vololibero(1918) vs. jjimalo(2021) 1/2-1/2

standard 45+45, 2013-11-03

32.Rxd4 (0:04) 32...Rc6 (0:20) 33.c4 (1:01) Ke7 (1:11) 34.h4 (0:13) Rc7 (0:54) 35.Rd5 (1:57) Rc6 (1:38)
Scodman(1576) whispers: now Crafty grants some more advantage to white
36.Rd4 (1:43)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: position seems quite balanced to me
36...Rc7 (0:32)
Scodman(1576) whispers: truly I don' understand this evolution
awotreit(2023) whispers: io si
AlekOne(1346) whispers: enlighten us, awotreit
awotreit(2023) whispers: sostenuto, appoggiato
37.Re4+ (2:12) Kf7 (0:36)
awotreit(2023) whispers: questa finisce all'una
38.Rd4 (0:11)
Scodman(1576) whispers: awo, probably you wanted to speak on 74
38...Ke7 (0:11)
Scodman(1576) whispers: you are whispering on the game table
AlekOne(1346) whispers: I foresee a draw for repetition... :-)
39.h5 (1:32)
awotreit(2023) whispers: olo su richiesta?
LightKnight(1713) whispers: this gives a passer to black, but who knows
awotreit(2023) whispers: draw only on request?
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: idea is to allow Ke4-f5-g6
Scodman(1576) whispers: yes awo
AlekOne(1346) whispers: yep, this way black can obtain a passer but, at first glance, it seems a little bit weak...
pedropablo(1683) whispers: draw anche pagando eh?
awotreit(2023) whispers: bellissima per linux non c e molto cosi bello
39...gxh5 (2:18) 40.gxh5 (0:00)
Scodman(1576) whispers: now the gameiscompletely drawish for Crafty
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: Rc5 Rd5 Rxd5 cxd5 and strangely white wins, even though black has the outside passer
40...Rc5 (1:18) 41.Rd5 (0:09)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: oh maybe not...black king can squeeze the white king on the h-file
Scodman(1576) whispers: with this white has stillawinning chance
Scodman(1576) whispers: still a winning*
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: Ke6 is also interesting here
41...Rc8 (3:10)
AlekOne(1346) whispers: here Kf4: white should attack the passer, I suppose...
42.a4 (1:46)
LightKnight(1713) whispers: what's the meaning of a4?
42...Rg8 (1:06) 43.Kf2 (0:04)
LightKnight(1713) whispers: Rg5
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: hmm, why not Kf4
awotreit(2023) whispers: Rg5
caciuccoboy(1748) whispers: here i am
AlekOne(1346) whispers: Rg5?? o_O
43...Ke6 (1:41) 44.a5 (0:08)
LightKnight(1713) whispers: black
LightKnight(1713) whispers: ghici is a man of resources, no doubt
awotreit(2023) whispers: Rg5 edone f passato
LightKnight(1713) whispers: Rg5 as in Rook g5
44...Rg5 (1:23)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: axb6 intermezzo
LightKnight(1713) whispers: axb6 axb6
LightKnight(1713) whispers: not axb6 Rxd5?? cxd5+ :-)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: yeah then I don't know what...maybe Rxg5 is safe enough
Scodman(1576) whispers: I'm shivering, my instinct tells me we are in danger
45.axb6 (1:33)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: it comes down to zugswang there
45...axb6 (0:04)
pedropablo(1683) whispers: awo ci sei?
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: Rxg5 fxg5 b4 Ke5 Kf3 is a draw, I think
Scodman(1576) whispers: Crafty suggests smallblackcat line
Scodman(1576) whispers: with slight advantage for white
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: hah, not sure that's a good sign ;)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: crafty is not at its best in the endgame
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: well Rxg5 hxg5 clearly loses
Scodman(1576) whispers: probably because queenside majority of white is a bit more exploitable
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: it isn't though
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: as soon as white plays c5 he loses in that position
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: white king cannot leave the g-pawn, black king cannot approach either, so I'm pretty sure its a draw
46.Rxg5 (3:50) fxg5 (0:04)
Scodman(1576) whispers: rooks traded!
47.Kf3 (0:20)
Scodman(1576) whispers: ah, white didn't play b4, sob!
awotreit(2023) whispers: 0-1?
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: Ke5 Ke3 and I am not sure how black continues
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: he cannot play g4 to divert
awotreit(2023) whispers: kd6?
47...Ke5 (3:14) 48.Ke3 (0:24) Kd6 (0:28)
Scodman(1576) whispers: no, 1/2-1/2
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: Kd6 b4 Ke5 Kf3 Kd4 c5 bxc5 b5 c4 and both queen
49.Kd4 (0:46)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: oh even this works
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: that makes it easy
49...Kc6 (0:37)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: g4 is never working unless white's king approaches another rank
50.b4 (0:09) Kd6 (0:02) 51.Ke4 (0:11)
awotreit(2023) whispers: draw?
awotreit(2023) whispers: mmm better white with Kf5 and c5
51...Ke6 (2:03)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: c5 can never work
52.Kd4 (0:34) Kd6 (0:05)
awotreit(2023) whispers: draw
53.Ke4 (0:05) Ke6 (0:02) 54.Kd4 (0:02)
Scodman(1576) whispers: draw by repetition now
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: ok let me clarify, it can work if black plays Kf5 :)
54...Kd6 (0:02)
smallblackcat(2165) whispers: but he won't, so draw
55.Ke4 (0:09) Ke6 (0:02) 56.Kd4 (0:02) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2

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