immiron(2511) vs. fmdolana(2346) *

standard 120+0, 2016-04-10

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03) e6 (0:03) 3.Nc3 (0:04) Bb4 (0:05) 4.Qc2 (0:03) d5 (0:04) 5.cxd5 (0:04) Qxd5 (0:03) 6.Nf3 (0:04) Qf5 (0:03) 7.Qxf5 (0:03) exf5 (0:03) 8.a3 (0:03) Be7 (0:04) 9.Bf4 (0:04) c6 (0:02) 10.h3 (0:04) Nbd7 (0:03) 11.e3 (0:03) Nb6 (0:02) 12.Bd3 (0:03) Be6 (3:18) 13.Ke2 (5:38) a5 (5:34) 14.Rhc1 (6:44) O-O (3:22) 15.Bc7 (7:51) Nfd7 (19:02) 16.Nd2 (5:40) Rfc8 (2:16) 17.Bh2 (0:03) a4 (6:43) 18.Rc2 (14:45) g6 (5:38) 19.Rac1 (0:02) h5 (2:15) 20.Ke1 (5:39) Nf6 (9:00) 21.Ne2 (2:13) Nfd5 (0:03) 22.Nf4 (4:29) Nxf4 (5:35) 23.Bxf4 (0:02) Re8 (2:14) 24.Bc7 (1:07) Nd5 (0:02) 25.Bh2 (0:04) Nb6 (1:00) 26.Kf1 (1:07) Rac8 (3:21) 27.Be5 (8:59) Red8 (4:31) 28.Ke2 (1:09) Rd7 (2:09) (28...Rd7 (2:09) (28...Rd7 (2:09) 29.Bh2 (1:03) Rdd8 (4:27) 30.Bg3 (3:14) Bd5 (1:07) IMMiron requests to take back 4 half move(s).) 29.Nf3 (0:00) Bd5 (0:03) 30.Rd2 (0:03) IMMiron requests to take back 3 half move(s). (30.Rd2 (0:03) 30...Rdd8 (0:03) 31.Bg3 (0:03) IMMiron requests to take back 2 half move(s).)) 29.Bh2 (0:00) Rdd8 (0:03) 30.Bg3 (0:03) Bd5 (0:04) 31.Nf3 (0:03) Bb3 (0:50) 32.Rd2 (0:04) Bd5 (0:04) 33.Kf1 (0:04) Bb3 (0:53) 34.Be2 (2:08) Kf8 (2:09) 35.Ke1 (3:13) Ke8 (0:03) 36.Bh4 (0:04) Bxh4 (2:02) 37.Nxh4 (0:05) Ke7 (0:03) 38.Nf3 (0:03) Ke6 (0:04) 39.Ne5 (4:01) Ra8 (1:04) 40.Nd3 (1:04) Nd7 (1:05) 41.Bd1 (13:40) Bxd1 (1:03) 42.Rdxd1 (1:03) Kd6 (3:09) 43.Rd2 (4:11) Ra5 (1:03) 44.Rc4 (1:02) Kc7 (1:03) 45.Nb4 (1:02) Nb6 (3:07) 46.Rc1 (1:04) Kd6 (0:03) 47.Ke2 (0:04) Ke6 (1:58) 48.Rdc2 (2:06) Nd7 (1:02) 49.Rc4 (1:02) Rda8 (1:03) 50.Nd3 (1:01) Rb5 (1:03) 51.R4c2 (2:04) Rd8 (1:01) 52.Nb4 (2:06) Kd6 (0:03) 53.Rd1 (1:01) Re8 (1:02) 54.Kf3 (1:00) Ra8 (2:03) 55.Rc4 (2:05) Rd8 (0:03) 56.Rd2 (1:00) Ra8 (0:03) 57.Ke2 (1:59) Ke7 (0:03) 58.f3 (5:09) Raa5 (0:03) IMMiron lost connection; game adjourned *

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