nachsueb(1954) vs. mindcrime(2005) 1/2-1/2
standard 45+45, 2013-08-18
1.c4 (0:00) g6 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:04) Bg7 (0:14) 3.g3 (0:05) c6 (0:10) 4.Bg2 (0:22) d6 (0:09) 5.e4 (0:04) e5 (0:03) 6.Nge2 (0:03)
NachsueB(1954) whispers: i see 6...Nf6 (0:04) 7.O-O (0:04) O-O (0:05) 8.d4 (0:06) exd4 (0:49) 9.Nxd4 (0:08) Qb6 (0:17)
Calabrese(1844) whispers: Nde2 10.Nb3 (5:37) Rd8 (0:37) 11.Be3 (0:54)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: hello.. i hope we have a great game, i hope i play good, i am very tired, so we will see :) 11...Qc7 (0:32)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: Gorg.. ur rating is climbing my friend.. very good :) 12.h3 (3:19) Be6 (0:39) 13.Qd3 (1:55) Nbd7 (0:17)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: unless i am mistaken i have successfully transposed this to a kings indian defense.. i hate the english opening and love the kings indian defense... only difference i see is that i took on d4 instead of waiting for d5 cx cx..
MindCrime(2005) whispers: and i avoided the saimesch "or however u spell it".. which i think is whites best line to play against the kings indian defense.. unless he plays f3 now, which i think would be bad for him 14.f4 (9:12)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: f4 or Bd4
MindCrime(2005) whispers: f4
MindCrime(2005) whispers: i'll tempt him to open the middle here i think 14...Qc8 (0:41)
Madmansreturn(1959) whispers: I thought this looked like a fairly standard fianchetto variation of the King's Indian? 15.Kh2 (2:43)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: e72 nearest eco according to chessbase
MindCrime(2005) whispers: did not think he would cover h3 right away
MindCrime(2005) whispers: and g3 15...h6 (2:41)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: i can play the same waiting moves 16.Nd4 (1:02) Nc5 (0:47) 17.Qe2 (0:21) Bd7 (0:05)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: to me.. he seems to be playing alot of defense to have white.. not defense i am forcing, defense by design.. hmmm 18.b4 (2:36) Ne6 (0:49) 19.Rad1 (0:14) Ne8 (3:43) 20.g4 (5:18)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: complex position, i'm not sure i like all the air around white's king
MindCrime(2005) whispers: wow... i completely expected NxN BxN Bd4
Calabrese(1844) whispers: like Qc7
MindCrime(2005) whispers: i think i'll try to open this wing up.. something needs to be opened anyway.. i need more space badly
MindCrime(2005) whispers: he has way more open space behind his wall than i do 20...a5 (4:58)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: i think white is trying to play it safe, he had two pawn breaks and played neither. both b5 and f5 looked ok a couple of moves ago
Calabrese(1844) whispers: W play it more positionaly Wolfy
wolfypup(2024) whispers: you may be right, but i've been told it's my tactical game lacking, so i've been trying to find more of them lately
Madmansreturn(1959) whispers: I think those who play g3 variation in the King's Indian are usually quite positional in their play rather than tactical if they can choose 21.b5 (2:29)
Calabrese(1844) whispers: so b5 now ?
wolfypup(2024) whispers: yeah b5 now looks ok. still tough, but i like white better
Calabrese(1844) whispers: but i like Nxe6 Bxe6 Na4 abd a fork is comming ?
