osaridsaris(1841) vs. juoni(1907) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2015-04-25
1.Nc3 (0:00) d6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (1:38) c5 (2:02) 3.d4 (1:07) cxd4 (0:41) 4.Nxd4 (0:06) g6 (5:05) 5.g3 (1:50) Nc6 (3:37) 6.Bg2 (2:01) Bd7 (0:30) 7.O-O (1:10) Bg7 (1:07) 8.Be3 (2:09)
pchesso(1904) whispers: Be3 looks like GM play :) 8...Nf6 (3:13) 9.h3 (2:20) O-O (1:18) 10.Qd2 (0:57) Ne8 (2:54) 11.Nxc6 (1:16) Bxc6 (4:17) 12.Bxc6 (1:59) bxc6 (0:27) 13.Bh6 (0:53) Qd7 (4:37) 14.Bxg7 (2:24) Kxg7 (0:22) 15.Kg2 (0:16) Rb8 (1:39) 16.b3 (0:25)
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: hmm.. the current audience brings back unpleasant memories.
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: or rather, one member of the audience. I won't name names. 16...Nf6 (3:12)
pchesso(1904) whispers: ? 17.e4 (1:34) Qe6 (3:18)
pchesso(1904) whispers: and now the same GM-like move by black :) 18.f4 (1:32)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i don't like qe6
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: oh my.. I mixed up my move order
pchesso(1904) whispers: what is the idea of moves like 8 Be3 or 17 ... Qe6? I see it more and more often these days. It seems to contradict classical ideas.
juoni(1907) whispers: there was no need of Rae1? maybe not.
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: there are some positions i guess where thea are quite playable
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: it more like "piece play " and let the pawns stay at home
pchesso(1904) whispers: quite playable for sure - but better?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: actually i think there are not many of these positions
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i can't remember many at least 18...Nxe4 (3:43)
pchesso(1904) whispers: i've seen it in several gm games recently, Bf1-d3 entombing the d2-pawn etc. 19.Nxe4 (0:23)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: there is a sicilian where you put your bishop on d3 in front of your d-pawn but later play c3-bc2-d4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then there is a dutch with bishop on d6 in front of the d-pawn (and vice-versa in the bird) but it is rare
pchesso(1904) whispers: i've seen it in giuco piano and scottish opening, too 19...Qxe4+ (1:18)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i don't know these ones
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but usually the bishop will not last there for ever, it goes away sooner or later 20.Rf3 (1:07)
Jammes(1779) whispers: f4 looks like a mouseslip but since he didnt mention it he prob missed the hanging pawn
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: he said, he mixed up the move-order
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: probably he wanted to cover with rook e1 first then f4
Jammes(1779) whispers: at least he no has active rooks and can pressure the half open files
Jammes(1779) whispers: now
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: true 20...c5 (2:28)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: the engine only gives a slight advantage like 0.2-0.3 for black
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now re1
pchesso(1904) whispers: c5 was good. Re1 Qb7 21.Re1 (1:41) Qb7 (0:36) 22.Qc3+ (0:13)
pchesso(1904) whispers: 20 ... Rfe8 might have been a problem after 21 Re1 with the threat of Qc3+ attacking c6 22...Kg8 (1:14) 23.Kf2 (0:36) e6 (0:44) 24.Rd1 (0:57)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ..d5!? qxc5 qb6! going in rook endgame with pawn up 24...Qb6 (0:50)
Jammes(1779) whispers: if qc3 was good? he blocks c4 which could stop blacks pawns in the center 25.Kg2 (1:46)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes, i also thought that qc3+ was a bit premature
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now d5 of course 25...Rfd8 (1:37) 26.Rfd3 (0:52) d5 (0:28) 27.Qf6 (0:19) Rd7 (2:03) 28.c4 (0:38) d4 (0:29) 29.h4 (0:06) Qd8 (0:31) 30.Qe5 (0:19) Qc7 (0:15) 31.Qf6 (0:02)
pchesso(1904) whispers: a5 here?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: seems reasonable
pchesso(1904) whispers: after a5, black may already think about e5 (Qxe5 Qxe5 fxe5 Re8 regains the pawn and owns the file) 31...Qd6 (4:49) 32.h5 (0:24)
pchesso(1904) whispers: now directly e5 looks weaker, because white may have b4 at some point
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: so ..a5 again 32...Qf8 (2:16) 33.Rh1 (0:42) Qg7 (0:43) 34.Qg5 (0:52) f5 (1:21) 35.Re1 (0:50) Re8 (2:44)
pchesso(1904) whispers: i do not understand the recent moves of black, f5 weakening the king shelter. i would have tried to make e5 work, or, if not possible, play on the q-side 36.Re5 (0:41)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: probably with ...f5 he wanted to hinder g4+f5
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but now he has his weaknesses 36...Kf7 (2:28)
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: ??
