cytrus(2082) vs. valiantangel(1912) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2016-04-22
1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:14) d5 (0:12) 3.Nd2 (1:31) dxe4 (0:06) 4.Nxe4 (0:02) Nd7 (0:03) 5.Bd3 (0:20) Ngf6 (0:11) 6.Ne2 (0:55) Nxe4 (0:18) 7.Bxe4 (0:03) Nf6 (0:02) 8.Bf3 (0:11) Bf5 (0:06) 9.O-O (0:32) e6 (0:04) 10.Bf4 (0:17) Bd6 (0:05) 11.c3 (0:29) O-O (0:13) 12.Qb3 (1:59) Rb8 (0:44) 13.Rad1 (0:47) Qc7 (0:16) 14.Bxd6 (0:35) Qxd6 (0:11) 15.h4 (0:25) h6 (0:03) 16.Ng3 (1:13) Bg4 (0:13) 17.c4 (1:37) Bxf3 (0:22) 18.Qxf3 (0:02) b5 (0:19) 19.b3 (6:01) bxc4 (2:21) 20.bxc4 (0:06) Rb2 (0:03) 21.a3 (0:10) Rfb8 (0:12) 22.Rd3 (1:02)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: commentary?! 22...Rc2 (1:05) 23.Rc3 (0:09)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: c'mon ppl. help the noobs like me!!! while your at it... popcorn! peanuts! nachos! 23...Rd2 (0:26)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: you're*
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: go go cytrus
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: why isn't watchbot on this?!
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: maybe one of them didnt set the vars correctly
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: does TeamLeague(TD) record the game / comments like watchbot does?
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: yes i think so
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: it has to show it on the site
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: so, I 'could' say, STC-Australia rules!
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Teamleague bot records the game
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: watchbot records games and comments 24.Rd3 (3:56)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: bummer. ;) 24...Rbb2 (1:19)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: apparently valiantangel is playing using his phone/tab
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: 2 rooks on the 2nd
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: i'm surprised by ppl playing on their phones.
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: maybe it's a big phone with good internet.
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: hehe
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: for the record though unlikely mobialia does have a web version so he could just be using their sw on a desktop! 25.Rd1 (2:13)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: ohh giving up f2 pawn ?
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: i saw that!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: *ahem* I mean to say, prey tell, I do believe he just lost a pawn.
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: actually... is it worth it?
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: if the QxR and RxQ then KxR it's 2 R's for a Q+p
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: is that worth it?
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: 25 moves and he has > 45 min on the clock! wow!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: let's get ready to rummmmmmmbbllllllllllle
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: ok, maybe it was a good phone w/ a large screen... but internet not so good.
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: :)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: :)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: can a Q take on 2 R's? but if it went the way I thought, wouldn't he get the N too?
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: cant tell now
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: black will be needing pawns if he gives up rooks 25...Rxd3 (8:42) 26.Qxd3 (0:17) Qf4 (0:07)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: so black gets the hpawn somehow
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: if Qe3 then Qxh4
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: followed by Ng4 27.Ne2 (2:51) Qxh4 (0:55) 28.g3 (0:06)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: still no watchbot
zitterbart(1885) whispers: looks pretty good for black
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: yes 28...Qg4 (4:11) 29.Nf4 (1:31)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: expecting Ne4 now by black
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: forcing Rf1
zitterbart(1885) whispers: Ne4 seems possible, but not sure what the exact line is 29...Ne4 (1:15)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: how is that possible?!
zitterbart(1885) whispers: QxN QxR+
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: ah. ty. yeah. gots a long way to go.
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: diversion cheeko 30.Rf1 (0:55) Nd2 (0:04) 31.Qc3 (0:52)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: nice
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: + then save R?
zitterbart(1885) whispers: i am not sure the knight can get out of attack in time after Nf3+ Kg2
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ra2 Rc1 g5 Ng2 Nf3+ perhaps
zitterbart(1885) whispers: but not sure winning the knight is not killing white either
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: looks kind of winning to me
zitterbart(1885) whispers: Ra2 seems better than Nf3+
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: so Nf3+ doesn't work because Kg2 attacks f3 a 2nd time!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: guys you gotta go slow with the moves. ;)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: and elaborate. :p
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ra2 Rc1 g5 Ng2 Nf3+ (if Kh1 then Qh3#) Kf1 Qh3 QxN Qh1# ?
zitterbart(1885) whispers: yes but then you have Nh4+ maybe, i did not calculate the exact outcome 31...Nxf1 (6:05) 32.Qxb2 (0:17) Qd1 (0:03)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: wooohooo!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: game on!
