akhairat(2072) vs. nachsueb(1966) 0-1

standard 45+45, 2013-09-09

15...O-O (5:36) 16.Nd5 (2:27)
rstand(2343) whispers: problems for the black
NightFury(2129) whispers: wow interesting move
rstand(2343) whispers: yes
16...Qf7 (2:36)
rstand(2343) whispers: f5
17.f5 (0:40)
NightFury(2129) whispers: Bb7?
rstand(2343) whispers: Nc7!
rstand(2343) whispers: if Bb7
JasSch(2137) whispers: It looks like black may survive in the near term but he has to lose an exchange to do so.
JasSch(2137) whispers: Hopefully, AK can bring the full point home.
17...Kh8 (10:14)
JasSch(2137) whispers: Rfc1
rstand(2343) whispers: yes
rstand(2343) whispers: Connection problems?
18.Qe2 (15:46)
rstand(2343) whispers: ?
rstand(2343) whispers: Nf4 now
18...Nf4 (3:11) 19.Bxf4 (1:43) exf4 (1:07) 20.Rxf4 (0:22)
Triarius(2133) whispers: nachsueb is doing his best
golddust(2172) whispers: should have taken with knight :(
rstand(2343) whispers: yes the black revived bb7
Triarius(2133) whispers: should have played a dozen moves before tho
Triarius(2133) whispers: should have played *it
golddust(2172) whispers: now Bb7 :(
Triarius(2133) whispers: anyway i have the feeling that if he didn't play it until now he might pick another piece now as well, but it seems very good atm
20...Bd6 (2:59)
JasSch(2137) whispers: fxe is strong now
rstand(2343) whispers: yes
golddust(2172) whispers: black returns favour :)
JasSch(2137) whispers: yes
golddust(2172) whispers: fxe6 !!
JasSch(2137) whispers: Go AK!
golddust(2172) whispers: black probably didnt see knight protecting rook.
rstand(2343) whispers: assume
JasSch(2137) whispers: fxe Qxe6 Nc7
golddust(2172) whispers: so white will get the a8 rook
golddust(2172) whispers: and after queen move exch rooks on f8 and just eat up a8 :)
JasSch(2137) whispers: It wiould still be interesting though. Black gets compensation for the queen but I don't think it is enough
21.fxe6 (5:31) Qxe6 (0:26)
golddust(2172) whispers: so assign a ? to Bd6
rstand(2343) whispers: RxR BxR and Nc7 now ?
golddust(2172) whispers: well that or just Nc7 or b6 now
rstand(2343) whispers: yes
golddust(2172) whispers: either way white has significant lead.
22.Nc7 (5:40) Qe5 (0:03)
JasSch(2137) whispers: Rxf8 first would've just transposed.
23.Rxf8+ (0:31) Bxf8 (0:03) 24.Nxa8 (0:12) Bd6 (0:02)
golddust(2172) whispers: no mate plz!!
rstand(2343) whispers: Bb7 please
JasSch(2137) whispers: g3 Bb7 (FINALLY!) Re1 Bxa8 Bd5 holds all.
golddust(2172) whispers: yes
25.Kg1 (4:14)
donpachi(2023) whispers: huh?
25...Qxh2+ (0:26)
golddust(2172) whispers: huh???????
26.Kf2 (0:07)
JasSch(2137) whispers: Holy cow
golddust(2172) whispers: where did that come from??
golddust(2172) whispers: now blck gets a lot of checks
golddust(2172) whispers: Bc5+ next
rstand(2343) whispers: Bc7+ draw
rstand(2343) whispers: Bc5+ draw
26...Bc5+ (2:24)
golddust(2172) whispers: yup. no way out of checks
27.Ke1 (0:32)
golddust(2172) whispers: F1 gets ??? - three of them
golddust(2172) whispers: Kf1
golddust(2172) whispers: sorry Kg1
rstand(2343) whispers: Qg1+ and Qe3+
27...Bb4+ (0:53)
rstand(2343) whispers: bb4 ok
donpachi(2026) whispers: too bad, it seemed white was winning in the g3 line
28.Kf2 (0:57)
rstand(2343) whispers: yes win
28...Bc5+ (1:06) 29.Kf3 (2:54)
rstand(2343) whispers: no!! d6
JasSch(2137) whispers: OMG
donpachi(2026) whispers: what drama! forget carlsen, forget anand, TL is much more fun ;-)
29...d6 (2:13)
NightFury(2129) whispers: its hard to play for a draw when your up a piece sometimes
rstand(2343) whispers: yes
rstand(2343) whispers: surely there checkmate
NightFury(2129) whispers: or loss of queen
rstand(2343) whispers: yes
rstand(2343) whispers: I still do not see
30.Bf7 (4:14)
NightFury(2129) whispers: g6
NightFury(2129) whispers: or Qh4
JasSch(2137) whispers: Even h5
rstand(2343) whispers: ahora now if Qh4 ++
JasSch(2137) whispers: But Qh5 is better
30...Qh4 (1:14)
JasSch(2137) whispers: Sorry Qh4
31.Qe1 (0:12)
NightFury(2129) whispers: even g5 i think works
31...Qg4# (0:08) AKhairat checkmated 0-1

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