tightfist(1606) vs. vjoe(1561) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2011-09-24
1.c4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Nc3 (0:07) g6 (0:03) 3.d4 (0:39) Bg7 (0:17) 4.g3 (0:07) d6 (1:21)
milpat(1883) whispers: playoffs! 5.Bg2 (0:36) Nbd7 (1:15) 6.Nf3 (2:23) c5 (0:20)
milpat(1883) whispers: match is 2-1 for white's team and black's team has draw odds 7.e3 (1:51) Qc7 (0:24) 8.O-O (2:24) cxd4 (1:45)
Bombassa(2009) whispers: he may get it on the river 9.Qxd4 (2:24) e5 (0:47)
Nitreb(1376) whispers: Nb5 seems like a good bet 10.Nb5 (7:09)
milpat(1883) whispers: seems to hit 10...Qb8 (6:37) 11.Nxd6+ (2:52) Ke7 (0:25) 12.Nxc8+ (3:25) Qxc8 (0:55) 13.Nxe5 (6:09) Nh5 (6:21) 14.Qxd7+ (1:59) Qxd7 (0:12) 15.Nxd7 (0:09) Kxd7 (0:02) 16.Rb1 (4:21) Kc7 (0:39) 17.Rd1 (0:16) f5 (0:24) 18.Bd2 (0:21) Rae8 (1:06) 19.Bb4 (0:38) Nf6 (0:56) 20.Bc3 (1:42) b6 (2:24) 21.Rd3 (1:04) a5 (0:34) 22.Rbd1 (0:24) Re7 (0:24) 23.Bxf6 (0:45) Bxf6 (0:07) 24.b3 (0:33) Ra8 (0:40) 25.Bxa8 (0:28) vjoe resigns 1-0
milpat(1883) whispers: playoffs! 5.Bg2 (0:36) Nbd7 (1:15) 6.Nf3 (2:23) c5 (0:20)
milpat(1883) whispers: match is 2-1 for white's team and black's team has draw odds 7.e3 (1:51) Qc7 (0:24) 8.O-O (2:24) cxd4 (1:45)
Bombassa(2009) whispers: he may get it on the river 9.Qxd4 (2:24) e5 (0:47)
Nitreb(1376) whispers: Nb5 seems like a good bet 10.Nb5 (7:09)
milpat(1883) whispers: seems to hit 10...Qb8 (6:37) 11.Nxd6+ (2:52) Ke7 (0:25) 12.Nxc8+ (3:25) Qxc8 (0:55) 13.Nxe5 (6:09) Nh5 (6:21) 14.Qxd7+ (1:59) Qxd7 (0:12) 15.Nxd7 (0:09) Kxd7 (0:02) 16.Rb1 (4:21) Kc7 (0:39) 17.Rd1 (0:16) f5 (0:24) 18.Bd2 (0:21) Rae8 (1:06) 19.Bb4 (0:38) Nf6 (0:56) 20.Bc3 (1:42) b6 (2:24) 21.Rd3 (1:04) a5 (0:34) 22.Rbd1 (0:24) Re7 (0:24) 23.Bxf6 (0:45) Bxf6 (0:07) 24.b3 (0:33) Ra8 (0:40) 25.Bxa8 (0:28) vjoe resigns 1-0