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: lol
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: white might have escaped 33.Kg2 (0:41) Nd2 (0:04)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Qc3
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: otherwise black grabs more pawns
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: Qc3 Qf1+
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: yes
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: mate
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: no
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: ... Qxf2 34.Qc3 (1:38) Qf1+ (0:09) 35.Kh2 (0:02) Qxf2+ (0:06) 36.Kh3 (0:03)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Nf1 looks like murder
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Nf1 Ng2 Qf5+
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: why not h5? 36...Ne4 (2:34)
zitterbart(1885) whispers: recently there was a photo of him knocking on obama's window like in the good old days on tv
zitterbart(1885) whispers: sorry mistell 37.Qd3 (2:02)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ng2 Ng5+
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Kh2
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: ohh
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ng5+ Kh4
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: well stockfish didn't ever pick 36. ... g5*
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: but if i force it to.... 37...Qxf4 (2:41) cytrus resigns 0-1
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: commentary?! 22...Rc2 (1:05) 23.Rc3 (0:09)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: c'mon ppl. help the noobs like me!!! while your at it... popcorn! peanuts! nachos! 23...Rd2 (0:26)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: you're*
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: go go cytrus
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: why isn't watchbot on this?!
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: maybe one of them didnt set the vars correctly
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: does TeamLeague(TD) record the game / comments like watchbot does?
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: yes i think so
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: it has to show it on the site
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: so, I 'could' say, STC-Australia rules!
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Teamleague bot records the game
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: watchbot records games and comments 24.Rd3 (3:56)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: bummer. ;) 24...Rbb2 (1:19)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: apparently valiantangel is playing using his phone/tab
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: 2 rooks on the 2nd
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: i'm surprised by ppl playing on their phones.
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: maybe it's a big phone with good internet.
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: hehe
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: for the record though unlikely mobialia does have a web version so he could just be using their sw on a desktop! 25.Rd1 (2:13)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: ohh giving up f2 pawn ?
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: i saw that!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: *ahem* I mean to say, prey tell, I do believe he just lost a pawn.
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: actually... is it worth it?
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: if the QxR and RxQ then KxR it's 2 R's for a Q+p
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: is that worth it?
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: 25 moves and he has > 45 min on the clock! wow!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: let's get ready to rummmmmmmbbllllllllllle
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: ok, maybe it was a good phone w/ a large screen... but internet not so good.
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: :)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: :)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: can a Q take on 2 R's? but if it went the way I thought, wouldn't he get the N too?
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: cant tell now
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: black will be needing pawns if he gives up rooks 25...Rxd3 (8:42) 26.Qxd3 (0:17) Qf4 (0:07)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: so black gets the hpawn somehow
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: if Qe3 then Qxh4
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: followed by Ng4 27.Ne2 (2:51) Qxh4 (0:55) 28.g3 (0:06)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: still no watchbot
zitterbart(1885) whispers: looks pretty good for black
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: yes 28...Qg4 (4:11) 29.Nf4 (1:31)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: expecting Ne4 now by black
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: forcing Rf1
zitterbart(1885) whispers: Ne4 seems possible, but not sure what the exact line is 29...Ne4 (1:15)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: how is that possible?!
zitterbart(1885) whispers: QxN QxR+
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: ah. ty. yeah. gots a long way to go.
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: diversion cheeko 30.Rf1 (0:55) Nd2 (0:04) 31.Qc3 (0:52)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: nice
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: + then save R?
zitterbart(1885) whispers: i am not sure the knight can get out of attack in time after Nf3+ Kg2
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ra2 Rc1 g5 Ng2 Nf3+ perhaps
zitterbart(1885) whispers: but not sure winning the knight is not killing white either
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: looks kind of winning to me
zitterbart(1885) whispers: Ra2 seems better than Nf3+
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: so Nf3+ doesn't work because Kg2 attacks f3 a 2nd time!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: guys you gotta go slow with the moves. ;)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: and elaborate. :p
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ra2 Rc1 g5 Ng2 Nf3+ (if Kh1 then Qh3#) Kf1 Qh3 QxN Qh1# ?
zitterbart(1885) whispers: yes but then you have Nh4+ maybe, i did not calculate the exact outcome 31...Nxf1 (6:05) 32.Qxb2 (0:17) Qd1 (0:03)
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: wooohooo!
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: game on!
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: lol
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: white might have escaped 33.Kg2 (0:41) Nd2 (0:04)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Qc3
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: otherwise black grabs more pawns
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: Qc3 Qf1+
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: yes
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: mate
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: no
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: ... Qxf2 34.Qc3 (1:38) Qf1+ (0:09) 35.Kh2 (0:02) Qxf2+ (0:06) 36.Kh3 (0:03)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Nf1 looks like murder
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Nf1 Ng2 Qf5+
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: why not h5? 36...Ne4 (2:34)
zitterbart(1885) whispers: recently there was a photo of him knocking on obama's window like in the good old days on tv
zitterbart(1885) whispers: sorry mistell 37.Qd3 (2:02)
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ng2 Ng5+
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Kh2
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: ohh
pingupenguin(2050) whispers: Ng5+ Kh4
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: well stockfish didn't ever pick 36. ... g5*
DevFortyTwo(1326) whispers: but if i force it to.... 37...Qxf4 (2:41) cytrus resigns 0-1