vololibero(1939) vs. lingye(2177) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2014-01-25

22.Ne5 (3:45)
pedropablo(1769) whispers: ma a che serve Ne5?
pedropablo(1769) whispers: ci sono astuzie sottese?
Perkl(1483) whispers: puhu suomea vaan, niin me muutkin tehdaan
Hathkhola(1904) whispers: Please, chat in english.
22...cxd4 (5:52) 23.Nxd7 (0:07)
pedropablo(1769) whispers: o almeno in italian
23...Qxd7 (3:04)
Hathkhola(1904) whispers: Rxc4 , oh there is dxc3
24.Rxf4 (2:38) dxc3 (0:07) 25.Rc1 (0:29)
lambertdw(1515) whispers: I'd have played 23 ... Be3+
Perkl(1483) whispers: rb2
25...Rb2 (0:59)
Perkl(1483) whispers: and ra2 and uh oh
26.Qe3 (1:39)
Perkl(1483) whispers: or qa4?
26...e5 (4:39) 27.Rf5 (2:31) Qd4 (3:32) 28.Rf3 (1:13) Raa2 (1:22)
Perkl(1483) whispers: liked bxe4 more
29.Nxc3 (2:40) Bxf3 (1:12) 30.Qxd4 (0:09) exd4 (0:01) 31.Nxa2 (0:01) Rxa2 (0:01) 32.c5 (0:06) Bc6 (0:31) 33.Rc4 (0:08) Rg2+ (0:04) 34.Kf1 (0:01) Rxg4 (0:04) 35.Kf2 (0:02) Kf8 (0:08) 36.h3 (0:05) Rf4+ (0:09) 37.Ke2 (0:10) Ke7 (0:05) 38.Rb4 (0:03) Ke6 (0:05) VoloLibero resigns 0-1

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