mccannj(1912) vs. bjs(1976) 1/2-1/2

standard 45+45, 2013-11-17

1.c4 (0:00) g6 (0:00) 2.g3 (0:06) Bg7 (0:14) 3.Bg2 (0:02) e5 (0:03) 4.Nc3 (0:05) d6 (0:13) 5.e4 (0:13) Nc6 (0:14) 6.Nge2 (0:05) f5 (0:19) 7.d3 (0:03) Nf6 (0:05) 8.O-O (0:08) O-O (0:36) 9.Nd5 (0:13) h6 (3:46)
bjs(1976) whispers: in another game I played 9. ... Ne7 I think
10.exf5 (5:50)
bjs(1976) whispers: gxf5 f4 is a bit annoying
bjs(1976) whispers: let's free the bishop
10...Bxf5 (1:30)
bjs(1976) whispers: now I may have to waste time with Rb8
bjs(1976) whispers: or white is planning an immediate d4
11.d4 (2:36) Nxd5 (3:25) 12.Bxd5+ (0:56) Kh7 (0:12)
bjs(1976) whispers: we lead 1.5:0.5
bjs(1976) whispers: so no need to sac my Ra8 for the Bd5, is it?
13.Be3 (2:13) Qd7 (4:11) 14.Qd2 (3:46) Rae8 (1:39) 15.Bg2 (3:12) Bh3 (12:08) 16.d5 (3:33) Ne7 (0:21) 17.Nc3 (8:16)
bjs(1976) whispers: not only eyes e4, also Bxa7 is maybe possible
bjs(1976) whispers: h5 looks like a move
bjs(1976) whispers: weakens g5 though
bjs(1976) whispers: maybe take on g2 and fight for e4 square
bjs(1976) whispers: Bxg2 Kxg2 Qg4 Qe2
17...Bxg2 (9:45) 18.Kxg2 (0:12)
bjs(1976) whispers: Nf5 with perpetual ideas
bjs(1976) whispers: Nf5 Ne4 hm
18...Qg4 (3:55) 19.Qe2 (1:09) Qxe2 (0:35) 20.Nxe2 (0:11) Nf5 (1:19) 21.Rad1 (1:51) a6 (3:13)
bjs(1976) whispers: Nc3 almost forces e4
bjs(1976) whispers: but maybe e4 isn't that bad
bjs(1976) whispers: how about Bc1
22.Rd3 (5:57) e4 (2:11) 23.Rb3 (2:19) b6 (0:07) 24.Nf4 (3:40) Rf7 (0:58) 25.Ne6 (0:43) Be5 (0:17) 26.Bd2 (4:49) Nd4 (1:02) 27.Nxd4 (0:07) Bxd4 (0:03) 28.Be3 (1:30) Bg7 (0:03) 29.Rd1 (1:27) h5 (0:38) 30.Bg5 (0:54) Rf5 (1:32) 31.h4 (0:45) Ref8 (1:36) 32.Rd2 (0:16) Bh6 (1:50) 33.Bxh6 (0:15) Kxh6 (0:04) 34.Re3 (0:10) Re5 (0:48) 35.Rde2 (0:13) Rfe8 (0:25) 36.f4 (1:52)
bjs(1976) whispers: since I dislike R5e7 Rf2, I should take
bjs(1976) whispers: the question is: how many times :)
36...exf3+ (2:57) 37.Kxf3 (0:06) Rf8+ (1:52) 38.Kg2 (0:19) Rxe3 (1:26) 39.Rxe3 (0:09) Rf7 (0:08) 40.Re6 (1:12) Kg7 (0:11) 41.b4 (0:24) b5 (5:29) 42.c5 (2:40)
bjs(1976) whispers: now I shouldn't place my rook as passive as in the last game
42...dxc5 (1:52) 43.bxc5 (0:16) Rd7 (1:04) 44.Rxa6 (0:33) Rxd5 (0:27) 45.Rc6 (0:07) Rd2+ (0:22) 46.Kf3 (0:03) Rxa2 (0:13) 47.Rxc7+ (0:02) Kf6 (0:32) 48.Rb7 (0:02) Ra3+ (3:07) 49.Kf4 (0:07) Ra4+ (0:07) 50.Ke3 (0:08) Ra3+ (0:21) 51.Kf4 (1:55) Ra4+ (0:04) mccannj offers a draw. 52.Ke3 (0:12) Game drawn by mutual agreement 1/2-1/2

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