: Couldn't see any other reasonable moves: eg: Ne7 0-0 Ng6 was an alternative but gives time to W.
nraravind(2107) whispers: Or Rc8 0-0 and again I need time to develop my N and B on K-side.
10.c4 (3:30)
blore(1949) whispers: off now...back later :(
10...cxd4 (4:26)
xivarmy(1976) whispers: now can i play cxd5 immediately or do i have to fix that loose Ra1 first so that Qxb2-Qc3 isn't a problem
nraravind(2107) whispers: Surely cxd5 is the move here...
xivarmy(1976) whispers: cxd5 Qxb2 o-o Qc3 Qxc3 dxc3 dxe6 fxe6 doesn't look too promising
xivarmy(1976) whispers: maybe simply cxd5 Qxb2 o-o Qc3 Qe4 and let him enjoy his development headaches with the center open
11.cxd5 (5:37)
xivarmy(1976) whispers: on exd5 e6 is interesting - Qxe6+ Kf1 Be7 Re1 and where does the Q go
xivarmy(1976) whispers: i guess Qa6
DarkoChess(1704) whispers: why nraravin did not take 7. qxb2?
DarkoChess(1704) whispers: 7. ... Qxb2 8. Qb3 Qxb3 9. axb3 e6
nraravind(2107) whispers: taking on 5 opens myself to the threat of e6 after 0-0..
11...Bb4 (13:32)
nraravind(2107) whispers: Bc5 is also not very convincing hm I should look at this position again.
nraravind(2107) whispers: Maybe exd5 0-0 Ne7 was possible?!
nraravind(2107) whispers: But then Nc4 and Nd6+
nraravind(2107) whispers: oh not really
12.dxe6 (2:45) Qxe6 (0:10)
DarkoChess(1704) whispers: black looks some like undevelop good enough ...
13.O-O (0:43) Ne7 (3:17)
milpat(1924) whispers: why allow Nxd4?
14.Nxd4 (1:33) Qd5 (3:29)
xivarmy(1976) whispers: option 1: i'm now up a pawn, fix my pinned knight/hanging queen and let him castle out of trouble planning to win the endgame
xivarmy(1976) whispers: option 2: e6 with Bxe7 either before or after fxe6 and hope i'm not missing a counterpunch revolving around my pinned knight
15.N2f3 (6:02)
nraravind(2107) whispers: In hindsight I think 9...Ne7 was the better move and B shouldn't open the position with a move like c5.
15...O-O (2:06)
nraravind(2107) whispers: Hi alex!
16.a3 (1:13) Bc5 (0:34)
nraravind(2107) whispers: Now b4 Bxd4
alexmontes(2027) whispers: woof woof!
alexmontes(2027) whispers: watching for a while before going to work...
xivarmy(1976) whispers: b5 almost works... Nxe5 is annoying though - Nxe5 Nxe5 Bxd4 is a mess
milpat(1924) whispers: Re1
xivarmy(1976) whispers: Bxe7 then to pin the bishop Qxe5 to unpin it. one of the rooks to e1 with tempo and pick up f8 maybe
milpat(1924) whispers: bring forces
17.b4 (4:34)
nraravind(2107) whispers: Let's see.
nraravind(2107) whispers: Bxd4 Rad1
nraravind(2107) whispers: Then Nc6 seems to work.
17...Bxd4 (3:11) 18.Bxe7 (0:11)
nraravind(2107) whispers: a surprise indeed!
alexmontes(2027) whispers: isn't this dropping the queen?
nraravind(2107) whispers: Bxf2+ Rxf2 Qxd3 Bxf8 Nxf8
nraravind(2107) whispers: He has 2 rooks and 2 pieces
xivarmy(1976) whispers: oops Bxf2+ here is very bloody - missed that
nraravind(2107) whispers: I have a Queen a rook and a piece
blore(1949) whispers: woof
nraravind(2107) whispers: that is a queen for rook and piece
alexmontes(2027) whispers: woof!
xivarmy(1976) whispers: well in for it now :p Bxf2+ Rxf2 Qxd3 Bxf8 Rxf8 and i think black is better but i have hope
nraravind(2107) whispers: I have no other alternative and it is better than my position a couple of moves ago.
blore(1949) whispers: yes he is planning Bxf2+ and Qxd3 now?!
18...Bxf2+ (2:08)
alexmontes(2027) whispers: it looks queen for rook
blore(1949) whispers: Bxf8 Nxf8 stabilises control over e6 preventing the thrust e5-e6
19.Rxf2 (0:32) Qxd3 (0:03) 20.Bxf8 (0:29)
blore(1949) whispers: not getting the despondand tone...it is a perfectly live position with chances for both sides and in fact if white does not achieve quick coordination there are other problems
blore(1949) whispers: example a3 is weak and now the moe is Nxf8
20...Rxf8 (1:12)
nraravind(2107) whispers: Rd2 doesn't work.
nraravind(2107) whispers: A check in need is a friend indeed.
21.Rd2 (1:15)
nraravind(2107) whispers: e3 or c3?
milpat(1924) whispers: e3 threats Nxe5
21...Qc3 (2:14)
nraravind(2107) whispers: The idea being Qe3+ forces the king to move.
