nachsueb(1985) vs. hpnewton(1935) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2014-03-07
Earlier moves are in akhairat(2021) vs. nachsueb(2019) *
15...fxe4 (0:30)
16.Nxe4 (0:01) Nxe4 (0:15) 17.Bxe4 (2:43) d5 (1:47) 18.Bc2 (0:47)
aberleider(1851) whispers: Black seems better to me. Those two central pawns could become very dangerous and white's pawn at e6 is bound to fall. I'd follow up with ...d4 18...Qb6 (3:47)
TGV(1765) whispers: White might be able to defend with Bb3 after Qd2 d4 c5? But the center pawns do seem formidable 19.Qd2 (5:26)
aberleider(1851) whispers: Not sure about this move... it appears that now is white who could have an edge after Bxe5 Qxf2+, Kh1, since the e pawn can now be supported from behind by the heavy pieces and black's kingside is weak and will be weakened even more after the unavoidable exchange of dark square bishops.. Black shouldn't have allowed the opening of the center
aberleider(1851) whispers: Well, white didn't like the complications, although I strongly believe that the queen on f2 looked more scary than it actually would have been. now black has a chance to close the center again with d4 19...dxc4 (13:49)
HPNewton(1935) whispers: difficult choice 20.Bxe5 (0:54)
aberleider(1851) whispers: @HPNewton: you know better than me bro', but I think you should have played d4 and would have won a moderately long game. Post mortem will tell, but now I feel white has the better position. 20...Rad8 (1:24) NachsueB resigns 0-1
aberleider(1851) whispers: Black seems better to me. Those two central pawns could become very dangerous and white's pawn at e6 is bound to fall. I'd follow up with ...d4 18...Qb6 (3:47)
TGV(1765) whispers: White might be able to defend with Bb3 after Qd2 d4 c5? But the center pawns do seem formidable 19.Qd2 (5:26)
aberleider(1851) whispers: Not sure about this move... it appears that now is white who could have an edge after Bxe5 Qxf2+, Kh1, since the e pawn can now be supported from behind by the heavy pieces and black's kingside is weak and will be weakened even more after the unavoidable exchange of dark square bishops.. Black shouldn't have allowed the opening of the center
aberleider(1851) whispers: Well, white didn't like the complications, although I strongly believe that the queen on f2 looked more scary than it actually would have been. now black has a chance to close the center again with d4 19...dxc4 (13:49)
HPNewton(1935) whispers: difficult choice 20.Bxe5 (0:54)
aberleider(1851) whispers: @HPNewton: you know better than me bro', but I think you should have played d4 and would have won a moderately long game. Post mortem will tell, but now I feel white has the better position. 20...Rad8 (1:24) NachsueB resigns 0-1