osaridsaris(1974) vs. mrlatvian(1930) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2013-12-10
1.f4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.fxe5 (0:04) d6 (0:02) 3.Nf3 (0:02)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Never seen this before 3...g5 (2:17) 4.exd6 (0:18) Bxd6 (0:03) 5.g3 (0:02) g4 (0:04) 6.Nh4 (0:02) Ne7 (0:25) 7.d4 (0:16) Ng6 (0:03) 8.Nxg6 (0:01) hxg6 (0:09) 9.Qd3 (0:02) Nc6 (0:17) 10.c3 (0:04) Qe7 (3:04)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: as usual a note to the audience that my blitz (or lightning) move speed is merely because none of this is a surprise yet
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: i better get coffee now before the complications start ;) 11.Bg2 (1:37)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: his Q move could transpose or lead somewhere else entirely.. we'll see.. it's a slight change to move order. 11...Be6 (3:38) 12.Nd2 (0:14) O-O-O (0:37) 13.O-O (4:50)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Castling right next to an open h-file is pretty ballsy! 13...Rh5 (3:54) 14.Bxc6 (0:30) bxc6 (0:04) 15.e4 (0:37)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: definitely out of preparation at this point, now we see where things go :)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Black's pawn structure is terrible and he has one less. If he cannot attack successfully then he will just be losing.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: well, good point and now black got to look closely at Qa6+ and e5 idea to trap bishop.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: the one word I wouldn't use to describe this position is "drawish".. but who knows, I might be wrong about that
FlashKick(1812) whispers: yeah this is very unorthodox game heh
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: I doubt this will end as a draw. Either black's attack succeeds and he wins, or it fizzles and he ends up with a lost ending.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I think this will not be drawn.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Need I fear e5 yet? Got to be careful, Bxe5 doesn't work (Qa6+)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I forgot that line, was thinking of e5 1st.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: e5 Bxe5 was thinking dxe5 but saw black rook would take the queen.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Rethought and saw Qa6+ and e5 idea, but after e5 if Bxe5 Qa6+ and still getting bishop.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Is Rdh8 fast enough to afford sacrificing the bishop on d6 after he plays e5
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Good point, latvian.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: e5 Bc5 Qa6+ Kb8 dxc5 Qxc5+ and Rdh8 and white is in trouble.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: I've never played against a Froms before so I might give the audience some giggles by falling into to some manner of well known trap :P
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Well at least it shouldn't be a boring game.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Rdh8 e5 Rxh2 exd6 Bd5 and he has to give back the piece to avoid mate (dxe7? Rg2#)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I thought latvian is one of the observer.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: No. The players can whisper too.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: right 15...Rdh8 (13:08)
FlashKick(1812) whispers: if we whisper can the players see it
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: hey pawn, are you one of those smart canadian at chess like tjradd is and good at math?:)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: in for a pawn, in for a bishop :) 16.Rf2 (1:53)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: I am only average at chess and math.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: okay, thx for answering.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: In school I was always very good at geometry but only so-so at algebra.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: my d2 knight isn't as stupidly placed as it appears to be, although I'm new to this whole system I know that much :)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Rxh2 Rxh2 Rxh2 Kxh2 Qh4+ is interesting but costs a whole rook... would need to find a mate to justify that
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: if this game is drawn, i would ban fics .
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I am just kidding
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: If the black LSB could safely get on the long diagonal it would be a monster.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: especially if e5 is played.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: given the amount of thinking he's doing he's either calculating the most precise line to mate me, or, is not sure how best to proceed...... I'm hoping for the latter.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: if there's a forced smashthrough to get to my king I'm not seeing it.. everything I've looked at seems to have an available defense...
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Well we know that black is calculating whether or not to sac the DSB. But of course white can't read this so he has no idea. ;;) 16...Rxh2 (10:21)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: wow
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: or i can just play it without justification :D
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: wow... either I'm going to lose in the next handful of moves or that was an oops... I guess it's time for ME to have a long think...
