smallblackcat(2187) vs. vololibero(1951) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2014-06-01

11.Bxd6 (1:49) 11...Nxd6 (0:06) 12.cxd5 (0:14) exd5 (0:17)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: now b4 Nc4 too, he's played this cleverly
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: that's an arousing knight on d6
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: all the same he needs to put the knight back on e4 sooner or later
tjradd(2132) whispers: sbc is not worried about f4
LJMon(1848) whispers: so what do y'all think now?
13.e3 (3:51)
tjradd(2132) whispers: I'd much rather play black
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: I very much like blac. But that's probably because it's the side who has a clear mating attack idea
LJMon(1848) whispers: I think white could have had better
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: just a waiting move
tjradd(2132) whispers: I think e3 is much more than a waiting move
tjradd(2132) whispers: I think black was threatening f4
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: yup
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: that's what I would've wanted to play for sure
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: technically I have a better pawn structure, but in practice it hardly ever matters in the stonewall
13...Nb6 (1:50)
LJMon(1848) whispers: news flash...stonewall isnt all that great
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Ne5 Nbc4 hmm
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: no that fails tactically, Nxc4 Nxc4 Nxd5 cxd5 Bxd5+ Be6 Qxc4
LJMon(1848) whispers: b3
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: better still if I take on d5 first
14.Ne5 (1:51) Nbc4 (0:12)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: let me double check
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Nxd5 cxd5 Bxd5+ Be6 Bxc4
15.Nxd5 (1:22) Qe6 (0:09)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: I don't think that helps...
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Nxc4 Nxc4 Qxc4 and the Nd5 is poisoned
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: on the other hand my Q is unprotected there
Psycho(1958) whispers: leaves c7 open too
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: so he can play Kh8 and win the knight the following move
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: oh my, the cxd5 line was actually really good for black
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: he has Rac8 at the end there with a pin
Paolone(2031) whispers: I was better take cxd5
Paolone(2031) whispers: it was
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: if Nf4 it seems easy though
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: at least it looks very good
16.Nf4 (1:41)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: no square to defend the knight
16...Nxe3 (0:23) 17.fxe3 (0:21) Qh6 (0:10)
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: ok now I just need to consolidate
Paolone(2031) whispers: why play so quicly...
Psycho(1958) whispers: think black got spooked
Paolone(2031) whispers: with cxd5 then there was Be6 to defend and black was better
LJMon(1848) whispers: Nxe7+
smallblackcat(2187) whispers: Qe2-h5 seems good
DarkVision(2171) whispers: 15. Nxd5 cxd5 Bxd5+ Be6 Bxc4 Nxc4 Nxc4 Rc8 and wins a piece for black?
pedropablo(1722) whispers: ma perche nn ha mangiato subito il cavallo???
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: yes, cxd5 Bxd5+ Be6 Bxc4 Bxc4 Nxc4 Rc8 was the way to go for black
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: touche
ShakaZahn(2019) whispers: my move order is messed up, what DV said
Paolone(2031) whispers: anyway it's necessary using the time to compute in complicated position
18.Qe2 (2:47)
Paolone(2031) whispers: black moved Qe6 in one second
DarkVision(2171) whispers: I think either way taking on c4 would be good nfor black, Shaka
VoloLibero resigns 1-0

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