qauz(1922) vs. vipiu(2163) 1/2-1/2
standard 45+45, 2012-12-02
1.e4 (0:00) e6 (0:00) 2.d4 (0:04) d5 (0:10) 3.Nc3 (0:17) Nf6 (0:08) 4.e5 (0:17) Nfd7 (0:05) 5.f4 (0:03) b6 (2:21) 6.Nf3 (4:44) Be7 (0:22) 7.Bd3 (3:38) Ba6 (0:20) 8.f5 (2:22) c5 (4:13) 9.Bf4 (2:57) Bxd3 (2:00) 10.Qxd3 (0:20) Nc6 (0:35) 11.a3 (8:07) cxd4 (4:29) 12.Ne2 (1:21) Nc5 (1:19) 13.Qb5 (0:14) Qd7 (0:08) 14.Nexd4 (0:47) Nxd4 (0:38) 15.Qxd7+ (0:18) Kxd7 (0:27) 16.Nxd4 (0:03) Ne4 (2:23) 17.Rf1 (2:25) Rhf8 (0:52) 18.O-O-O (1:02) Rac8 (1:26)
vipiu offers a draw.
mindlin(1937) whispers: he must not like his position i guess Qauz declines the draw request. 19.Rf3 (6:56) Rc4 (1:23) 20.Be3 (5:27) g6 (13:57) 21.fxe6+ (3:02) fxe6 (0:34) 22.Rxf8 (0:49) Bxf8 (0:03) 23.Rf1 (0:58) Ke7 (2:44) 24.b3 (0:43)
Qauz(1922) whispers: rc3 rf3?! 24...Rc8 (4:09) 25.Nb5 (1:42) Ra8 (5:43) 26.Kb2 (5:49) Bg7 (0:44) 27.Bd4 (0:09) a6 (3:15) 28.Nd6 (0:16) Bxe5 (0:26) 29.Bxe5 (2:32) Nxd6 (0:51) 30.Bxd6+ (0:19) Kxd6 (0:00) 31.Rf7 (0:02) Re8 (1:33) 32.Rxh7 (0:09) e5 (0:22) 33.b4 (3:04)
mindlin(1937) whispers: so white will need to blockade the e-pawn 33...e4 (2:31) 34.Kc1 (0:09) Ke5 (2:55) 35.Kd2 (2:26) Re6 (0:34) 36.Rd7 (1:11)
mindlin(1937) whispers: i like vipiu's position
Twikki(2118) whispers: white's position seemed more defensible after c3 36...d4 (3:27)
Pawnadian(2033) whispers: Go vipiu! 37.Ra7 (1:00)
Twikki(2118) whispers: is c4 too crazy?
tseltzer(1946) whispers: go Qauz, too! :) 37...Rf6 (1:23) 38.Rxa6 (2:05)
Twikki(2118) whispers: dangerous
mindlin(1937) whispers: wow he is greedy 38...Rf2+ (0:31) 39.Kd1 (0:14)
mindlin(1937) whispers: he could win all the pawns on the sixth and lose 39...Kf4 (0:13)
Twikki(2118) whispers: think it might be a draw after Kf4 40.Rxb6 (0:35) Ke3 (0:06) 41.Kc1 (0:14)
mindlin(1937) whispers: idk this is tricky still i agree
mindlin(1937) whispers: i like Rxg2 41...Rxg2 (2:32) 42.a4 (0:32) Rg1+ (0:29) 43.Kb2 (0:02)
mindlin(1937) whispers: i gtg good luck vipiu 43...Rg2 (1:06)
Twikki(2118) whispers: starting to like white's chances after Kb3
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: why not push the pawns
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: ah lol forget it
Twikki(2118) whispers: :P
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: white is winning 44.a5 (4:15) d3 (0:39) 45.Rc6 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: boo
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: now 0-1
Twikki(2118) whispers: I dunno... the pawn on g6 hampers black's rook 45...Rxh2 (1:10) 46.a6 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: but ...d2! 46...d2 (0:24) 47.Rd6 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: move before 47...Ke2 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: dunno why he needed that h-pawn when could pick the rook for that one
Twikki(2118) whispers: a7 48.a7 (0:26) Rh8 (0:16) 49.b5 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: race
Twikki(2118) whispers: think it's a drawn Q&P endgame :P 49...d1=Q (1:17) 50.Rxd1 (0:05) Kxd1 (0:00) 51.b6 (0:01) e3 (0:17) 52.b7 (0:04) e2 (0:03)
Twikki(2118) whispers: b8 53.b8=Q (0:19)
Twikki(2118) whispers: meh doesn't matter I guess
Qauz(1922) whispers: maybe other pawn was better
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: wow you are right with Q and pawn prediction
Qauz(1922) whispers: forgot i'm not in time pressure any more
Twikki(2118) whispers: lol
Twikki(2118) whispers: hmm e1
tseltzer(1946) whispers: hard to remember that when you've been in time pressure for a while!
