lingye(2156) vs. darkvision(2178) 1/2-1/2

standard 45+45, 2014-06-09

1.e4 (0:00) c6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:03) d5 (0:03) 3.exd5 (0:03) cxd5 (0:02) 4.c4 (0:04) Nf6 (0:04) 5.Nc3 (0:08) Nc6 (0:07) 6.Nf3 (2:10) Bg4 (0:12)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: this is the main line against the Panov-Botvinnik attack
7.cxd5 (2:49) Nxd5 (0:25) 8.Be2 (0:37)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: I've noticed he doesn't play Qb3 on this move
8...e6 (0:59) 9.O-O (1:01) Be7 (0:17) 10.Qb3 (0:30)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: I've prepared this and have a small trick
10...a6 (2:49)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: there it is, b7 is poison
11.h3 (1:30)
Hathkhola(1993) whispers: If white goes Qxb7 Na5 trapping trick, i guess.
11...Bh5 (4:15)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: this is how far my preparation went, castle short and do something with Na5 next and take it from there
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nxd5 Qxd5 <else Qxb7> Bc4 Na5? Bxd5 Nxb3 Bxb3
12.Nxd5 (6:45)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: we had a small transposition on the last moves, so I was trying to figure out if it mattered (h3 before Qb3) and I don't think it does
12...exd5 (0:28) 13.Re1 (0:31) O-O (0:37)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Ne5
LJMon(1848) whispers: scratch that
14.Bf4 (3:16)
LJMon(1848) whispers: maybe time for Na5
DarkVision(2178) whispers: isn't there a fork on c2?
LJMon(1848) whispers: I believe there is
LJMon(1848) whispers: I cant see why Bf4
LJMon(1848) whispers: other than lots of space
LJMon(1848) whispers: Bxf3 Bxf3 Nxd4 Qxd5 Nxf3 Qxf3 and black is equal
14...Na5 (17:16)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: lots of calculation, but nothing there...
15.Qa4 (1:52)
LJMon(1848) whispers: b5
15...b5 (0:37) 16.Qd1 (0:33) Bb4 (0:25)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nd2
17.Nd2 (2:50) Bxe2 (2:22)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rx
18.Qxe2 (1:18)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nc4
18...Re8 (6:38)
LJMon(1848) whispers: pretty good move trade twice and Nc4 with advantage in the ending
Ismirdochegal(2309) whispers: i dont see that advantage
DarkVision(2178) whispers: I wanted to play Nc4, but then b3
19.Qd3 (2:05)
Dntltek(1441) whispers: Qh4 would have added pressure with a fork and skewer to boot and got his Q out of the exchange chain
Ismirdochegal(2309) whispers: Qf6 one move earlier was worth a look
Ismirdochegal(2309) whispers: also here, it seems a good option
Dntltek(1441) whispers: same attack different angle, cool
19...Qf6 (2:47)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: Be5 Qg6 and maybe queen trade...
20.Be3 (5:28) Nc4 (1:11)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Qc2 Rac8
DarkVision(2178) whispers: I think trading the e-rooks was better, because now Rxe3 is in the air
21.b3 (1:33)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rxe3
21...Rxe3 (2:39)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: this actually doesn't give me anything, I think, looks flashy though
22.Rxe3 (3:21)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nb2 was also possible
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: 22... Nxd2 23. a3 Ba5 24. b4 Bb6 25. Qxd2 Bxd4 is only line you need to work out
KRMCHESS(2051) whispers: although it's not really winning much
DarkVision(2178) whispers: or I win a pawn?
22...Bxd2 (3:02)
Fischeur(2023) whispers: rf3
23.Rf3 (0:42)
LJMon(1848) whispers: this not so good
Fischeur(2023) whispers: miscalculation by black?
DarkVision(2178) whispers: crap, I miscalculated
23...Qh6 (3:37)
Fischeur(2023) whispers: rh6 may save a good passed pawn
24.bxc4 (0:07)
LJMon(1848) whispers: dx
Fischeur(2023) whispers: *qh6
24...bxc4 (0:41) 25.Qc2 (0:31)
LJMon(1848) whispers: dx would have given 3v1 deep and lines to attack isolated d pawn
25...c3 (0:08)
DarkVision(2178) whispers: could still be equal though
26.Rb1 (1:38) Qg6 (0:30)
Fischeur(2023) whispers: c2 is a threat a bit later
DarkVision(2178) whispers: looks like I have compensation with that strong c-pawn, maybe white plays Rxc3
27.Rf5 (1:39)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Rxc3 was probably a good idea
LJMon(1848) whispers: wow....drop back R
27...Qe6 (1:11)
LJMon(1848) whispers: Re5 naturally suggests itself
28.Re5 (1:18) Qg6 (0:45) 29.Rf5 (0:03)
Fischeur(2023) whispers: draw?
DarkVision(2178) whispers: I can repeat now probably
29...Qe6 (0:28) DarkVision offers a draw. lingye accepts the draw request. Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2

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