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: c5 falling
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: time trouble panic? Or is there something sneaky I'm not seeing? 37.Rxc5 (0:48)
pchesso(1904) whispers: oh, yes, black has 2 mins left 37...e5 (0:31)
pchesso(1904) whispers: complicated now 38.fxe5 (0:54) Rxe5 (0:17) 39.hxg6+ (0:10) hxg6 (0:10)
pchesso(1904) whispers: 38 Rxe5 Rxe5 Rxd4 was an idea (threatening Rc7 winning Q), but needed much looking into - probably not sound
pchesso(1904) whispers: ah, my line was total crap 40.Rxe5 (1:41) Qxe5 (0:03)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes, because in this line you cannot play rc7 :)
pchesso(1904) whispers: yes 41.Qd2 (0:22)
LJMon(1848) whispers: I kinda liked Rxd4 instead of Rxe5 41...Qe4+ (0:58)
juoni(1907) whispers: maybe time for Kf6 Rh7
pchesso(1904) whispers: 40 Rxd4 you mean? similar idea, but black has intermediate checks from 2 rooks 42.Kf2 (0:58)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white played "helpful" for black in the last couple of moves
pchesso(1904) whispers: perhaps LJMon's idea would have worked - complicated OsaridSaris offers a draw.
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white should not try blitz it out
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is in trouble juoni declines the draw request. 42...Kf6 (2:32) 43.Qf4 (0:12)
pchesso(1904) whispers: draw offer is quite fair, given black's time trouble in complicated position
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now... yes
Jammes(1779) whispers: ??
LJMon(1848) whispers: really in trouble now
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qxd3 43...g5 (0:34)
Jammes(1779) whispers: wtf
Jammes(1779) whispers: what a game
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: wow, thank you for not taking the free rook :) 44.Qf3 (0:56)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: wtf not allowed to say :)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: better say wag = what a game :)
pchesso(1904) whispers: :) 44...Re7 (1:30) 45.Qxe4 (0:24)
Jammes(1779) whispers: this allows to trade queens without connecting pawns 45...Rxe4 (0:13)
Jammes(1779) whispers: has to improve white position
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: it remains exiting 46.b4 (0:21) Ke5 (0:26) 47.a4 (0:19) f4 (0:27) 48.gxf4+ (0:59) Rxf4+ (0:18) 49.Kg2 (0:35)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: my guess is, it will peter out into a draw
Jammes(1779) whispers: not sure now ke4 49...Ke4 (0:23) 50.Rg3 (0:15)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: hum.. kg2? really
LJMon(1848) whispers: gotta push the passers
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now thing look totally different
herrahuu(1864) whispers: and g4 what's the idea? 50...g4 (0:29)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white playing way too fast here 51.c5 (0:16)
herrahuu(1864) whispers: d3!?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: it is proven that in tl you cannot win games on time
pchesso(1904) whispers: feels like black is winning 51...d3 (0:33)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rd1 was better than Rg3
juoni(1907) whispers: asking myself how to calm down
pchesso(1904) whispers: go juoni :) you can calm down after the game!
herrahuu(1864) whispers: yeah. sometimes the mental states you in you really need to run couple of times around the house :)
LJMon(1848) whispers: relax 52.c6 (1:09)
herrahuu(1864) whispers: black promotes first and white the following move
herrahuu(1864) whispers: how does it go?
pchesso(1904) whispers: there is mate then
herrahuu(1864) whispers: Qe2+?
pchesso(1904) whispers: qd1-f1+
herrahuu(1864) whispers: ah
herrahuu(1864) whispers: Kh2 Rf2 Qxg2#
pchesso(1904) whispers: d2, d1Q, Qf1+, Rf2#
herrahuu(1864) whispers: k
herrahuu(1864) whispers: go juoni! 52...d2 (1:56) 53.c7 (0:07)
LJMon(1848) whispers: game over
pchesso(1904) whispers: d2, d1Q, Qf1+, Rf2, Qxg2# sry
herrahuu(1864) whispers: always love the mind win over blitz
herrahuu(1864) whispers: one could ask what do you do with 37 minutes on your clock 53...d1=Q (1:36) 54.c8=Q (0:27)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ||*(
LJMon(1848) whispers: many mates 54...Qe2+ (0:22) 55.Kh1 (0:16)
pchesso(1904) whispers: ah, this works too
pchesso(1904) whispers: Rf1+, Qf3+, Qh3#
LJMon(1848) whispers: longer but prettier
herrahuu(1864) whispers: or Qf1+ and transposes 55...Rf1+ (1:32) 56.Rg1 (0:27) Qf3+ (0:09)
herrahuu(1864) whispers: 1:30 57.Kh2 (0:02) Qh3# (0:05) OsaridSaris checkmated 0-1
pchesso(1904) whispers: Be3 looks like GM play :) 8...Nf6 (3:13) 9.h3 (2:20) O-O (1:18) 10.Qd2 (0:57) Ne8 (2:54) 11.Nxc6 (1:16) Bxc6 (4:17) 12.Bxc6 (1:59) bxc6 (0:27) 13.Bh6 (0:53) Qd7 (4:37) 14.Bxg7 (2:24) Kxg7 (0:22) 15.Kg2 (0:16) Rb8 (1:39) 16.b3 (0:25)
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: hmm.. the current audience brings back unpleasant memories.
