ajoatamon(2087) vs. osaridsaris(1742) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2015-05-02
1.d4 (0:00) f5 (0:00) 2.e4 (0:40) fxe4 (0:46) 3.f3 (1:00) Nf6 (1:06) 4.Nc3 (2:35) exf3 (1:18) 5.Nxf3 (0:15) g6 (0:16)
OsaridSaris(1742) whispers: now the question is whether I can solidify before getting mated or dropping a rook or some other crazy thing from his extra development 6.h4 (5:05) d6 (1:30) 7.h5 (5:48) Nxh5 (1:11)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: this attack generally goes Nxh5 gxh5 then Ng5 threatening mate but then white has Bg4 and i don't see how white can continue the attack. But Ne5 instead of Ng5 threatens mate in 1. If then dxe4 then Qxh5+ Kd7 dxe and black has no place to go, especially with e6+ threatened.
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: let's give it a try. 8.Rxh5 (8:32) gxh5 (0:08) 9.Ne5 (0:04)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: Bg4 is his only defense. 9...Bg4 (5:16) 10.Nxg4 (0:05) hxg4 (0:02) 11.Qxg4 (0:01)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: Nd7?? Qh5 mate would be funny 11...Qd7 (1:20) 12.Bb5 (6:17) c6 (1:21)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: stupid. playing the rating instead of the position. 13.Bd3 (0:09) Qxg4 (0:06) ajoatamon resigns 0-1
OsaridSaris(1742) whispers: now the question is whether I can solidify before getting mated or dropping a rook or some other crazy thing from his extra development 6.h4 (5:05) d6 (1:30) 7.h5 (5:48) Nxh5 (1:11)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: this attack generally goes Nxh5 gxh5 then Ng5 threatening mate but then white has Bg4 and i don't see how white can continue the attack. But Ne5 instead of Ng5 threatens mate in 1. If then dxe4 then Qxh5+ Kd7 dxe and black has no place to go, especially with e6+ threatened.
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: let's give it a try. 8.Rxh5 (8:32) gxh5 (0:08) 9.Ne5 (0:04)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: Bg4 is his only defense. 9...Bg4 (5:16) 10.Nxg4 (0:05) hxg4 (0:02) 11.Qxg4 (0:01)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: Nd7?? Qh5 mate would be funny 11...Qd7 (1:20) 12.Bb5 (6:17) c6 (1:21)
ajoatamon(2087) whispers: stupid. playing the rating instead of the position. 13.Bd3 (0:09) Qxg4 (0:06) ajoatamon resigns 0-1