kingpawns(1874) vs. kaater(1818) 1-0
standard 1+42, 2014-04-12
1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.d3 (0:08) g6 (0:11) 3.Nf3 (0:12) Bg7 (0:51) 4.Nbd2 (0:03) Nc6 (0:27) 5.g3 (0:02) d6 (0:10) 6.Bg2 (0:03) Nf6 (0:08) 7.O-O (0:06) O-O (0:19) 8.Re1 (0:02) Qb6 (0:13) 9.e5 (0:31) dxe5 (0:27) 10.Nc4 (0:24) Qc7 (0:47) 11.Nfxe5 (0:19) Nh5 (1:06) 12.Nxc6 (0:23) bxc6 (0:06) 13.Bf3 (0:24) Rb8 (1:47) 14.Bxh5 (0:30) gxh5 (0:04) 15.Qxh5 (0:06) Kh8 (0:24) 16.Bf4 (0:18) e5 (0:08)
kaater(1818) whispers: saturday - time of the patzers playing perfect games 17.Rxe5 (2:06) Qd7 (1:26) 18.Rg5 (1:29) Rxb2 (2:08)
kaater(1818) whispers: he thinks and thinks over trivial issues yet has more and more time 19.Rxg7 (2:34) Kxg7 (1:15) 20.Qg5+ (0:17) Kh8 (0:05) 21.Qf6+ (0:23) Kg8 (0:08) 22.Bh6 (0:17) Qg4 (0:18) 23.Ne5 (0:28) Rb4 (1:21) 24.c4 (0:46) Qg6 (1:02) 25.Nxg6 (0:06) hxg6 (0:04) 26.Qg7# (0:01) kaater checkmated 1-0
kaater(1818) whispers: saturday - time of the patzers playing perfect games 17.Rxe5 (2:06) Qd7 (1:26) 18.Rg5 (1:29) Rxb2 (2:08)
kaater(1818) whispers: he thinks and thinks over trivial issues yet has more and more time 19.Rxg7 (2:34) Kxg7 (1:15) 20.Qg5+ (0:17) Kh8 (0:05) 21.Qf6+ (0:23) Kg8 (0:08) 22.Bh6 (0:17) Qg4 (0:18) 23.Ne5 (0:28) Rb4 (1:21) 24.c4 (0:46) Qg6 (1:02) 25.Nxg6 (0:06) hxg6 (0:04) 26.Qg7# (0:01) kaater checkmated 1-0