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: well, should I really think all that long though? If I ignore the sacrifice then Rh1 & R8h2 is mate... blah.. as in star trek I may be on a road that has no turns :P
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: the immediate e5 loses to Rh1+ then R8h2#
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Well as it stands, black threatens mate in 2. White will have to decide how to prevent that. 17.Rxh2 (2:45) Rxh2 (0:05)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: It's either KxR or the zwischenzug e5
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: it's making me really nervous that I really see nothing at all here.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: oh, I get it. Kxh2 Qh4+ because g pawn is pinned.. but don't I have the zwischenzug of e5? 18.e5 (3:10)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Rh3 exd6 Qxd6 Ne4 holds for white.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: the other fun side to e5 is that it serves a role to restrain the f pawn
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: I should note, I'm aware I've had the ability to trap black's dark bishop for some time now but it's only now when I'm basically left with no choice but to do so, that I do so -- it's not without its dangers.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: another thing I like about e5 is that if I'm missing something big here, I have the option of grovelling with Ne4/Nf2 18...Rh3 (13:30)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: hmm, with the R on h3 the e4 square looks even more critical for the knight.. it can't stay there but, it could buy me enough time to serve a useful role.... 19.exd6 (2:29) cxd6 (1:12)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: white should not allow Bd5, so maybe c4 here.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: of course, if Ne4 now then Bd5 is pretty intensely irritating, skewering the knigth and h1 square
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: but then again, then again, Ne4 Bd5 Nf2 as I mentioned earlier..
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: On the other hand, if c4 then bf5 and the WQ must abandon g3. 20.Ne4 (4:47)
milpat(1980) whispers: Bd5 Nf2 Qe1 Qf1 Qxg3+
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: Bf5 is obviously also an option but then Bg5 and if f6 just Bxf6
milpat(1980) whispers: oops
milpat(1980) whispers: no Qxg3 with N on f2
milpat(1980) whispers: but Rxg3
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Bf5 Bg5 Qxe4 right?
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Hmmm.. Bf5 or Bd5 ...
milpat(1980) whispers: Bd5
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Can I deposit a quarter for extra time? LOL
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: lol
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: it's useful that the Q is on d3 due to Bd5 Nf2 Qe1+, I just play Qf1
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: and the king can't be diverted by Rh1+ because just Nxh1
milpat(1980) whispers: then Rxg3 wins f1? 20...Bd5 (2:58)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: dreaming of Qe1+ 21.Nf2 (1:20) Qe1+ (0:32)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Rg3 and it is over
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: well, Qf1 is also the only legal move so that helps... 22.Qf1 (0:24)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: white does not see Rg3 yet
milpat(1980) whispers: he will
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: right pawn, but black sees it.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Rxg3+ Kh2 Rg2+ and wins, right?
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: oh nevermind Rxg3+ Kh2 QxQ 0-1 22...Rxg3+ (1:02)
milpat(1980) whispers: nice Mike
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Rg2 + is mate
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: ignore that stuff I said about king can't be diverted :P
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Kh2 Rg2 Qxg2
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Simply QxQ is better
milpat(1980) whispers: yes
milpat(1980) whispers: for free
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: oh right, QxQ is good.
