osaridsaris(1903) vs. gile(1759) 0-1
standard 45+45, 2012-02-27
1.g3 (0:00) d5 (0:00) 2.Bg2 (0:04) c5 (0:03)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: Go gile!
gile(1759) whispers: hi robert:)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: Hello gile good luck 3.Nf3 (0:35) Nf6 (0:03) 4.O-O (0:13) e6 (0:07) 5.d3 (0:27) Nc6 (0:02) 6.Nbd2 (1:34) Be7 (0:09) 7.e4 (0:12) dxe4 (0:20)
fernbap(1643) whispers: urgh, i never understood this opening. In fact, i think noone does :P 8.dxe4 (0:35) O-O (0:02)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: Kings Indian Attack is an interseting idea for the french 9.e5 (1:50)
fernbap(1643) whispers: well, i'm not french :D 9...Nd5 (0:17)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: me neither, maybe distantly 10.Nc4 (2:08) Qc7 (2:47) 11.Re1 (5:29) Rd8 (0:08)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: looks fair 12.Qe2 (1:02)
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: kia often features overprotection of e5 but this might be a bit to the point of silliness :)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: hehe b6 and bc8-a6 looks strong for black 12...a6 (3:36)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: but h6 might be best, taking out knights is a good idea in KIA 13.Ne3 (7:57)
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: zwischenzugs can be a real headache sometimes.. I rejected a whole bunch of lines because of them :(
gile(1759) whispers: can I grab e5 here?
gile(1759) whispers: guess i can't ...
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: yeah taking isnt the best plan
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: nxn seems fine
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: a few decent moves 13...Nxe3 (11:12) 14.Qxe3 (3:24) b5 (2:15) 15.b3 (2:43) Bb7 (0:08) 16.Bb2 (1:16) Nb4 (0:17) 17.Qe2 (0:46) Rd7 (0:42) 18.a3 (0:34) Nd5 (0:07) 19.c4 (2:06) bxc4 (0:20) 20.Qxc4 (1:01) Nb6 (0:02) 21.Qc2 (0:52) Rad8 (1:00) 22.Rad1 (1:40)
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: if there's a big swapoff won't my pawn structure prove to help me out?
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: i think white needed to move nf3 awhile ago to use the power of g2 22...Bd5 (1:53)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: WOW, game Nr. 700 - ive never seen so high number
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: its interesting how well be7 worked out
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: everytimei play be7 i seem to have to move in within 6 moves
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: black can force moving the Nf3 away, trade the LSB, while the Nb6 takes his spot on d5 23.Qc3 (3:46)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: that doesnt look right
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: only one thing what white was better was the better pawn structure 23...Qb7 (0:34)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: now the plan of Qb7 is not neccessary
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: loool
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: They move faster than i can type
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: well i wanted say: there was resolve of the pawns with ...c4!
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: on b4 Na5 grabs b-pair
superlaser(1742) whispers: go gile!
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: else... takes, N-takes and Rooks could swap into C
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: ok, anyway, the c4-thingie still available :p
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: t 175 how you did in that full day OTB?
superlaser(1742) whispers: black looks good here
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: opps
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: yes black is active 24.Rd3 (5:30) c4 (0:30) 25.bxc4 (1:14) Nxc4 (0:04) 26.Bc1 (1:05)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: 24...Bxb3! Qxb3 c4 26...Nb6 (5:10)
gile(1759) whispers: bad move? I'm sleepy ... :( gile offers a draw.
gile(1759) whispers: :)))
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: not a bad move, getting a rook on c file is a good idea
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: little chance but rd7-c7 then Nxe5 was a threat if queen didnt move OsaridSaris declines the draw request. 27.Red1 (4:38) Na4 (4:18) 28.Qd2 (1:31) Nc5 (0:11)
gile(1759) whispers: feel awoken aganin ... :)
gile(1759) whispers: suddenly ... I stand better, don't I? 29.Rd4 (1:38)
gile(1759) whispers: can I win a piece? I can win exchange, right?
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: i believe so, alot of trading
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: bxn rxr
gile(1759) whispers: Nb3 seems safest ... maybe I should use some of my time now ... I got a lot ...
spendius(1859) whispers: I like Nb3 29...Bxf3 (7:01)
gile(1759) whispers: hope I didn't miss anything ... soon i'll know ...
spendius(1859) whispers: looks even better ..
