krmchess(2059) vs. lingye(2133) *

standard 45+45, 2014-05-25

1.c4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:01) Nf6 (0:04) 3.Bg2 (0:01) d5 (0:01) 4.cxd5 (0:00) Nxd5 (0:01) 5.Nc3 (0:00) Nb6 (0:02) 6.Nf3 (0:01) Nc6 (0:01) 7.O-O (0:04) Be7 (0:03) 8.a3 (0:05)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Pretty much expected, just like last game
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: guess now he's getting paranoid ;)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: or just remembering theory
8...O-O (0:57) 9.b4 (0:06) Be6 (0:08) 10.Rb1 (0:09) f6 (0:15) 11.d3 (0:04) a5 (0:36) 12.b5 (0:24) Nd4 (0:06) 13.Nd2 (0:03)
Drad(1814) whispers: hey all
13...Qc8 (1:05) 14.e3 (0:05) Nf5 (0:09) 15.a4 (0:03)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: 15. Bb2 was played in my last match
Drad(1814) whispers: isn't KRM the guy we were watching earlier?
15...Bb4 (0:52)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: 15... Bb4 was main database choice. 16. Qc2 and 16. Bb2 were both played but I prefer former
16.Qc2 (0:37)
Drad(1814) whispers: damn it... I have to go to bed
StonieTribus(2055) whispers: hm, why doesnt Bxc3 and Nxa4 just lose a pawn?
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: either way I've pretty much reached end of prep. I know a few ideas like Nb3xa5 and Na2 . Bb2 is usually played and black normally plays c6 to which white responds pxc6
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Rd1 or Rc1 is often played too
Drad(1814) whispers: dunno. I'd take it ;)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: although 16... Bxc3 17. Qxc3 Nxa4 could win a pawn for black
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: should have looked up that line when doing prep :P
Drad(1814) whispers: ok I'm too curious, time to pop open the analysis board
StonieTribus(2055) whispers: surely Black won t dare to take the pawn because he believes White must have prepared it :-)
16...Bxc3 (6:53)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: well I think white gets enough play
17.Qxc3 (0:04) Nxa4 (0:30)
StonieTribus(2055) whispers: ok, so he is not afraid
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: 17... Nxa4 18. Qc2 Nb6 19. Ba3 Rd8 20. Rac1 looks good
18.Qc2 (0:27)
Drad(1814) whispers: apparently Qa3 Nb6 Ne4 and the a pawn can't be defended more
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: although I guess next time it's easier to stick to 16. Bb2 instead :P
Drad(1814) whispers: at least I think that's the idea
18...Nb6 (1:18) 19.Ba3 (0:03)
Drad(1814) whispers: no nevermind.. it appears to just be a positional sacrifice
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Ne4-c5 also looks strong for white
Drad(1814) whispers: it's legit though
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: so in conclusion I think pawn sac is sound as bishop pair and initiative give ample compensation
StonieTribus(2055) whispers: yes, since Krm hasn t seen the pawn grab in database when preparing the line, it means grandmasters wouldn t play it
smallblackcat(2218) whispers: bishop pair is always decent compensation
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I feel I've committed some sort of horrific sin to have 56min on my clock, even if it's all opening prep...
19...Rf7 (3:59)
smallblackcat(2218) whispers: I mean, assuming the position is somewhat open, like here
20.Rfc1 (0:09)
Drad(1814) whispers: I must admit, that does look pretty nice down that c file
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: but I much prefer my position in this game to last one. It feels like it's a lot easier to play. 21. Ne4 and 22. Nc5 is very hard to stop and black has a lot of weak points
smallblackcat(2218) whispers: black's major pieces are very inactive
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: a4 is only move that could be awkward
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: although even Bc5 with idea of Bxb6 with a later Bd5 skewering rook is hard to stop
20...Nd6 (4:39)
Drad(1814) whispers: oh dear
Drad(1814) whispers: oh wait, that's not the tactic yet
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: ok, now I need to start thinking. First of all I don't think Bxd6 quite works
StonieTribus(2055) whispers: after Bxd6 cxd6 the rook on f7 covers b7, nice
Drad(1814) whispers: yes it amazingly all holds together for black :)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think Ne4 is probably best trying to get back to previous lines
21.Ne4 (3:14) Nxe4 (1:47) 22.Bxe4 (0:03) Bd5 (3:25)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: ok... 23. Bxd5 Nxd5 24. Bd6 has to be considered along with immediate Bc5
StonieTribus(2055) whispers: Bc5 seems interesting
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: 23. Bc5 Bxe4 24. Bxb6 has a lot of desperadoes
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: although I feel that 24... Bf3 could be mating
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: d4 is also an interesting idea, along with Bxh7+ first