milpat(1980) whispers: rook goes but Qg2 follows
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: N falls too 23.Kh2 (3:49)
milpat(1980) whispers: meh Qxf2 mates 23...Qxf1 (0:16) 24.Kxg3 (0:03) Qg2+ (0:03) 25.Kf4 (0:05) Qxf2+ (0:05)
milpat(1980) whispers: was Qxf2 Qxf2 Rh3 h1 26.Kxg4 (0:14) Qg1+ (0:45) 27.Kf4 (0:15)
tjradd(2146) whispers: Be6 was a move
tjradd(2146) whispers: when is next game :)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: in 12 hours 27...g5+ (0:39)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: so the lesson is a) yes, I was missing something huge, b) no, Nf2 was not a sufficient defense fallback position :P 28.Kf5 (0:29)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Also, lack of bishop development. 28...g4 (0:04) 29.b3 (0:10) g3 (0:04) 30.Bb2 (0:02) Qf2+ (0:02) 31.Kg4 (0:07) Qxb2 (0:10) OsaridSaris resigns 0-1
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Never seen this before 3...g5 (2:17) 4.exd6 (0:18) Bxd6 (0:03) 5.g3 (0:02) g4 (0:04) 6.Nh4 (0:02) Ne7 (0:25) 7.d4 (0:16) Ng6 (0:03) 8.Nxg6 (0:01) hxg6 (0:09) 9.Qd3 (0:02) Nc6 (0:17) 10.c3 (0:04) Qe7 (3:04)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: as usual a note to the audience that my blitz (or lightning) move speed is merely because none of this is a surprise yet
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: i better get coffee now before the complications start ;) 11.Bg2 (1:37)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: his Q move could transpose or lead somewhere else entirely.. we'll see.. it's a slight change to move order. 11...Be6 (3:38) 12.Nd2 (0:14) O-O-O (0:37) 13.O-O (4:50)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Castling right next to an open h-file is pretty ballsy! 13...Rh5 (3:54) 14.Bxc6 (0:30) bxc6 (0:04) 15.e4 (0:37)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: definitely out of preparation at this point, now we see where things go :)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Black's pawn structure is terrible and he has one less. If he cannot attack successfully then he will just be losing.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: well, good point and now black got to look closely at Qa6+ and e5 idea to trap bishop.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: the one word I wouldn't use to describe this position is "drawish".. but who knows, I might be wrong about that
FlashKick(1812) whispers: yeah this is very unorthodox game heh
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: I doubt this will end as a draw. Either black's attack succeeds and he wins, or it fizzles and he ends up with a lost ending.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I think this will not be drawn.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Need I fear e5 yet? Got to be careful, Bxe5 doesn't work (Qa6+)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I forgot that line, was thinking of e5 1st.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: e5 Bxe5 was thinking dxe5 but saw black rook would take the queen.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Rethought and saw Qa6+ and e5 idea, but after e5 if Bxe5 Qa6+ and still getting bishop.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Is Rdh8 fast enough to afford sacrificing the bishop on d6 after he plays e5
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Good point, latvian.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: e5 Bc5 Qa6+ Kb8 dxc5 Qxc5+ and Rdh8 and white is in trouble.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: I've never played against a Froms before so I might give the audience some giggles by falling into to some manner of well known trap :P
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Well at least it shouldn't be a boring game.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Rdh8 e5 Rxh2 exd6 Bd5 and he has to give back the piece to avoid mate (dxe7? Rg2#)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I thought latvian is one of the observer.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: No. The players can whisper too.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: right 15...Rdh8 (13:08)
FlashKick(1812) whispers: if we whisper can the players see it
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: hey pawn, are you one of those smart canadian at chess like tjradd is and good at math?:)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: in for a pawn, in for a bishop :) 16.Rf2 (1:53)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: I am only average at chess and math.
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: okay, thx for answering.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: In school I was always very good at geometry but only so-so at algebra.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: my d2 knight isn't as stupidly placed as it appears to be, although I'm new to this whole system I know that much :)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Rxh2 Rxh2 Rxh2 Kxh2 Qh4+ is interesting but costs a whole rook... would need to find a mate to justify that
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: if this game is drawn, i would ban fics .
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: I am just kidding
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: If the black LSB could safely get on the long diagonal it would be a monster.
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: especially if e5 is played.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: given the amount of thinking he's doing he's either calculating the most precise line to mate me, or, is not sure how best to proceed...... I'm hoping for the latter.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: if there's a forced smashthrough to get to my king I'm not seeing it.. everything I've looked at seems to have an available defense...
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Well we know that black is calculating whether or not to sac the DSB. But of course white can't read this so he has no idea. ;;) 16...Rxh2 (10:21)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: wow
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: or i can just play it without justification :D
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: wow... either I'm going to lose in the next handful of moves or that was an oops... I guess it's time for ME to have a long think...