22.Re1 (0:19)
nraravind(2107) whispers: ok wrong idea :)
22...Nb6 (1:15)
nraravind(2107) whispers: could have played Qe3+ and Nxd4 but being piece up if Re1 was actually unclear.
23.Red1 (0:50) Qxa3 (0:36) 24.b5 (0:47) Qc5+ (0:58) 25.Kh1 (0:06) Qxb5 (0:03)
blore(1949) whispers: this looks neat queen for rook!
blore(1949) whispers: i stepped away briefly now and back to see a winning position
blore(1949) whispers: oh he was wrong to say queen for piece and rook and i went with that it was really queen for rook
26.Ra1 (2:14)
blore(1949) whispers: it seems an idea at some point to return the queen for a rook and win the endgamme but no reason to do that unless cornered since the option is always there better retain the material advantage and apply pressure and give it if needed
xivarmy(1976) whispers: so about that hope i mentioned - it appears to be rather slim - thoose QS pawns were awfully flimsy
blore(1949) whispers: i suppose the simple move here is a6 but Nc8 is even better
26...Nc4 (2:27)
blore(1949) whispers: aravind was close to winning a pawn early in the game but he has gone way beyond that miss now! it is nearly over
blore(1949) whispers: Re2 a6 then Re8 etc and it is not possible to defend for long
xivarmy(1976) whispers: also doesn't help that i count poorly - not my night - thought i had an extra minor in my head til just now when i looked away and back...
nraravind(2107) whispers: How to simplify?
blore(1949) whispers: you are hitting e5 twice so protect a7 by moving it to a6 then Re8 and you go...and suddenly after tusshing the QS passers just throw queen for rook and done!
nraravind(2107) whispers: One way is R2-a7 Nxe5 Ra5 Qxa5
27.Rdd1 (4:11)
blore(1949) whispers: this is simple just grab e5 with knight
27...a6 (1:31) 28.Rab1 (0:33) Qc6 (0:20)
blore(1949) whispers: Qa4 was better!
blore(1949) whispers: now is the annoying Nd4 of course replied by Qe4
blore(1949) whispers: everything wins and no hurry because with every passing move the pressure is more on white than black so no need to hurry just slowly improve the pieces and win or wait for a howler from white on the way
29.Nd4 (1:08) Qe4 (0:06)
blore(1949) whispers: next move Ne3 attacks rook and threatens mate so it gets some thing
30.Nf3 (1:21) b5 (0:30) 31.Re1 (0:20) Qg4 (0:10) 32.Rbd1 (0:12) Re8 (0:15) 33.Rd4 (0:09)
blore(1949) whispers: well i think this is virtually over
blore(1949) whispers: i might even go Rxe5 here!!
33...Qf5 (0:38)
blore(1949) whispers: sure shot way of simplifying in alll lines that was
34.Rde4 (0:42)
blore(1949) whispers: Re6
blore(1949) whispers: Re6 followed by f6 is idea!
blore(1949) whispers: and if Nd4 then of course still fine Qf2 Nxe6 fxe6 and the queen and knight will swamp the two rooks
blore(1949) whispers: for example after Nd2 R4e2 Qxh4+ etc
34...Qc8 (3:26)
blore(1949) whispers: hmm aravind seems to be following the principle of keeping it together till white goes mad...not trying to rush things
35.Rf4 (1:33)
blore(1949) whispers: take on e5 now!!!
35...a5 (0:15)
blore(1949) whispers: there is Qc1 check
blore(1949) whispers: god! Nxe5 Nxe5 Rxe5 Qc1+ and one of the rooks drops
nraravind(2107) whispers: Nxe5 was simplifying perhaps even now..
blore(1949) whispers: and Nxe5 Rfe4 is answered by f6 so there was a chance to simplify winning one more pawn
36.Rc1 (1:29)
blore(1949) whispers: simply a4-a3
36...Qb8 (0:22)
blore(1949) whispers: well!
37.Re4 (0:25)
blore(1949) whispers: well if not simplify at least rush forward! a5-a4-a3
37...Nxe5 (0:46) 38.Rce1 (0:06) f6 (0:02) 39.Nd4 (0:02)
blore(1949) whispers: ah! finally the e5gone and f6 in
39...b4 (0:50)
blore(1949) whispers: Qb7 prevents the knight and then b5-b4
blore(1949) whispers: okay!!
40.Nc6 (0:15)
blore(1949) whispers: Qc7
40...Qb5 (0:06)
blore(1949) whispers: Nxe5 Qxe5!!!
41.Nd4 (0:10) Qd5 (0:10) 42.Nf5 (0:22)
blore(1949) whispers: next i suppose Rb8 then a4 a3
blore(1949) whispers: no!! trhere is fork dont move rook
42...b3 (0:28) 43.Rd4 (0:05)
blore(1949) whispers: of course Rd8 and still winning with exchange down
43...Qc5 (0:28)
blore(1949) whispers: !
xivarmy(1976) whispers: bah, enough of this, out of random thoughts
xivarmy resigns 0-1

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