xivarmy(1980) vs. ajoatamon(2149) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2015-11-09

1.e4 (0:00) g6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:06) Bg7 (0:07)
ajoatamon(2149) whispers: Hepefully he isn't expecting a Modern Defense
3.Nc3 (0:24) d6 (0:24) 4.Bc4 (0:14) Nf6 (1:24) 5.f3 (0:58) c6 (4:07) 6.Be3 (3:43) b5 (0:34) 7.Bb3 (1:19) O-O (3:09) 8.Qd2 (1:37) a5 (2:23) 9.a4 (1:38) b4 (0:11) 10.Nce2 (0:31) Qc7 (7:27) 11.c4 (1:37) bxc3 (3:22) 12.bxc3 (1:17) Na6 (0:11)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nf4
13.Bh6 (4:25) Rb8 (9:10) 14.Bxg7 (1:02) Kxg7 (0:04)
LJMon(1848) whispers: all that work to trade off a piece that has no scope
LJMon(1848) whispers: Be6
milpat(2057) whispers: trade the Bg7...is more important than develop and put K safe!?
LJMon(1848) whispers: normally but this isnt the same
15.Bc4 (2:15)
milpat(2057) whispers: black is ready to explose the center
15...d5 (3:35) 16.Bxa6 (0:44) Bxa6 (0:05) 17.e5 (0:03)
LJMon(1848) whispers: thats twice
17...Nd7 (0:04) 18.h4 (0:18)
milpat(2057) whispers: c5?
milpat(2057) whispers: or double on b
18...Qb7 (3:05) 19.Rc1 (0:48) Nb6 (0:09) 20.h5 (0:35) Nc4 (0:07) 21.Qf4 (0:41) Nb2 (4:11)
ajoatamon(2149) whispers: family check threatened. :)
ajoatamon(2149) whispers: Threat to check Papa Bear, Momma Bear and Baby Bear. :)
LJMon(1848) whispers: ignore it
22.Qh4 (2:50) Nd3+ (0:26) 23.Kf1 (0:29) Nxc1 (0:25) 24.hxg6 (0:04) h5 (0:01) 25.gxf7 (1:02)
xivarmy(1980) whispers: well the good news is i'm not the only one lost in thought over this. i'm still not sure this is remotely sound but i'd missed the Nb2 shot and this seemed the only reasonable continuation thereafter
ajoatamon(2149) whispers: I thought I was safe here. Maybe not so much now that I look
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: seems like there might be a perpetual
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: Nxe2 Qg5+ Kxf7 Qxh5+ Ke6 Qg4+ Rf5 Rh6+ even mates
Twikki(2039) whispers: qb1 looks simple enough
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: no it doesn't...Kd7 there might just escape
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: still it would give white all his material back and more
25...Qb1 (10:43) 26.Kf2 (4:24)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: ah yes, Q from b1 defends on crucials squares
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: so black is fine
26...Nxe2 (0:38)
LJMon(1848) whispers: they are still playing
LJMon(1848) whispers: looks like white is up a creek
27.Nxe2 (0:46) Qf5 (0:10) 28.Ng3 (3:50) Rb2+ (0:05) 29.Kg1 (0:09) Rb1+ (0:14) 30.Kh2 (0:02) Rxh1+ (0:08) 31.Kxh1 (0:04) Qxf7 (0:45) 32.Nxh5+ (0:59) Qxh5 (0:03) 33.Qxh5 (0:05) Rh8 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2079) whispers: oh clever, and simple
34.Qxh8+ (0:08) Kxh8 (0:01)
Torreguerrera(2147) whispers: good game
xivarmy(1980) whispers: no hope because the a4 pawn is dead my extra pawns can't create anything
xivarmy resigns 0-1

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