osaridsaris(1811) vs. mejker(1987) *

standard 45+45, 2015-04-11

1.Nf3 (0:00) d6 (0:00)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: good ol reti
2.g3 (1:17) Nf6 (0:27) 3.Bg2 (1:35) g6 (0:04) 4.b4 (0:04) Bg7 (0:05) 5.Bb2 (0:01) O-O (0:39)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: b4 looks interesting i dont know if its right though
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: this isn't quite exactly a position from my memory of a recommended line, but it only differs by d6. b4 isn't as screwy as the audience is probably saying :P
6.O-O (1:53)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: b4 looks to early to me
6...e5 (2:43)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: e5...looks normal
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: I know KIA more than I know KID and in KIA achieving e5 is huge, so I should block it here too, in addition to enabling another knight deployment route
7.d3 (1:48)
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: by "here too" of course I mean achieving e4, which is the black equivalent of achieving e5
7...a5 (1:02)
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: in the "regular" Nf3/b4 theory, when black pushes a5 he's just basicaly shepherding along white's queenside space (although I also remember a5 as being called "playable" if black knows what he's doing and understands the ramifications of his choice)
8.b5 (1:24) Re8 (0:31)
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: there are configurations where Na3 is better than Nc3 or Nbd2, in the b5/a5 system.. but blah, I don't remember why :(
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: ya a5 looked strong up until a certain extent. white can now play c4 or a4 to protect the pawn. of coarse white should find a way to block e4
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: digging into my KIA knowledge (again, better than my KID knowledge) he is probably intending Nbd7, Nf8, h5, N8h7 type of stuff for big kingside attack, so I need to make queenside magic happen..
9.c4 (2:50) Nbd7 (0:37)
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: tada :P
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: c4 looks good if white has a back up plan for e4
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: blacks not really taking much time
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: I'm considering a4/Nbd2/Nb3/c5 .. the big hole I'd be creating on b4 doesn't seem significant since he's going to throw everything to the other wing
10.a4 (2:40)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: nc3? looks good if i was pl;ayin
10...e4 (0:22)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: a4 looks lamish
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: that's a surprise.. why would he push it so early without first supporting via f5? doesn't such an early push make the kingside storm more anemic?
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: both sides look scary
11.dxe4 (1:26) Nxe4 (0:27)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: if he play ne1 or nfd2 then e3
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: bxg7 looks forced
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: I can also centralize my queen with a check thrown in after the capture, but do I want her there or elsewhere? She wouldn't be easily exposed to attack, so if she's useful there I could do it..
12.Bxg7 (2:04) Kxg7 (0:02)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: qd4+
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: I do need to take care in recognizing that this sequence has turned c5 into a potential home for his d7 knight.. hmm.. Qd4 would mean I have to take note of b3 fork.. but Nbd2 covers..
13.Qd4+ (2:50) Qf6 (0:20)
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: e3 needs to happen anyway due to his R on e8.. can I e3/Qxd4/d4 and actually gain queenside support out of this business?
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: err, I mean e3/Qxd4/exd4
14.e3 (1:27)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: ya e3 looks right for sure
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: if c5 does that force Qxf6 or is en passant less crappy than it appears?
14...Ndc5 (1:06)
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: yeah, I think Nbd2 is forced now because of b3 issues
15.Nbd2 (0:35) Nc3 (1:46)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: haha i dont like white ne2 is a threat na4 is a threat black is nicely cordinated
16.Qxf6+ (1:50) Kxf6 (0:03) 17.Nd4 (0:40) N3xa4 (0:21)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: does nc6 work?
OsaridSaris(1811) whispers: unfortunately two of my team's players (me and another person) feature "something something something, drop a queenside pawn, lose" :(
18.N2b3 (2:15)
thetunderpawn(1869) whispers: white needs a knight on d5 :p
OsaridSaris lost connection; game adjourned *

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