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: oh ugh
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: im back here to see a draw request declined
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: and now black is up a piece 30.Bxf3 (2:43) Rxd4 (0:32)
spendius(1859) whispers: not Qxf3 ???
spendius(1859) whispers: oh well, looks the same .. 31.Bxb7 (2:03) Rxd2 (0:02) 32.Rxd2 (0:08) Rxd2 (0:03) 33.Bxd2 (0:14) Nxb7 (0:01) 34.a4 (0:18) Bc5 (0:09) 35.Kf1 (0:06) Kf8 (0:01)
spendius(1859) whispers: these Ultimate Patzers are not as ultimate as advertized 36.Ke2 (0:34) Ke8 (0:01) 37.f4 (0:02) Kd7 (0:02) 38.Kd3 (0:01)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: they arent patzers at all 38...Kc6 (0:01)
spendius(1859) whispers: hehe lol 39.Kc4 (0:04) Bg1 (0:04) 40.h3 (0:06) h5 (0:45) 41.g4 (0:44) hxg4 (0:05) 42.hxg4 (0:02) g6 (0:02)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: ?
spendius(1859) whispers: Robert Frost ! Ultimate Patzers are not that Ultimate ! 43.Bc1 (1:58) Bc5 (0:10)
BeneathBlue(1920) whispers: One of the world's greatest players, Bobby Fischer had a patzer-type name. 44.Bd2 (0:19)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: We all are patzers 44...Be7 (0:18)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: maybe some not ultimate :p
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: cool spendius, your the real deal alright 45.Bc3 (0:24) Bd8 (0:09) 46.Bb4 (0:50) Na5+ (0:03) 47.Kd4 (0:29) Bb6+ (0:04) 48.Ke4 (0:07) Nb3 (0:08)
BeneathBlue(1920) whispers: domination of the a5/c5 squares
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: extra-piece domination
BeneathBlue(1920) whispers: we know he's gonna try f5
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: well but on Nc5+ the a4 pawn falls 49.f5 (2:11) Nc5+ (0:04)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: and on the trade, even if white manages to trade k-side pawns
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: the B has the right corner 50.Bxc5 (0:43) Kxc5 (0:05)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: that should do it
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: good job gile!
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: how do you feel about the game spendius? 51.fxg6 (2:02) fxg6 (0:03)
spendius(1859) whispers: excellent game by gile
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: i agree 52.Kf4 (0:19) Bd8 (0:02)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: ive tried this KIA a few times recntly and i dont feel playing Bb2 is very strong OsaridSaris resigns 0-1
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: Go gile!
gile(1759) whispers: hi robert:)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: Hello gile good luck 3.Nf3 (0:35) Nf6 (0:03) 4.O-O (0:13) e6 (0:07) 5.d3 (0:27) Nc6 (0:02) 6.Nbd2 (1:34) Be7 (0:09) 7.e4 (0:12) dxe4 (0:20)
fernbap(1643) whispers: urgh, i never understood this opening. In fact, i think noone does :P 8.dxe4 (0:35) O-O (0:02)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: Kings Indian Attack is an interseting idea for the french 9.e5 (1:50)
fernbap(1643) whispers: well, i'm not french :D 9...Nd5 (0:17)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: me neither, maybe distantly 10.Nc4 (2:08) Qc7 (2:47) 11.Re1 (5:29) Rd8 (0:08)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: looks fair 12.Qe2 (1:02)
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: kia often features overprotection of e5 but this might be a bit to the point of silliness :)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: hehe b6 and bc8-a6 looks strong for black 12...a6 (3:36)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: but h6 might be best, taking out knights is a good idea in KIA 13.Ne3 (7:57)
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: zwischenzugs can be a real headache sometimes.. I rejected a whole bunch of lines because of them :(
gile(1759) whispers: can I grab e5 here?
gile(1759) whispers: guess i can't ...
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: yeah taking isnt the best plan
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: nxn seems fine
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: a few decent moves 13...Nxe3 (11:12) 14.Qxe3 (3:24) b5 (2:15) 15.b3 (2:43) Bb7 (0:08) 16.Bb2 (1:16) Nb4 (0:17) 17.Qe2 (0:46) Rd7 (0:42) 18.a3 (0:34) Nd5 (0:07) 19.c4 (2:06) bxc4 (0:20) 20.Qxc4 (1:01) Nb6 (0:02) 21.Qc2 (0:52) Rad8 (1:00) 22.Rad1 (1:40)
OsaridSaris(1903) whispers: if there's a big swapoff won't my pawn structure prove to help me out?
