drinkeh(2125) vs. nachsueb(1992) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2013-11-26

1.e4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:21) d5 (0:03) 3.e5 (0:01) Nfd7 (0:04) 4.f4 (0:06) c5 (0:03) 5.Nf3 (0:04) Nc6 (0:32)
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: what happens on nxd5
6.Bb5 (4:19)
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: hey miilpat!
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: hey sbc!
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: hey rf
oldengawy(2145) whispers: hey
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: hey og!
6...e6 (2:34) 7.O-O (0:23)
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: hmm, they've basically transposed to a French here, where Bb5 is not so usual
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: it is no use identifying openings in TL
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: we just play what comes to our mind :)
oldengawy(2145) whispers: yes , but i see Bb5 too in blitz
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: this is a kind of rossolimo
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: but nc3 doesnt look so hot
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: well it started as alekhine's defence ;)
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: :)
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: and then became a scandinavian
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: but i dont see why nxd5 is bad on move 4
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: well to me it is a French, just as soon as white plays d4 ;)
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: but i dont see why nxd5 is bad on move 5 i mena
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: same reason it wasn't played on move 4 actually, it can be met by Nxe5
7...Qb6 (4:29)
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: black is better
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: I think so too
RiceFarmer(2008) whispers: ok bye all! i seem to find good moves in all but my games :)
8.Rf2 (3:50)
pollock(2174) whispers: i reckon d4 is good
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: hey pollock, I completely disagree ;)
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: d4 Bxc6 dxc3 Bxd7+ and you are just losing a pawn, no?
pollock(2174) whispers: d4 bxc6 dxc3 bxd7 is forced bxd7 and i think dxc3
8...c4 (4:06)
pollock(2174) whispers: oh is that losing a pawn :)
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: it was
pollock(2174) whispers: well postionally it was good hehe
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: sure
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: desirable, just not quite working tactically
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: I guess Bxc6 and d4 is just about ok here
9.Bxc6 (1:13)
pollock(2174) whispers: comp wanted d4 bxc6 qc6 ne2
9...bxc6 (0:10)
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: ah yes, I thought I could play Ne4 there but Q covers of course
pollock(2174) whispers: looks good for black :)
10.Kf1 (1:15)
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: ah, intends Na4 on Bc5
pollock(2174) whispers: black probably wanted ba6 anyway :S
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: white's position looks so awkward
pollock(2174) whispers: yeah it doesnt make sense without f5
pollock(2174) whispers: and they aint playing f5 anytime soon
smallblackcat(2155) whispers: doesn't make sense without d4, imo
pollock(2174) whispers: yeah centre has disappeared :0
10...Ba6 (2:19) 11.d4 (0:44) cxd3 (0:29) 12.cxd3 (0:04) Nc5 (1:08) 13.Ne1 (0:08) Ne4 (1:31) 14.Re2 (0:52) Nxc3 (5:32) 15.bxc3 (0:00) Bc5 (1:57) 16.a4 (1:40) O-O (2:21) 17.g3 (4:29) Qc7 (3:34) 18.Kg2 (0:18) Be7 (0:28) 19.Rf2 (2:05) c5 (2:41) 20.Qe2 (1:49) Rab8 (2:12) 21.Nf3 (1:45) Rb3 (3:34) 22.Bd2 (0:09) Qb7 (1:46) 23.g4 (0:40) Rb1 (2:10) 24.Rf1 (0:35) Rxa1 (0:13) 25.Rxa1 (0:02) Qb2 (0:03) 26.Rf1 (0:05) Qc2 (1:17) 27.Ne1 (0:10) Qxa4 (0:21) 28.f5 (0:16) Qe4+ (1:04) 29.Qf3 (2:56) Qxe5 (0:44) 30.Nc2 (1:39) Bd6 (1:17) 31.Rh1 (2:10) exf5 (0:20) 32.d4 (0:12) fxg4 (2:25) 33.Qxg4 (0:21) Qe6 (1:28) 34.Qxe6 (0:47) fxe6 (0:02) 35.Ra1 (0:25) Bd3 (0:09) 36.Ne1 (0:08) Be4+ (0:02) 37.Kg1 (0:02) cxd4 (0:40) 38.cxd4 (0:06) Bxh2+ (0:48) 39.Kxh2 (0:02) Rf2+ (0:02) 40.Kg3 (0:04) Rxd2 (0:02) 41.Rxa7 (0:14) Rxd4 (0:07) 42.Re7 (0:31) Bf5 (0:14) 43.Nf3 (0:04) Rg4+ (0:46) 44.Kf2 (0:03) Rf4 (1:31) 45.Ke3 (0:04) Re4+ (0:02) 46.Kf2 (0:02) h6 (0:01) 47.Nd2 (0:11) Ra4 (0:39) 48.Nf3 (0:06) Kh7 (0:21) 49.Ne5 (0:03) Re4 (0:55)
floare(1860) whispers: I am sorry to say. White should resign.
50.Nd7 (0:04) Kg6 (0:32)
anandkvs(2073) whispers: you can always stop watching :)
51.Kf3 (0:42)
floare(1860) whispers: lol...
CarlosKerber(1680) whispers: Brazil-zil-zil go go go
CarlosKerber(1680) whispers: :)
51...e5 (1:59) drinkeh resigns 0-1

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