demicka(1886) vs. pascalechecs(1983) *
standard 45+45, 2015-05-02
1.d4 (0:00)
milpat(2125) whispers: go Mick!!! 1...d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:11) c6 (0:12) 3.Nf3 (0:17) Nf6 (0:20) 4.Bf4 (0:34) e6 (1:07) 5.c5 (0:27) b6 (1:46) 6.b4 (1:54) a5 (0:40) 7.Qa4 (0:41) Bb7 (1:43) 8.e3 (1:24) b5 (5:20) 9.Qb3 (0:12) axb4 (0:19) 10.Qxb4 (0:11) Ra4 (6:12) 11.Qb2 (1:50) Nbd7 (5:45)
milpat(2125) whispers: Nc3 on tempo 12.Bd3 (3:15) Qa5+ (6:49) 13.Nc3 (1:06) Ra3 (3:26)
milpat(2125) whispers: mmmm 14.Rc1 (0:34) b4 (2:06) 15.O-O (0:11) Bc8 (0:54) 16.Nb5 (9:47) cxb5 (0:29) 17.Bb1 (0:03)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: was the sac necessary?
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: thank you all for your geerous answers :) 17...Rc3 (2:41)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: generous* 18.Rxc3 (1:30) bxc3 (0:07) 19.Qc2 (0:02)
milpat(2125) whispers: hehe
milpat(2125) whispers: i just trying to find moves...
milpat(2125) whispers: isnt the piece lost anyway after b4?
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: he shoould've just given up the a pawn instead
milpat(2125) whispers: if N moves, Bd3 hangs
milpat(2125) whispers: not only about a pawn 19...Ne4 (1:47)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: I see
milpat(2125) whispers: not easy position 20.Ne5 (1:57) Nxe5 (0:53) 21.Bxe5 (0:02) Bd7 (1:08) 22.f3 (1:19) Nd2 (0:26) 23.Re1 (0:18) Nc4 (1:50)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: bg3
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: Na3, Qb3 and c2 does not work 24.Kf2 (1:34) Nxe5 (0:36)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: nos losing another pawn 25.dxe5 (0:15) Bxc5 (0:06) 26.f4 (0:03)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: qa4 26...g6 (0:32) 27.h4 (0:09)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: Qa4 was threatening qxf4 27...h5 (0:19) 28.Kg3 (0:04) Ke7 (0:38) 29.e4 (0:08) dxe4 (0:36) 30.Qxe4 (0:14) Qb6 (1:42) 31.Rd1 (0:08) Bc6 (0:52) 32.Qc2 (1:23) b4 (0:41)
milpat(2125) whispers: very hard :/ 33.Qe2 (5:21) Rd8 (0:49) 34.Bd3 (0:25) Be3 (3:35) 35.Rf1 (3:41) Demicka lost connection; game adjourned *
milpat(2125) whispers: go Mick!!! 1...d5 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:11) c6 (0:12) 3.Nf3 (0:17) Nf6 (0:20) 4.Bf4 (0:34) e6 (1:07) 5.c5 (0:27) b6 (1:46) 6.b4 (1:54) a5 (0:40) 7.Qa4 (0:41) Bb7 (1:43) 8.e3 (1:24) b5 (5:20) 9.Qb3 (0:12) axb4 (0:19) 10.Qxb4 (0:11) Ra4 (6:12) 11.Qb2 (1:50) Nbd7 (5:45)
milpat(2125) whispers: Nc3 on tempo 12.Bd3 (3:15) Qa5+ (6:49) 13.Nc3 (1:06) Ra3 (3:26)
milpat(2125) whispers: mmmm 14.Rc1 (0:34) b4 (2:06) 15.O-O (0:11) Bc8 (0:54) 16.Nb5 (9:47) cxb5 (0:29) 17.Bb1 (0:03)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: was the sac necessary?
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: thank you all for your geerous answers :) 17...Rc3 (2:41)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: generous* 18.Rxc3 (1:30) bxc3 (0:07) 19.Qc2 (0:02)
milpat(2125) whispers: hehe
milpat(2125) whispers: i just trying to find moves...
milpat(2125) whispers: isnt the piece lost anyway after b4?
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: he shoould've just given up the a pawn instead
milpat(2125) whispers: if N moves, Bd3 hangs
milpat(2125) whispers: not only about a pawn 19...Ne4 (1:47)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: I see
milpat(2125) whispers: not easy position 20.Ne5 (1:57) Nxe5 (0:53) 21.Bxe5 (0:02) Bd7 (1:08) 22.f3 (1:19) Nd2 (0:26) 23.Re1 (0:18) Nc4 (1:50)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: bg3
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: Na3, Qb3 and c2 does not work 24.Kf2 (1:34) Nxe5 (0:36)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: nos losing another pawn 25.dxe5 (0:15) Bxc5 (0:06) 26.f4 (0:03)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: qa4 26...g6 (0:32) 27.h4 (0:09)
LouisXIV(1995) whispers: Qa4 was threatening qxf4 27...h5 (0:19) 28.Kg3 (0:04) Ke7 (0:38) 29.e4 (0:08) dxe4 (0:36) 30.Qxe4 (0:14) Qb6 (1:42) 31.Rd1 (0:08) Bc6 (0:52) 32.Qc2 (1:23) b4 (0:41)
milpat(2125) whispers: very hard :/ 33.Qe2 (5:21) Rd8 (0:49) 34.Bd3 (0:25) Be3 (3:35) 35.Rf1 (3:41) Demicka lost connection; game adjourned *