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: or rather, one member of the audience. I won't name names. 16...Nf6 (3:12)
pchesso(1904) whispers: ? 17.e4 (1:34) Qe6 (3:18)
pchesso(1904) whispers: and now the same GM-like move by black :) 18.f4 (1:32)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i don't like qe6
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: oh my.. I mixed up my move order
pchesso(1904) whispers: what is the idea of moves like 8 Be3 or 17 ... Qe6? I see it more and more often these days. It seems to contradict classical ideas.
juoni(1907) whispers: there was no need of Rae1? maybe not.
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: there are some positions i guess where thea are quite playable
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: it more like "piece play " and let the pawns stay at home
pchesso(1904) whispers: quite playable for sure - but better?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: actually i think there are not many of these positions
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i can't remember many at least 18...Nxe4 (3:43)
pchesso(1904) whispers: i've seen it in several gm games recently, Bf1-d3 entombing the d2-pawn etc. 19.Nxe4 (0:23)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: there is a sicilian where you put your bishop on d3 in front of your d-pawn but later play c3-bc2-d4
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: then there is a dutch with bishop on d6 in front of the d-pawn (and vice-versa in the bird) but it is rare
pchesso(1904) whispers: i've seen it in giuco piano and scottish opening, too 19...Qxe4+ (1:18)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: i don't know these ones
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but usually the bishop will not last there for ever, it goes away sooner or later 20.Rf3 (1:07)
Jammes(1779) whispers: f4 looks like a mouseslip but since he didnt mention it he prob missed the hanging pawn
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: he said, he mixed up the move-order
Jammes(1779) whispers: ok
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: probably he wanted to cover with rook e1 first then f4
Jammes(1779) whispers: at least he no has active rooks and can pressure the half open files
Jammes(1779) whispers: now
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: true 20...c5 (2:28)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: the engine only gives a slight advantage like 0.2-0.3 for black
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now re1
pchesso(1904) whispers: c5 was good. Re1 Qb7 21.Re1 (1:41) Qb7 (0:36) 22.Qc3+ (0:13)
pchesso(1904) whispers: 20 ... Rfe8 might have been a problem after 21 Re1 with the threat of Qc3+ attacking c6 22...Kg8 (1:14) 23.Kf2 (0:36) e6 (0:44) 24.Rd1 (0:57)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ..d5!? qxc5 qb6! going in rook endgame with pawn up 24...Qb6 (0:50)
Jammes(1779) whispers: if qc3 was good? he blocks c4 which could stop blacks pawns in the center 25.Kg2 (1:46)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes, i also thought that qc3+ was a bit premature
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now d5 of course 25...Rfd8 (1:37) 26.Rfd3 (0:52) d5 (0:28) 27.Qf6 (0:19) Rd7 (2:03) 28.c4 (0:38) d4 (0:29) 29.h4 (0:06) Qd8 (0:31) 30.Qe5 (0:19) Qc7 (0:15) 31.Qf6 (0:02)
pchesso(1904) whispers: a5 here?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: seems reasonable
pchesso(1904) whispers: after a5, black may already think about e5 (Qxe5 Qxe5 fxe5 Re8 regains the pawn and owns the file) 31...Qd6 (4:49) 32.h5 (0:24)
pchesso(1904) whispers: now directly e5 looks weaker, because white may have b4 at some point
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: so ..a5 again 32...Qf8 (2:16) 33.Rh1 (0:42) Qg7 (0:43) 34.Qg5 (0:52) f5 (1:21) 35.Re1 (0:50) Re8 (2:44)
pchesso(1904) whispers: i do not understand the recent moves of black, f5 weakening the king shelter. i would have tried to make e5 work, or, if not possible, play on the q-side 36.Re5 (0:41)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: probably with ...f5 he wanted to hinder g4+f5
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: but now he has his weaknesses 36...Kf7 (2:28)
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: ??
