osaridsaris(1849) vs. chaostheory(1531) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2012-03-04

1.g3 (0:00) Nc6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:18) d5 (0:10) 3.c4 (0:33) d4 (1:00) 4.e3 (0:59) Bf5 (0:19) 5.exd4 (6:38) Nxd4 (0:15) 6.d3 (1:45) Bg4 (0:31) 7.Nbd2 (2:54) g6 (3:01)
LightKnight(1647) whispers: GO CHAOS
8.Bg2 (5:37) Bh6 (1:06) 9.O-O (2:25) Qc8 (2:42) 10.Re1 (4:55) Qf5 (1:02)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: hmm.. can't I just snag?
11.Nxd4 (2:39) Qxd3 (3:42) 12.N2f3 (2:57) Qxc4 (0:36) 13.Bxh6 (1:14) Nxh6 (0:09) 14.Qd2 (0:30)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: well, my opponent's opening selection surprised me, last time was Nf6 not Nc6, but, seems to be working out ok
14...Bxf3 (3:13) 15.Nxf3 (1:07)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: if I play my cards right king in the center might end this decently quickly..
15...Nf5 (3:49)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: hmm, Nf5 looks like the most active choice but I think it's huge danger, I think Ng8, retreating though it was, was necessary..
16.Ne5 (1:34) Qd4 (3:46) 17.Qxd4 (2:01) Nxd4 (0:03) 18.Rad1 (0:52) O-O-O (2:58)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: hmm.. can't I forky-fork? on Ne2+ I just nudge my king over and he has two pieces en prise.. even after hmm.. although RxR, RxR Rf8 .. hmm..
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: no, it's fine because my knight can safely move and his can't..
19.Nxf7 (3:07) Ne2+ (0:46) 20.Kf1 (0:15) Rxd1 (0:10) 21.Rxd1 (0:02) Rf8 (0:17)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: also, if he tries to chase my knight it just gets even worse for him...
22.Ne5 (0:31)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: in fact he's going to have to make luft tout suite to avoid rapid matey threats...
22...Rf5 (1:40)
OsaridSaris(1849) whispers: as I said : this makes things worse, like so...
23.Bh3 (0:17)
Hathkhola(1802) whispers: good move
Hathkhola(1802) whispers: black resigns
23...Nxg3+ (3:21) 24.hxg3 (0:07)
Hathkhola(1802) whispers: it is still same thing
chaostheory resigns 1-0

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