rockazb(1939) vs. misteraw(2058) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2013-10-28

1.e4 (0:00) c5 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:13) d6 (0:03) 3.d4 (0:05) cxd4 (0:28) 4.Nxd4 (0:06) Nf6 (0:03)
Tharderer(1796) whispers: go misteraw
5.Nc3 (0:21) g6 (0:42) 6.Be3 (0:09) Bg7 (0:04) 7.f3 (0:12) O-O (0:05) 8.Qd2 (0:06) Nc6 (0:07) 9.Bc4 (0:10) Ne5 (0:03) 10.Bb3 (0:05) Bd7 (0:01)
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: hmm, is Ne5 normal?
11.O-O-O (0:12)
tjradd(2163) whispers: it's fine
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: don't think I've seen it
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: right, normal dragon move, I just thought it came later
milpat(1984) whispers: i guessits ok
11...Qa5 (0:35)
milpat(1984) whispers: Rc8 and get into Nc4
tjradd(2163) whispers: I don't think the Bc4 line is dangerous for black
milpat(1984) whispers: i personally like to play vs Bc4
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: I guess it makes ideas along the c-file a bit faster for black
milpat(1984) whispers: sounds like couple of wasted moves for white
12.h4 (1:11)
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: cos you are gaining time against the bishop
milpat(1984) whispers: since he forced to trade on c4 (or almost forced)
12...Rfc8 (0:58)
tjradd(2163) whispers: only 588 games in my db here :p
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: 'only' ;)
13.Kb1 (2:07)
milpat(1984) whispers: now Nc4
13...Nc4 (1:07)
tjradd(2163) whispers: Nc4 is the main move
14.Bxc4 (0:15) Rxc4 (0:04) 15.g4 (0:08)
milpat(1984) whispers: then double on c, classic
tjradd(2163) whispers: g4 is a sideline for me
milpat(1984) whispers: Bxg4?
tjradd(2163) whispers: Rac8 and RxN
15...Rac8 (0:36) 16.g5 (0:05) Nh5 (0:31)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: both sides are playing pretty speedily....
17.Nd5 (0:05) Qxd2 (0:14) Misteraw offers a draw.
milpat(1984) whispers: Nh5 locks everything Rockazb declines the draw request.
18.Rxd2 (0:16)
milpat(1984) whispers: another jinx player
tjradd(2163) whispers: I am not sure what white is doing
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: yeah hard to believe white is better after g5 Nh5
tjradd(2163) whispers: he has fatally weakened his kingside pawns.. and trades queens
tjradd(2163) whispers: hard for me to accept that white is ok in an ending
milpat(1984) whispers: Kf8
tjradd(2163) whispers: the heck with offering a draw, I make a big pot of coffee
tjradd(2163) whispers: I expect black to win in under 100 moves
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: I'm hoping you're all wrong :P
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: maybe theory says this is equal, but its the kind of position you play the sicilian to get
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: just so much easier to play as black, the minority attack is a ready-made plan
tjradd(2163) whispers: I wonder if Ne8 was better than Nh5
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: if he knew the queen trade was coming, sure
tjradd(2163) whispers: yeah ok :)
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: :)
tjradd(2163) whispers: my crafty says white is better (it's only ~2000 rated) - I don't buy it, I think white is almost lost
18...e6 (3:29)
tjradd(2163) whispers: wowowow
19.Ne7+ (0:08)
milpat(1984) whispers: ?
19...Kf8 (0:06) 20.Nxc8 (0:04) Rxc8 (0:02)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: is this somehow a sound exchange sac? ... I don't see it...
21.Ne2 (0:16)
smallblackcat(2164) whispers: hardly seems like it
tjradd(2163) whispers: is somehow terrible blunder :)
milpat(1984) whispers: mistake i believe
milpat(1984) whispers: Nf4 will unlock kside over that
tjradd(2163) whispers: leaving your e7 pawn does not feel like a dragoneer's typical error, comfort misteraw
21...Ke7 (0:43)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: seems to be a day of tactical oopses for rejoicingtacticians (no pun intended).. I had similar good fortune in my game earlier today
Misteraw(2058) whispers: was not focus at all just arrive home was not ready to play i miss the simple Ne7 fork ...sorry for my teammate,will try to save it but its gone a be very tough.
