thesixmax(2353) vs. raisinman(2100) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2011-08-27

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.Bg5 (0:20) c5 (0:13) 3.d5 (0:35) Qb6 (0:27) 4.Nc3 (0:25) g6 (1:13) 5.e4 (0:42)
raisinman(2100) whispers: i aint takin that
JoshuaR(1799) whispers: you know you want to, you're just george from seinfeld doing the opposite of your inclinations
5...d6 (1:08) 6.Bb5+ (3:19) Nbd7 (0:16) 7.a4 (1:19) Qa5 (1:23) 8.e5 (5:11) Ne4 (4:00) 9.e6 (5:49)
raisinman(2100) whispers: dont see how white can save that pawn
9...Nxg5 (0:23)
Alieth(1883) whispers: rofl exd7 wins a piece?
10.exd7+ (0:28)
evilcoyote(1996) whispers: I think so because of Qg4+ at the end
raisinman(2100) whispers: oh wait, like that
Alieth(1883) whispers: exd7 Bxd7 Bxd7 Kxd7 Qg4 Ne6 dxe6 fxe6
10...Bxd7 (0:26) 11.Bxd7+ (0:02) Kxd7 (0:01) 12.Qg4+ (0:02) e6 (0:00) 13.Qxg5 (0:13)
CWQ(1732) whispers: oops
raisinman resigns 1-0

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