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: i think white needed to move nf3 awhile ago to use the power of g2 22...Bd5 (1:53)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: WOW, game Nr. 700 - ive never seen so high number
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: its interesting how well be7 worked out
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: everytimei play be7 i seem to have to move in within 6 moves
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: black can force moving the Nf3 away, trade the LSB, while the Nb6 takes his spot on d5 23.Qc3 (3:46)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: that doesnt look right
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: only one thing what white was better was the better pawn structure 23...Qb7 (0:34)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: now the plan of Qb7 is not neccessary
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: loool
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: They move faster than i can type
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: well i wanted say: there was resolve of the pawns with ...c4!
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: on b4 Na5 grabs b-pair
superlaser(1742) whispers: go gile!
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: else... takes, N-takes and Rooks could swap into C
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: ok, anyway, the c4-thingie still available :p
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: t 175 how you did in that full day OTB?
superlaser(1742) whispers: black looks good here
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: opps
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: yes black is active 24.Rd3 (5:30) c4 (0:30) 25.bxc4 (1:14) Nxc4 (0:04) 26.Bc1 (1:05)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: 24...Bxb3! Qxb3 c4 26...Nb6 (5:10)
gile(1759) whispers: bad move? I'm sleepy ... :( gile offers a draw.
gile(1759) whispers: :)))
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: not a bad move, getting a rook on c file is a good idea
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: little chance but rd7-c7 then Nxe5 was a threat if queen didnt move OsaridSaris declines the draw request. 27.Red1 (4:38) Na4 (4:18) 28.Qd2 (1:31) Nc5 (0:11)
gile(1759) whispers: feel awoken aganin ... :)
gile(1759) whispers: suddenly ... I stand better, don't I? 29.Rd4 (1:38)
gile(1759) whispers: can I win a piece? I can win exchange, right?
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: i believe so, alot of trading
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: bxn rxr
gile(1759) whispers: Nb3 seems safest ... maybe I should use some of my time now ... I got a lot ...
spendius(1859) whispers: I like Nb3 29...Bxf3 (7:01)
gile(1759) whispers: hope I didn't miss anything ... soon i'll know ...
spendius(1859) whispers: looks even better ..
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: oh ugh
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: im back here to see a draw request declined
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: and now black is up a piece 30.Bxf3 (2:43) Rxd4 (0:32)
spendius(1859) whispers: not Qxf3 ???
spendius(1859) whispers: oh well, looks the same .. 31.Bxb7 (2:03) Rxd2 (0:02) 32.Rxd2 (0:08) Rxd2 (0:03) 33.Bxd2 (0:14) Nxb7 (0:01) 34.a4 (0:18) Bc5 (0:09) 35.Kf1 (0:06) Kf8 (0:01)
spendius(1859) whispers: these Ultimate Patzers are not as ultimate as advertized 36.Ke2 (0:34) Ke8 (0:01) 37.f4 (0:02) Kd7 (0:02) 38.Kd3 (0:01)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: they arent patzers at all 38...Kc6 (0:01)
spendius(1859) whispers: hehe lol 39.Kc4 (0:04) Bg1 (0:04) 40.h3 (0:06) h5 (0:45) 41.g4 (0:44) hxg4 (0:05) 42.hxg4 (0:02) g6 (0:02)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: ?
spendius(1859) whispers: Robert Frost ! Ultimate Patzers are not that Ultimate ! 43.Bc1 (1:58) Bc5 (0:10)
BeneathBlue(1920) whispers: One of the world's greatest players, Bobby Fischer had a patzer-type name. 44.Bd2 (0:19)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: We all are patzers 44...Be7 (0:18)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: maybe some not ultimate :p
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: cool spendius, your the real deal alright 45.Bc3 (0:24) Bd8 (0:09) 46.Bb4 (0:50) Na5+ (0:03) 47.Kd4 (0:29) Bb6+ (0:04) 48.Ke4 (0:07) Nb3 (0:08)
BeneathBlue(1920) whispers: domination of the a5/c5 squares
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: extra-piece domination
BeneathBlue(1920) whispers: we know he's gonna try f5
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: well but on Nc5+ the a4 pawn falls 49.f5 (2:11) Nc5+ (0:04)
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: and on the trade, even if white manages to trade k-side pawns
Funkmaus(2281) whispers: the B has the right corner 50.Bxc5 (0:43) Kxc5 (0:05)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: that should do it
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: good job gile!
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: how do you feel about the game spendius? 51.fxg6 (2:02) fxg6 (0:03)
spendius(1859) whispers: excellent game by gile
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: i agree 52.Kf4 (0:19) Bd8 (0:02)
RobertFrost(1780) whispers: ive tried this KIA a few times recntly and i dont feel playing Bb2 is very strong OsaridSaris resigns 0-1