blore(1864) vs. osaridsaris(1823) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2015-05-08

blore(1864) whispers: woof
1.d4 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03) dxc4 (0:02) 3.e3 (0:03) e5 (0:03) 4.Nf3 (0:07) exd4 (0:02) 5.Qxd4 (0:04) Qxd4 (0:01) 6.Nxd4 (0:03)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
OsaridSaris(1823) whispers: neat, every preparation move came to pass. Now things are supposedly "equal"
6...Nf6 (0:40) 7.Bxc4 (0:11) Bb4+ (0:10) 8.Bd2 (0:05) Bxd2+ (0:02) 9.Nxd2 (0:02)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
9...O-O (0:10) 10.Rc1 (0:23) c6 (1:23)
OsaridSaris(1823) whispers: c5 was more tempting but I don't really like my knight redirected to a6
11.O-O (4:56) Nbd7 (0:58) 12.f4 (0:43)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
blore(1864) whispers: grrr woof
12...Nb6 (1:09) 13.Bb3 (0:08) Re8 (0:30) 14.Rce1 (0:12) Nbd5 (0:32) 15.e4 (1:02) Nb4 (1:23) 16.e5 (1:28)
OsaridSaris(1823) whispers: I suspected he might play that but it seems to force me to improve my position..
16...Nfd5 (1:19)
OsaridSaris(1823) whispers: he has to be a bit careful as his f4 pawn is a bit shaky
17.Bc4 (2:55)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
17...b5 (3:29)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
18.Bxd5 (3:24) cxd5 (1:21) 19.Nxb5 (0:54) Ba6 (0:03) 20.Nc7 (4:27) Bxf1 (0:02)
blore(1864) whispers: foof
blore(1864) whispers: woof
21.Nxe8 (0:37)
milpat(2125) whispers: goof
21...Nd3 (1:49)
NightFury(2100) whispers: hey milpat, havnt seen u around much
milpat(2125) whispers: work kills me :P
blore(1864) whispers: woof
troop(1507) whispers: woof
milpat(2125) whispers: meow
NightFury(2100) whispers: got it :)
troop(1507) whispers: gr.....woof woof
milpat(2125) whispers: +NHL playoffs ;)
NightFury(2100) whispers: ah
NightFury(2100) whispers: your a blackhawks fan right?
milpat(2125) whispers: haha
milpat(2125) whispers: Montreal
NightFury(2100) whispers: oh sorry
NightFury(2100) whispers: did they make it?
milpat(2125) whispers: yep :)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
22.Rxf1 (7:26) Rxe8 (0:07) 23.b3 (0:11) Rc8 (0:21)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
NightFury(2100) whispers: that is some rousing analysis :)
24.g3 (4:24) Rc2 (0:39) 25.Nf3 (0:51) Rxa2 (0:13) 26.Rd1 (0:14) Nb4 (0:02) 27.Nd4 (0:18) OsaridSaris offers a draw. 27...Kf8 (0:34)
blore(1864) whispers: woof...we are knocked out of the tournament and it is the first game of the round chances for both so no reason to take a draw go for blood blore declines the draw request.
28.Rc1 (2:58) g6 (0:13) 29.Rc8+ (0:24) Ke7 (0:04) 30.Rc7+ (0:06) Ke8 (0:05) 31.Rb7 (0:40) a5 (0:24)
OsaridSaris(1823) whispers: maybe I'm missing something, maybe he has a winning sequence here.. I don't see it
32.Nb5 (2:22)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
32...Rb2 (1:16) 33.Nd6+ (0:07) Kd8 (0:10)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
34.Nxf7+ (0:04) Kc8 (0:02) 35.Nd6+ (0:02)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
35...Kd8 (0:08)
troop(1507) whispers: mate in 5
36.Rxh7 (0:47)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
36...Rxb3 (0:31) 37.Nb7+ (1:02)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
37...Ke8 (0:13) 38.Nxa5 (0:06) Rb1+ (0:16) 39.Kg2 (0:05) d4 (0:02) 40.Kf3 (0:45) d3 (0:05) 41.Nc4 (0:10)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
41...Rb3 (0:43)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
42.Nd6+ (2:18)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
42...Kd8 (0:14) 43.e6 (1:27)
blore(1864) whispers: woof
troop(1507) whispers: finally
43...Nd5 (1:04) 44.Rd7# (0:24) OsaridSaris checkmated 1-0

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