ajoatamon(2146) vs. lingye(2226) 1/2-1/2

standard 45+45, 2015-11-04

26.R4e2 (2:01)
NimzoLegacy(1756) whispers: hm is this stored game ...?
26...Rd4 (0:50) 27.Bf4 (1:46) Qf3 (0:42) 28.Rf2 (0:17) Qg4 (0:31) 29.Kg2 (0:23)
Jammes(1779) whispers: hard to say who is better her my guess is black has a slight edge if he is able to trade bishops his king is safer and he has the open file at the moemnt the bishop solidifys whites position
29...bxc4 (1:20) 30.bxc4 (0:13)
Jammes(1779) whispers: does g5 win a pawn?
30...Qf5 (1:08)
Jammes(1779) whispers: ah g5 kind of trapped the queen :)
schachbjm(2285) whispers: ajoatamon has to win the game in order to save the team draw, right?
schachbjm(2285) whispers: hi jammes
NimzoLegacy(1756) whispers: yes...
NimzoLegacy(1756) whispers: he must play like triarus win or lose ..nithing less
Jammes(1779) whispers: hi
NimzoLegacy(1756) whispers: hello buddy
31.Re3 (7:06) h4 (1:21) lingye offers a draw.
schachbjm(2285) whispers: hi kayvee
schachbjm(2285) whispers: white pretty much has to exchange queens here. gxh fails due to Qxc2 Rxc2 Rxf4 and blac is up a piece and after other moves there are h3+ and Qh5 ideas
NimzoLegacy(1756) whispers: I bet you will ajotamon accept a draw ajoatamon accepts the draw request.
Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2

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