wolfypup(2024) whispers: nice idea, i just don't like swapping if there's no clear advantage. got to have material to sack for mates :>
MindCrime(2005) whispers: trade a few minors out of the middle here then i am not under as much pressure.. it seems every move i consider is not so great due to all his minor pieces in the middle.. so that'll make opening it up easier in time 21...Bxd4 (2:14) 22.Bxd4 (0:32) Nxd4 (0:02) 23.Rxd4 (0:04)
Calabrese(1844) whispers: yes but you get the initiative , for me better than a piece
wolfypup(2024) whispers: depends on the position, but as often as not i'd agree
wolfypup(2024) whispers: on the surface of it, cb has to come, or am i missing something? 23...cxb5 (2:32) 24.Nxb5 (0:06)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: now.. a little more space to operate ... i think 24...Qc5 (1:26) 25.Rd5 (2:24) Qb4 (0:04) 26.a3 (7:30) Qa4 (0:06)
anandkvs(2105) whispers: 1...b6 hah 27.Nxd6 (0:49)
anandkvs(2105) whispers: mis
MindCrime(2005) whispers: Bc6 or Be6... hmmm
MindCrime(2005) whispers: Be6 allows Nxb7 27...Bc6 (6:11) 28.Nxe8 (0:07) Rxe8 (0:03)
anandkvs(2105) whispers: don't think trading d6 for a3 is any good
wolfypup(2024) whispers: can give the change to save the pawn and create a pastie. not sure if it's enough compensation but it looks ok to play qd3 29.Rd6 (5:52) Qxa3 (2:00) 30.Qd2 (0:06) Qc5 (1:34)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: hmm.. maybe i could have took the e pawn... i'll look later and see 31.f5 (4:42)
Madmansreturn(1959) whispers: not sure Bxe4 Bxe4 Rxe4 was so good on account of Rxg6+ and if fxg6 picking up the e4 rook with Qd5+
wolfypup(2024) whispers: probably still opened the k position less than this has the potential to 31...Bxe4 (3:09) 32.fxg6 (0:55) Qe5+ (0:58) 33.Kg1 (1:03) fxg6 (0:25) 34.Bxe4 (3:44) Qxe4 (0:36) 35.Qxh6 (0:07) Ra6 (1:07) 36.Rd7 (3:05) Qe3+ (0:35) 37.Qxe3 (0:02) Rxe3 (0:01) 38.Rxb7 (0:14) Rxh3 (0:47) 39.Kg2 (0:15) Rc3 (0:47) 40.Rd1 (1:13) Ra8 (0:36) 41.Rd6 (3:03)
pollock(2164) whispers: loks like draw 41...Rxc4 (2:56) 42.Rxg6+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:02) 43.Rf6+ (1:55) Kg8 (0:33) 44.Rg6+ (0:11) Kf8 (0:12) 45.Rf6+ (2:16) Kg8 (0:24) 46.Rg6+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:16)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: wonder how long it wil ltake one of them to claim the repe 47.Rf6+ (1:38) Kg8 (0:17) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2
NachsueB(1954) whispers: i see 6...Nf6 (0:04) 7.O-O (0:04) O-O (0:05) 8.d4 (0:06) exd4 (0:49) 9.Nxd4 (0:08) Qb6 (0:17)
Calabrese(1844) whispers: Nde2 10.Nb3 (5:37) Rd8 (0:37) 11.Be3 (0:54)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: hello.. i hope we have a great game, i hope i play good, i am very tired, so we will see :) 11...Qc7 (0:32)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: Gorg.. ur rating is climbing my friend.. very good :) 12.h3 (3:19) Be6 (0:39) 13.Qd3 (1:55) Nbd7 (0:17)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: unless i am mistaken i have successfully transposed this to a kings indian defense.. i hate the english opening and love the kings indian defense... only difference i see is that i took on d4 instead of waiting for d5 cx cx..
MindCrime(2005) whispers: and i avoided the saimesch "or however u spell it".. which i think is whites best line to play against the kings indian defense.. unless he plays f3 now, which i think would be bad for him 14.f4 (9:12)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: f4 or Bd4
MindCrime(2005) whispers: f4
MindCrime(2005) whispers: i'll tempt him to open the middle here i think 14...Qc8 (0:41)
Madmansreturn(1959) whispers: I thought this looked like a fairly standard fianchetto variation of the King's Indian? 15.Kh2 (2:43)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: e72 nearest eco according to chessbase
MindCrime(2005) whispers: did not think he would cover h3 right away
MindCrime(2005) whispers: and g3 15...h6 (2:41)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: i can play the same waiting moves 16.Nd4 (1:02) Nc5 (0:47) 17.Qe2 (0:21) Bd7 (0:05)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: to me.. he seems to be playing alot of defense to have white.. not defense i am forcing, defense by design.. hmmm 18.b4 (2:36) Ne6 (0:49) 19.Rad1 (0:14) Ne8 (3:43) 20.g4 (5:18)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: complex position, i'm not sure i like all the air around white's king
MindCrime(2005) whispers: wow... i completely expected NxN BxN Bd4
Calabrese(1844) whispers: like Qc7
MindCrime(2005) whispers: i think i'll try to open this wing up.. something needs to be opened anyway.. i need more space badly
MindCrime(2005) whispers: he has way more open space behind his wall than i do 20...a5 (4:58)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: i think white is trying to play it safe, he had two pawn breaks and played neither. both b5 and f5 looked ok a couple of moves ago
Calabrese(1844) whispers: W play it more positionaly Wolfy
wolfypup(2024) whispers: you may be right, but i've been told it's my tactical game lacking, so i've been trying to find more of them lately
Madmansreturn(1959) whispers: I think those who play g3 variation in the King's Indian are usually quite positional in their play rather than tactical if they can choose 21.b5 (2:29)
Calabrese(1844) whispers: so b5 now ?