Qauz(1922) whispers: oh, it looks like it will be the same
Twikki(2118) whispers: yeah e1 might be the quickest way to draw, he gets qb4-a4 perpet 53...e1=Q (2:32)
tseltzer(1946) whispers: any point in a8(Q)
anandkvs(1995) whispers: Ra8 was a blunder according to tablebases, Kg4 won for black 54.a8=Q (3:21) Rxb8+ (0:24) 55.Qxb8 (0:02) Qd2 (1:20) 56.Qb3 (0:24)
Qauz(1922) whispers: would make my day if he played qd4 56...Qc1+ (1:38) 57.Kc3 (0:50) Qd2+ (0:05) 58.Kb2 (0:11) Qc1+ (1:03) 59.Kc3 (0:05) Qd2+ (2:01) Qauz offers a draw.
anandkvs(1995) whispers: I am pretty sure that Anand will not blunder this one :P 60.Kb2 (0:22) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2
mindlin(1937) whispers: he must not like his position i guess Qauz declines the draw request. 19.Rf3 (6:56) Rc4 (1:23) 20.Be3 (5:27) g6 (13:57) 21.fxe6+ (3:02) fxe6 (0:34) 22.Rxf8 (0:49) Bxf8 (0:03) 23.Rf1 (0:58) Ke7 (2:44) 24.b3 (0:43)
Qauz(1922) whispers: rc3 rf3?! 24...Rc8 (4:09) 25.Nb5 (1:42) Ra8 (5:43) 26.Kb2 (5:49) Bg7 (0:44) 27.Bd4 (0:09) a6 (3:15) 28.Nd6 (0:16) Bxe5 (0:26) 29.Bxe5 (2:32) Nxd6 (0:51) 30.Bxd6+ (0:19) Kxd6 (0:00) 31.Rf7 (0:02) Re8 (1:33) 32.Rxh7 (0:09) e5 (0:22) 33.b4 (3:04)
mindlin(1937) whispers: so white will need to blockade the e-pawn 33...e4 (2:31) 34.Kc1 (0:09) Ke5 (2:55) 35.Kd2 (2:26) Re6 (0:34) 36.Rd7 (1:11)
mindlin(1937) whispers: i like vipiu's position
Twikki(2118) whispers: white's position seemed more defensible after c3 36...d4 (3:27)
Pawnadian(2033) whispers: Go vipiu! 37.Ra7 (1:00)
Twikki(2118) whispers: is c4 too crazy?
tseltzer(1946) whispers: go Qauz, too! :) 37...Rf6 (1:23) 38.Rxa6 (2:05)
Twikki(2118) whispers: dangerous
mindlin(1937) whispers: wow he is greedy 38...Rf2+ (0:31) 39.Kd1 (0:14)
mindlin(1937) whispers: he could win all the pawns on the sixth and lose 39...Kf4 (0:13)
Twikki(2118) whispers: think it might be a draw after Kf4 40.Rxb6 (0:35) Ke3 (0:06) 41.Kc1 (0:14)
mindlin(1937) whispers: idk this is tricky still i agree
mindlin(1937) whispers: i like Rxg2 41...Rxg2 (2:32) 42.a4 (0:32) Rg1+ (0:29) 43.Kb2 (0:02)
mindlin(1937) whispers: i gtg good luck vipiu 43...Rg2 (1:06)
Twikki(2118) whispers: starting to like white's chances after Kb3
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: why not push the pawns
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: ah lol forget it
Twikki(2118) whispers: :P
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: white is winning 44.a5 (4:15) d3 (0:39) 45.Rc6 (0:06)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: boo
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: now 0-1
Twikki(2118) whispers: I dunno... the pawn on g6 hampers black's rook 45...Rxh2 (1:10) 46.a6 (0:08)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: but ...d2! 46...d2 (0:24) 47.Rd6 (0:03)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: move before 47...Ke2 (0:11)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: dunno why he needed that h-pawn when could pick the rook for that one
Twikki(2118) whispers: a7 48.a7 (0:26) Rh8 (0:16) 49.b5 (0:04)
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: race
Twikki(2118) whispers: think it's a drawn Q&P endgame :P 49...d1=Q (1:17) 50.Rxd1 (0:05) Kxd1 (0:00) 51.b6 (0:01) e3 (0:17) 52.b7 (0:04) e2 (0:03)
Twikki(2118) whispers: b8 53.b8=Q (0:19)
Twikki(2118) whispers: meh doesn't matter I guess
Qauz(1922) whispers: maybe other pawn was better
Funkmaus(2172) whispers: wow you are right with Q and pawn prediction
Qauz(1922) whispers: forgot i'm not in time pressure any more
Twikki(2118) whispers: lol
Twikki(2118) whispers: hmm e1
tseltzer(1946) whispers: hard to remember that when you've been in time pressure for a while!
Qauz(1922) whispers: oh, it looks like it will be the same
Twikki(2118) whispers: yeah e1 might be the quickest way to draw, he gets qb4-a4 perpet 53...e1=Q (2:32)
tseltzer(1946) whispers: any point in a8(Q)
anandkvs(1995) whispers: Ra8 was a blunder according to tablebases, Kg4 won for black 54.a8=Q (3:21) Rxb8+ (0:24) 55.Qxb8 (0:02) Qd2 (1:20) 56.Qb3 (0:24)
Qauz(1922) whispers: would make my day if he played qd4 56...Qc1+ (1:38) 57.Kc3 (0:50) Qd2+ (0:05) 58.Kb2 (0:11) Qc1+ (1:03) 59.Kc3 (0:05) Qd2+ (2:01) Qauz offers a draw.
anandkvs(1995) whispers: I am pretty sure that Anand will not blunder this one :P 60.Kb2 (0:22) Game drawn by repetition 1/2-1/2