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: well, should I really think all that long though? If I ignore the sacrifice then Rh1 & R8h2 is mate... blah.. as in star trek I may be on a road that has no turns :P
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: the immediate e5 loses to Rh1+ then R8h2#
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Well as it stands, black threatens mate in 2. White will have to decide how to prevent that. 17.Rxh2 (2:45) Rxh2 (0:05)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: It's either KxR or the zwischenzug e5
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: it's making me really nervous that I really see nothing at all here.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: oh, I get it. Kxh2 Qh4+ because g pawn is pinned.. but don't I have the zwischenzug of e5? 18.e5 (3:10)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Rh3 exd6 Qxd6 Ne4 holds for white.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: the other fun side to e5 is that it serves a role to restrain the f pawn
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: I should note, I'm aware I've had the ability to trap black's dark bishop for some time now but it's only now when I'm basically left with no choice but to do so, that I do so -- it's not without its dangers.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: another thing I like about e5 is that if I'm missing something big here, I have the option of grovelling with Ne4/Nf2 18...Rh3 (13:30)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: hmm, with the R on h3 the e4 square looks even more critical for the knight.. it can't stay there but, it could buy me enough time to serve a useful role.... 19.exd6 (2:29) cxd6 (1:12)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: white should not allow Bd5, so maybe c4 here.
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: of course, if Ne4 now then Bd5 is pretty intensely irritating, skewering the knigth and h1 square
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: but then again, then again, Ne4 Bd5 Nf2 as I mentioned earlier..
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: On the other hand, if c4 then bf5 and the WQ must abandon g3. 20.Ne4 (4:47)
milpat(1980) whispers: Bd5 Nf2 Qe1 Qf1 Qxg3+
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: Bf5 is obviously also an option but then Bg5 and if f6 just Bxf6
milpat(1980) whispers: oops
milpat(1980) whispers: no Qxg3 with N on f2
milpat(1980) whispers: but Rxg3
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Bf5 Bg5 Qxe4 right?
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Hmmm.. Bf5 or Bd5 ...
milpat(1980) whispers: Bd5
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Can I deposit a quarter for extra time? LOL
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: lol
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: it's useful that the Q is on d3 due to Bd5 Nf2 Qe1+, I just play Qf1
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: and the king can't be diverted by Rh1+ because just Nxh1
milpat(1980) whispers: then Rxg3 wins f1? 20...Bd5 (2:58)
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: dreaming of Qe1+ 21.Nf2 (1:20) Qe1+ (0:32)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Rg3 and it is over
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: well, Qf1 is also the only legal move so that helps... 22.Qf1 (0:24)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: white does not see Rg3 yet
milpat(1980) whispers: he will
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: right pawn, but black sees it.
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: Rxg3+ Kh2 Rg2+ and wins, right?
MrLatvian(1930) whispers: oh nevermind Rxg3+ Kh2 QxQ 0-1 22...Rxg3+ (1:02)
milpat(1980) whispers: nice Mike
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Rg2 + is mate
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: ignore that stuff I said about king can't be diverted :P
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Kh2 Rg2 Qxg2
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: Simply QxQ is better
milpat(1980) whispers: yes
milpat(1980) whispers: for free
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: oh right, QxQ is good.
milpat(1980) whispers: rook goes but Qg2 follows
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: N falls too 23.Kh2 (3:49)
milpat(1980) whispers: meh Qxf2 mates 23...Qxf1 (0:16) 24.Kxg3 (0:03) Qg2+ (0:03) 25.Kf4 (0:05) Qxf2+ (0:05)
milpat(1980) whispers: was Qxf2 Qxf2 Rh3 h1 26.Kxg4 (0:14) Qg1+ (0:45) 27.Kf4 (0:15)
tjradd(2146) whispers: Be6 was a move
tjradd(2146) whispers: when is next game :)
Pawnadian(1960) whispers: in 12 hours 27...g5+ (0:39)
OsaridSaris(1974) whispers: so the lesson is a) yes, I was missing something huge, b) no, Nf2 was not a sufficient defense fallback position :P 28.Kf5 (0:29)
Hathkhola(1847) whispers: Also, lack of bishop development. 28...g4 (0:04) 29.b3 (0:10) g3 (0:04) 30.Bb2 (0:02) Qf2+ (0:02) 31.Kg4 (0:07) Qxb2 (0:10) OsaridSaris resigns 0-1