wolfypup(2024) whispers: yeah b5 now looks ok. still tough, but i like white better
Calabrese(1844) whispers: but i like Nxe6 Bxe6 Na4 abd a fork is comming ?
wolfypup(2024) whispers: nice idea, i just don't like swapping if there's no clear advantage. got to have material to sack for mates :>
MindCrime(2005) whispers: trade a few minors out of the middle here then i am not under as much pressure.. it seems every move i consider is not so great due to all his minor pieces in the middle.. so that'll make opening it up easier in time 21...Bxd4 (2:14) 22.Bxd4 (0:32) Nxd4 (0:02) 23.Rxd4 (0:04)
Calabrese(1844) whispers: yes but you get the initiative , for me better than a piece
wolfypup(2024) whispers: depends on the position, but as often as not i'd agree
wolfypup(2024) whispers: on the surface of it, cb has to come, or am i missing something? 23...cxb5 (2:32) 24.Nxb5 (0:06)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: now.. a little more space to operate ... i think 24...Qc5 (1:26) 25.Rd5 (2:24) Qb4 (0:04) 26.a3 (7:30) Qa4 (0:06)
anandkvs(2105) whispers: 1...b6 hah 27.Nxd6 (0:49)
anandkvs(2105) whispers: mis
MindCrime(2005) whispers: Bc6 or Be6... hmmm
MindCrime(2005) whispers: Be6 allows Nxb7 27...Bc6 (6:11) 28.Nxe8 (0:07) Rxe8 (0:03)
anandkvs(2105) whispers: don't think trading d6 for a3 is any good
wolfypup(2024) whispers: can give the change to save the pawn and create a pastie. not sure if it's enough compensation but it looks ok to play qd3 29.Rd6 (5:52) Qxa3 (2:00) 30.Qd2 (0:06) Qc5 (1:34)
MindCrime(2005) whispers: hmm.. maybe i could have took the e pawn... i'll look later and see 31.f5 (4:42)
Madmansreturn(1959) whispers: not sure Bxe4 Bxe4 Rxe4 was so good on account of Rxg6+ and if fxg6 picking up the e4 rook with Qd5+
wolfypup(2024) whispers: probably still opened the k position less than this has the potential to 31...Bxe4 (3:09) 32.fxg6 (0:55) Qe5+ (0:58) 33.Kg1 (1:03) fxg6 (0:25) 34.Bxe4 (3:44) Qxe4 (0:36) 35.Qxh6 (0:07) Ra6 (1:07) 36.Rd7 (3:05) Qe3+ (0:35) 37.Qxe3 (0:02) Rxe3 (0:01) 38.Rxb7 (0:14) Rxh3 (0:47) 39.Kg2 (0:15) Rc3 (0:47) 40.Rd1 (1:13) Ra8 (0:36) 41.Rd6 (3:03)
pollock(2164) whispers: loks like draw 41...Rxc4 (2:56) 42.Rxg6+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:02) 43.Rf6+ (1:55) Kg8 (0:33) 44.Rg6+ (0:11) Kf8 (0:12) 45.Rf6+ (2:16) Kg8 (0:24) 46.Rg6+ (0:03) Kf8 (0:16)
wolfypup(2024) whispers: wonder how long it wil ltake one of them to claim the repe 47.Rf6+ (1:38) Kg8 (0:17) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2