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: is a7 poisonous somehow?
milpat(1984) whispers: maybe not dramatic, but do u need to open lines to ur K?
22.Bxa7 (6:08)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: if I was playing I'd probably accept some uncomfortable pressure for an extra point of material :).. aha, and so would rockazb
22...Ra8 (0:26) 23.Bd4 (0:06) Bxd4 (1:54)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: with the bishop exchange lines at the white king are less uncomfortable and the a pawn grab seems even better
tjradd(2163) whispers: I think it's resignable
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: me too
24.Rxd4 (3:23) e5 (0:22) 25.Rb4 (1:22) Bc6 (1:40) 26.Rd1 (0:17) f5 (0:06)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: en passant seems good?
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: with the amount of thinking going in to the move perhaps it's not as simple of a choice as it seems?
27.exf5 (9:27) gxf5 (0:10)
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: passant looked better
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: now black might have "counterplay" with central mass
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: yeah :(
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: though i am not even really looking at the game i guess
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: is f4 Bf3 fxe5 Bxe2 exd6+ any good?
28.Rb3 (5:35)
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: well it looks pretty unnecessary
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: I'm known for being unnecessarily complicated ;)
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: i guess :p
28...Ra4 (0:46) 29.Rh1 (4:47)
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: not having taken en passant is looking worse now :p
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: I don't understand what Rh1 is for....
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: defend h4 obv
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: yeah but, is that the only way to do it?
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: dunno :p
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: it certainly looks bad
milpat(1984) whispers: now Bd5?
shivaroxxx(1791) whispers: not bxf3?
shivaroxxx(1791) whispers: oh shit
shivaroxxx(1791) whispers: ooopws
milpat(1984) whispers: u can, but i dont
milpat(1984) whispers: :D
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: well it wins a pawn i guess
29...Bd5 (10:22)
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: a2 or ra3 rx bxf3
Misteraw(2058) whispers: ...never resign anything can happen
shivaroxxx(1791) whispers: tru dat
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: compared to this I like my sacrificial f4 line
30.Rc3 (4:32) Bxa2+ (0:58) 31.Kc1 (0:04)
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: things went wrong around rb3 or something
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: ra4 2gud
31...Bc4 (0:38) 32.Kd2 (0:18) Bxe2 (0:25) 33.Rc7+ (1:15) Ke6 (0:01) 34.Rxh7 (0:04) Bxf3 (0:05)
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: white busted gg
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: oh no :(
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: up until that last couple moves I was about to say I was prefering white again
shivaroxxx(1791) whispers: there it is!
shivaroxxx(1791) whispers: :P
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: i think he didnt see that bxf3 protected on h5
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: right
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: OR that it also attacked his rook :P
Suiseiseki(2232) whispers: yeah right :p
35.Rf1 (2:36) Rd4+ (2:11)
milpat(1984) whispers: wtf
milpat(1984) whispers: black will win?
36.Ke3 (0:58)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: yeah :(
milpat(1984) whispers: went away for a moment and...
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: it was you! You jinxed us by going afk!! :P
milpat(1984) whispers: u cant refuse an offer from MisterDraw
milpat(1984) whispers: ...or u get jinx
BethanyGrace(1584) whispers: Go Misteraw!
36...Bg4 (3:24) 37.Rg1 (3:59) f4+ (0:15) 38.Kf2 (0:07) Rd2+ (0:17)
milpat(1984) whispers: thats it
39.Ke1 (0:36) Re2+ (1:06) 40.Kf1 (0:04) Ng3+ (0:07) 41.Rxg3 (0:10) fxg3 (0:07)
BethanyGrace(1584) whispers: ouch
Misteraw(2058) whispers: i was down the exchange and im now up a piece :)
OsaridSaris(2045) whispers: the extra piece is less relevant than the pending mate I think :(
42.g6 (7:23) g2+ (0:22) 43.Kg1 (0:03) Bf3 (0:11) 44.g7 (1:00) Re1+ (0:04) Rockazb resigns 0-1

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