hectorabcd(2334) vs. technika(2154) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2011-08-27

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:54) d6 (0:45) 3.Nc3 (0:08)
Technika(2154) whispers: OK, expecting to have an hard game today, quite a rating difference ......
3...e5 (2:17) 4.Nf3 (2:34)
Technika(2154) whispers: OK, let's go for it then.......
4...e4 (3:03) 5.Nd2 (0:04)
Technika(2154) whispers: hmm, that was a quick move, looks like some preparation :)
Technika(2154) whispers: mind you, Korchnoi played Nd2 when he faced this line, so I guess it has to be a good move :)
5...Bf5 (2:52) 6.Qb3 (2:29) Qc8 (1:20) 7.g3 (1:36) c5 (2:56)
Technika(2154) whispers: well in the line I am aware of, White plays d5 next :)
Technika(2154) whispers: which is a standard setup in these Indian setups
Technika(2154) whispers: the idea behind this setup, is that after d5, Be7 - if White plasy
8.dxc5 (4:11)
Technika(2154) whispers: Qc2 to win the pawn, I simply play e3.....
Technika(2154) whispers: with a discovered attack on the Queen.......
Technika(2154) whispers: but a 2300+ player is not going to play that line I am sure :)
8...Nbd7 (3:59)
Technika(2154) whispers: I will go for development, tis only a pawn - sic :)
Technika(2154) whispers: plus a knight on c5 will help me cover e4 square.....
9.cxd6 (6:34) Bxd6 (0:16) 10.Qb5 (0:41) Bg6 (0:55) 11.Bh3 (6:30) e3 (1:23) 12.fxe3 (0:04) a6 (0:31) 13.Qb3 (1:51) O-O (0:48) 14.O-O (0:29)
Technika(2154) whispers: 2 pawns down, but they are doubled pawns on the e-file, so I fancy getting one back.........
14...Nc5 (1:23) 15.Bxc8 (0:03) Nxb3 (0:08) 16.axb3 (0:02)
Technika(2154) whispers: darn I thought my opp might have actuall thought for a while, maybe it is not such a good line :)
16...Raxc8 (0:34) 17.Nf3 (0:36)
Technika(2154) whispers: well two sets of doubled pawns to play against, and the 2 bishops - still 2 pawns is still 2 pawns...... :S
17...Bc5 (1:21) 18.Kg2 (2:26) Rfe8 (1:22) 19.Nd4 (0:24) Rcd8 (2:24)
Technika(2154) whispers: I think this gets one of the pawns back by force.....
Technika(2154) whispers: but it means giving up on the 2 bishops advantage :-/
20.Rf4 (1:57)
Technika(2154) whispers: hmm, maybe not .....
20...Bd6 (0:55) 21.Rf3 (0:46) Bc5 (0:08) 22.Ra5 (1:06)
Technika(2154) whispers: hmmm, hang on a mo......
Technika(2154) whispers: I think I can win the exchange here.......
Technika(2154) whispers: deflect knight on c3, and Be4 pins rook to king.....
Technika(2154) whispers: so Bb4 looks good .....
Technika(2154) whispers: let me work this out......
Technika(2154) whispers: Bb4 attacks the rook, it is en-rpis so needs to move......
Technika(2154) whispers: then BxN pxB and then Be4 pins rook on f3......
Technika(2154) whispers: but is it worth it ......
Technika(2154) whispers: OK, winning the exchange when I am 2 pawns down, does look promising for equalisation......
Technika(2154) whispers: however, white gets a freer game......
Technika(2154) whispers: if I keep 2 bishops on, and keep the 2 e-pawns doubled, it should make it more dynamic and flexible for me,,,,,,,
hectorabcd(2334) whispers: can sustain the pawns ??
hectorabcd(2334) whispers: the black is more active
hectorabcd(2334) whispers: point the team needs
hectorabcd(2334) whispers: but I do not look so good
Technika(2154) whispers: unfortunately, I can't seem to find anything better, and I might not get the chance later to get material back......
22...Bb4 (12:54) 23.Ra2 (0:26)
Technika(2154) whispers: fingers crossed, I have not missed anything, otherwise it was a long 12 minutes think for nothing :)
23...Bxc3 (0:19) 24.bxc3 (0:21) Be4 (0:09) 25.Kg1 (1:01) Bxf3 (0:06) 26.exf3 (0:19) Nd7 (0:26)
Technika(2154) whispers: now I guess it depends if I can get my Rooks to work together. but first get my knight onto c5 or e5
27.e4 (1:04) Nc5 (0:24) 28.Be3 (0:36) Nd3 (0:20) 29.g4 (1:16) g6 (2:38) 30.g5 (1:49) Kg7 (1:01) 31.h4 (0:53) Ne5 (2:01) 32.Kg2 (0:36) Rd7 (1:23) 33.c5 (2:17) Rc8 (1:00) 34.Ne2 (2:13) Kf8 (1:28) 35.Bd4 (2:33) Nc6 (3:24) 36.Kg3 (0:26) Ke7 (4:15)
Technika(2154) whispers: hmm, having my work cut out to stay in this game, I just can't get my pieces working :(
Technika(2154) whispers: need to centralise the king to help
37.Bf6+ (2:36)
hectorabcd(2334) whispers: Re6 ??
hectorabcd(2334) whispers: I'm feeling a bit more comfortable but not easy
37...Ke8 (4:25)
Technika(2154) whispers: I nearly played Ke6 then.....lol
Technika(2154) whispers: then spotted Nf4 mate - which would have been a nice way to win it for white :)
38.Nd4 (1:24) Kf8 (2:10) 39.b4 (2:08) Ne7 (2:37) 40.h5 (4:42) Re8 (0:26)
cadger(1795) whispers: rd2 looks good to me
41.Be5 (3:35) gxh5 (1:01) 42.Bd6 (0:37) h6 (0:12) 43.gxh6 (1:19) Kg8 (0:34)
Technika(2154) whispers: got what I wanted, an open g-file
Technika(2154) whispers: so scope for one or my rooks to get out of this passive position
Technika(2154) whispers: but the time on the clocks are a wee bit stiff
44.Rh2 (2:46) Kh7 (1:54) 45.Rxh5 (0:10) Rg8+ (0:05) 46.Kf4 (0:41) Ng6+ (0:19) 47.Ke3 (0:05) Ne7 (0:10) 48.f4 (1:02) Rg6 (0:57) 49.Nf3 (1:59) f6 (2:49) 50.Nd4 (2:05) Rg3+ (0:55) 51.Kf2 (1:34) Rg8 (1:09) 52.Ne6 (0:31) b6 (0:14) 53.f5 (1:17) bxc5 (1:29) 54.Bxc5 (0:03) Rc8 (0:36) 55.Bd4 (1:38)
Technika(2154) whispers: the noose is getting tighter :(
55...Ng8 (0:39) 56.e5 (0:26) fxe5 (1:39) 57.Ng5+ (0:29)
mountm(2058) whispers: 1-0
Technika resigns 1-0

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