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: c5 falling
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: time trouble panic? Or is there something sneaky I'm not seeing? 37.Rxc5 (0:48)
pchesso(1904) whispers: oh, yes, black has 2 mins left 37...e5 (0:31)
pchesso(1904) whispers: complicated now 38.fxe5 (0:54) Rxe5 (0:17) 39.hxg6+ (0:10) hxg6 (0:10)
pchesso(1904) whispers: 38 Rxe5 Rxe5 Rxd4 was an idea (threatening Rc7 winning Q), but needed much looking into - probably not sound
pchesso(1904) whispers: ah, my line was total crap 40.Rxe5 (1:41) Qxe5 (0:03)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: yes, because in this line you cannot play rc7 :)
pchesso(1904) whispers: yes 41.Qd2 (0:22)
LJMon(1848) whispers: I kinda liked Rxd4 instead of Rxe5 41...Qe4+ (0:58)
juoni(1907) whispers: maybe time for Kf6 Rh7
pchesso(1904) whispers: 40 Rxd4 you mean? similar idea, but black has intermediate checks from 2 rooks 42.Kf2 (0:58)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white played "helpful" for black in the last couple of moves
pchesso(1904) whispers: perhaps LJMon's idea would have worked - complicated OsaridSaris offers a draw.
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white should not try blitz it out
LJMon(1848) whispers: white is in trouble juoni declines the draw request. 42...Kf6 (2:32) 43.Qf4 (0:12)
pchesso(1904) whispers: draw offer is quite fair, given black's time trouble in complicated position
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now... yes
Jammes(1779) whispers: ??
LJMon(1848) whispers: really in trouble now
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: qxd3 43...g5 (0:34)
Jammes(1779) whispers: wtf
Jammes(1779) whispers: what a game
OsaridSaris(1841) whispers: wow, thank you for not taking the free rook :) 44.Qf3 (0:56)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: wtf not allowed to say :)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: better say wag = what a game :)
pchesso(1904) whispers: :) 44...Re7 (1:30) 45.Qxe4 (0:24)
Jammes(1779) whispers: this allows to trade queens without connecting pawns 45...Rxe4 (0:13)
Jammes(1779) whispers: has to improve white position
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: it remains exiting 46.b4 (0:21) Ke5 (0:26) 47.a4 (0:19) f4 (0:27) 48.gxf4+ (0:59) Rxf4+ (0:18) 49.Kg2 (0:35)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: my guess is, it will peter out into a draw
Jammes(1779) whispers: not sure now ke4 49...Ke4 (0:23) 50.Rg3 (0:15)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: hum.. kg2? really
LJMon(1848) whispers: gotta push the passers
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: now thing look totally different
herrahuu(1864) whispers: and g4 what's the idea? 50...g4 (0:29)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: white playing way too fast here 51.c5 (0:16)
herrahuu(1864) whispers: d3!?
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: it is proven that in tl you cannot win games on time
pchesso(1904) whispers: feels like black is winning 51...d3 (0:33)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rd1 was better than Rg3
juoni(1907) whispers: asking myself how to calm down
pchesso(1904) whispers: go juoni :) you can calm down after the game!
herrahuu(1864) whispers: yeah. sometimes the mental states you in you really need to run couple of times around the house :)
LJMon(1848) whispers: relax 52.c6 (1:09)
herrahuu(1864) whispers: black promotes first and white the following move
herrahuu(1864) whispers: how does it go?
pchesso(1904) whispers: there is mate then
herrahuu(1864) whispers: Qe2+?
pchesso(1904) whispers: qd1-f1+
herrahuu(1864) whispers: ah
herrahuu(1864) whispers: Kh2 Rf2 Qxg2#
pchesso(1904) whispers: d2, d1Q, Qf1+, Rf2#
herrahuu(1864) whispers: k
herrahuu(1864) whispers: go juoni! 52...d2 (1:56) 53.c7 (0:07)
LJMon(1848) whispers: game over
pchesso(1904) whispers: d2, d1Q, Qf1+, Rf2, Qxg2# sry
herrahuu(1864) whispers: always love the mind win over blitz
herrahuu(1864) whispers: one could ask what do you do with 37 minutes on your clock 53...d1=Q (1:36) 54.c8=Q (0:27)
Boobyslegacy(2024) whispers: ||*(
LJMon(1848) whispers: many mates 54...Qe2+ (0:22) 55.Kh1 (0:16)
pchesso(1904) whispers: ah, this works too
pchesso(1904) whispers: Rf1+, Qf3+, Qh3#
LJMon(1848) whispers: longer but prettier
herrahuu(1864) whispers: or Qf1+ and transposes 55...Rf1+ (1:32) 56.Rg1 (0:27) Qf3+ (0:09)
herrahuu(1864) whispers: 1:30 57.Kh2 (0:02) Qh3# (0:05) OsaridSaris checkmated 0-1