tjradd(2160) vs. titanchess(2188) *

standard 45+45, 2014-03-13

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:02) e6 (0:02) 3.Nc3 (0:05) Bb4 (0:03) 4.e3 (0:03)
tjradd(2160) whispers: so I prepared thinking I was black
tjradd(2160) whispers: so I am going in cold
tjradd(2160) whispers: :/
Gorgonian(1985) whispers: i have a lot of students with similar misconceptions
4...b6 (0:30) 5.Ne2 (0:08) c5 (0:10) 6.a3 (0:08)
tjradd(2160) whispers: Ba5!?
6...Ba5 (0:23)
tjradd(2160) whispers: where Rb1 Na6 g3 Bb7 d5 is interesting
7.Rb1 (0:08)
tjradd(2160) whispers: alright, well
tjradd(2160) whispers: I know there's an interesting line that goes Na6 g3 Bb7 d5 b5
tjradd(2160) whispers: if black wants to try to win, that's the one
7...Na6 (2:12) 8.g3 (0:11)
tjradd(2160) whispers: I don't like Ne4
tjradd(2160) whispers: cd doesn't look great
8...cxd4 (3:12)
titanchess(2188) whispers: not played against the 8. g3 line before.... usual mainline is Bd2 ....
tjradd(2160) whispers: one idea is Bg2 dc b4 but I am not impressed
9.exd4 (2:45) Bxc3+ (0:43) 10.Nxc3 (0:07)
tjradd(2160) whispers: yay bishops
10...Bb7 (0:04) 11.d5 (0:05) O-O (0:27) 12.Bg2 (1:24) Rc8 (1:34) 13.b3 (0:40)
tjradd(2160) whispers: I feel so misplaced
tjradd(2160) whispers: Nxd5!?
titanchess(2188) whispers: looks like my opponent knows how to play against the Romanishin :)
tjradd(2160) whispers: I guess it's fine
tjradd(2160) whispers: Nd5 Nd5 ed5 o-o
tjradd(2160) whispers: I should be more positive
13...Nc5 (2:06)
tjradd(2160) whispers: I have a little space plus, I have bishops
14.O-O (0:27)
tjradd(2160) whispers: great
tjradd(2160) whispers: I have survived the preparation blunder into a playable game
14...exd5 (1:36) 15.Nxd5 (0:15) Bxd5 (0:08)
tjradd(2160) whispers: well
tjradd(2160) whispers: cd balances the pawn structure (sort of)
tjradd(2160) whispers: but keeps bishops
tjradd(2160) whispers: bx nx qx means I try to work on d-pawn
tjradd(2160) whispers: that feels more natural to me
16.Bxd5 (2:06) Nxd5 (0:07) 17.Qxd5 (0:03)
tjradd(2160) whispers: It should take a blunder for me to lose this
tjradd(2160) whispers: unclear if the converse is true
tjradd(2160) whispers: I feel like, I have the better minor piece here, and the better structure
tjradd(2160) whispers: Smyslov would convert!
17...h6 (2:32) 18.Rd1 (3:54)
tjradd(2160) whispers: putting a little warmth on iso d7
tjradd(2160) whispers: not really threatening b4 yet, I don't think
tjradd(2160) whispers: I'm suspicious there'd be some Rcd8 skewer
18...Qf6 (1:29)
tjradd(2160) whispers: right, for example b4 Ne6 Qd7 Rcd8 is a kill
tjradd(2160) whispers: but, can I throw in Bb2
tjradd(2160) whispers: connects the rooks
tjradd(2160) whispers: b4 at any point will also donate back c4
titanchess(2188) whispers: methinks I might lose that d-pawn, so need to get some activity ... at mo knight doing a job, but once b4 comes in ... I need to find some threat .... so Na4 Nc3 looks OK for the fork ....
tjradd(2160) whispers: I might be able to pick up a7
tjradd(2160) whispers: something like Bb2 Qe6 b4 Qd5 Rd5 Nsomewhere Rd7 Rc4 Ra7
19.Bb2 (3:37)
tjradd(2160) whispers: if nothing else, Bb2 is fine
tjradd(2160) whispers: it's a good diagonal, and this is not committing
19...Qg6 (0:28)
titanchess(2188) whispers: then again, maybe I should settle down and arrange for a rook and pawn ending which is drawn ... hmmm, white has an edge here .... hope it is not terminal for me :((
tjradd(2160) whispers: ok, in some lines R/d1 is overworked
20.Bd4 (4:52)
tjradd(2160) whispers: B/e3 will clog only open file, and makes the bishop work both ways
tjradd(2160) whispers: I feel like each of my four pieces are slightly better than each of their counterparts
tjradd(2160) whispers: but I don't have the "I have an advantage" feeling
20...Ne4 (6:01) 21.Rbc1 (2:59) Qc6 (0:26)
titanchess(2188) whispers: hoping for a swap off here .....
tjradd(2160) whispers: leaving the a8-h1 diagonal is very dangerous
tjradd(2160) whispers: he has ideas of Ng5 and Nh3/Nf3
tjradd(2160) whispers: example Qe5 f6 Qf4 Ng4 is gross
tjradd(2160) whispers: candidates Be5, Be3
22.Be3 (7:42) Nf6 (0:33) 23.Qf5 (1:27)
tjradd(2160) whispers: still feels pretty safe
tjradd(2160) whispers: he can't play d5
tjradd(2160) whispers: that's the only really serious fixing move
titanchess(2188) whispers: hmmm, still can't these queens exchanged lol
tjradd(2160) whispers: I feel like something is going to d4 :p
tjradd(2160) whispers: unclear if it is a rook for the bishop
tjradd(2160) whispers: Rd4 has the nice double-feature of doubling on d-file or lifting (e.g. Rh4)
tjradd lost connection; game adjourned *

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