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think d4 is maybe best as it doesn't allow black to unravel
23.d4 (6:11) Bxe4 (1:48) 24.Qxe4 (0:03) exd4 (0:02)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think I have to play pxd4 to keep control of key squares
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: ir Rc5 if really ambitious
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: *or Rc5
25.exd4 (1:28)
Drad(1814) whispers: mmm that makes sense
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Fortunately Ra8 is pretty much a dead piece so I think I have a lot of attacking play
Drad(1814) whispers: computer liked taking with the bishop I think.. Bc5 Bxd4
25...f5 (3:52)
Drad(1814) whispers: black might have to give back the pawn to get his pieces out
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: f5 does dent my initiative a bit :(
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think Qf3 is forced as pressure on b7 is too important to let go
26.Qf3 (2:14)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: In an ideal world I would play 27. Rc5 followed by 28. Rbc1 but I suspect lingye will play 26... Nd7
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Then I have choice between take 27. Rc3 and more concrete 27. b6 c6 28. Bd6
26...f4 (4:09)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: 27. pxf4 allows 27... Qf5 and I think black is ok while 27. Qe4 allows f3 with a probable mating net. Thus I think g4 is only good move
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: with g4 I need to watch out for queen deflections that allow Qxg4+ so h3 is required very soon afterwards
27.g4 (4:16)
Drad(1814) whispers: I like the way KRMCHESS teaches me chess on the clock :)
Drad(1814) whispers: what a champion
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: a possible idea could be Kh1 and then Rg1
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: first move white should play if given a free hand is Rc5 to cover h5
27...Qd7 (2:33)
Drad(1814) whispers: the sleeping menace awakens!
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: hmm... is 28. Qxb7 playable as Qxd4 is met by Bc5 although guess Qxg4+ is most likely move
28.h3 (4:28)
Drad(1814) whispers: q
Drad(1814) whispers: Qd5 all black's problems solved
28...Rb8 (0:53)
Drad(1814) whispers: oh well.. bed time :)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: looks like I misplayed middlegame. Now white looks a clear pawn worse :(
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: looking at position I feel white's best chances lie in slightly exposed position of black's king and fact he can't defend f8
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: so top priority is activating rooks even if it costs a pawn
29.Rc5 (3:25) Qxd4 (5:03) 30.Re1 (0:14)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Rc1 at best just exchanged a pair of rooks while this way gives black problems as threat is Rce5 and Re8
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Nc4 is met by Rd5
30...Rd7 (1:52)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: two choices are Rce5 or Qb3+
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Qb3+ feels stronger as blocking on d5 fails to Rd1 ideas... maybe :P
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think Rd5 block is ok, so I guess it's Re5
31.Rce5 (3:52) Nc4 (3:32)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: two variations I need to check are Re8+ and Qb3
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think Qb3 is best as threat of Re4 is hard to meet
32.Qb3 (2:02)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: a4 I think is best met by Qa2 maintaining pin
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I feel more confident about my position again. Being two pawns down feels a bit irrelevant ;)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Qd3 is only move that I think might work for black
32...Rd5 (6:29)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think R5e4 just wins now?
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: or have I missed something?
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think it should be good so I'll play it
33.R5e4 (2:06)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: now black loses at least an exchange
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think Nd2 loses to Rxd4
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: otherwise I think Qxc4 is good for white with a material advantage
33...Qd3 (2:17) 34.Qxc4 (0:21)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: I think white should win :o
34...Qxc4 (0:34) 35.Rxc4 (0:04) Rd7 (1:05)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: Rxf4 looks solid
36.Rxf4 (0:35) b6 (1:12) 37.Kg2 (0:42) Rbd8 (0:17)
KRMCHESS(2059) whispers: black has to be careful not to allow an invasion to 7th rank and I think white has covered all weak spots
38.Rfe4 (0:48) lingye lost connection; game adjourned *

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