mattointre(1999) vs. bartelski(1989) 0-1
standard 15+5, 2015-03-07
4.Qa4 (0:35)
4...Qd6 (3:59) 5.d4 (1:27) exd4 (1:06) 6.exd5 (0:24) Qxd5 (0:32) 7.Bc4 (1:08) Qe4+ (1:28) 8.Be2 (0:23) Bc5 (0:29) 9.O-O (0:32) Bg4 (0:35) 10.Bg5 (3:57)
DarkVision(2161) whispers: Qxe2 Re1 Bxf3 Rxe2 Bxe2 10...f6 (2:53) 11.Nbd2 (0:28) Qd5 (1:02) Bartelski offers a draw. mattointre declines the draw request. 12.Bc4 (0:31) Qf5 (0:10) 13.Rfe1+ (0:12) Ne7 (0:01) 14.cxd4 (1:01) fxg5 (0:44) 15.dxc5 (0:27) O-O-O (0:05) 16.Be6+ (0:19) Qxe6 (0:02) 17.Rxe6 (0:04) Bxe6 (0:01) 18.Re1 (0:21) Bf5 (0:54) 19.h3 (0:32) h5 (0:36) 20.Nc4 (0:18) g4 (0:13) 21.Nfe5 (0:17) Rd4 (0:06) 22.Qb3 (1:00) gxh3 (0:38) 23.Nxc6 (0:10) Nxc6 (0:05) 24.gxh3 (0:32) Rh6 (0:14) 25.Re8+ (0:29) Kd7 (0:05) 26.Qe3 (0:38) Rxc4 (0:03) 27.Rf8 (0:27) Rg6+ (0:18) 28.Kh2 (0:07) Be4 (0:12) 29.Qd2+ (0:31) Rd4 (0:05) 30.Qf4 (0:12) Rg2+ (0:03) 31.Kh1 (0:06) Rd1# (0:03) mattointre checkmated 0-1
DarkVision(2161) whispers: Qxe2 Re1 Bxf3 Rxe2 Bxe2 10...f6 (2:53) 11.Nbd2 (0:28) Qd5 (1:02) Bartelski offers a draw. mattointre declines the draw request. 12.Bc4 (0:31) Qf5 (0:10) 13.Rfe1+ (0:12) Ne7 (0:01) 14.cxd4 (1:01) fxg5 (0:44) 15.dxc5 (0:27) O-O-O (0:05) 16.Be6+ (0:19) Qxe6 (0:02) 17.Rxe6 (0:04) Bxe6 (0:01) 18.Re1 (0:21) Bf5 (0:54) 19.h3 (0:32) h5 (0:36) 20.Nc4 (0:18) g4 (0:13) 21.Nfe5 (0:17) Rd4 (0:06) 22.Qb3 (1:00) gxh3 (0:38) 23.Nxc6 (0:10) Nxc6 (0:05) 24.gxh3 (0:32) Rh6 (0:14) 25.Re8+ (0:29) Kd7 (0:05) 26.Qe3 (0:38) Rxc4 (0:03) 27.Rf8 (0:27) Rg6+ (0:18) 28.Kh2 (0:07) Be4 (0:12) 29.Qd2+ (0:31) Rd4 (0:05) 30.Qf4 (0:12) Rg2+ (0:03) 31.Kh1 (0:06) Rd1# (0:03) mattointre checkmated 0-1