kicanovic(1833) vs. lcsusa(1531) 1-0

standard 15+0, 2011-08-11

1.e4 (0:00) e5 (0:00) 2.f4 (0:02) d6 (0:06) 3.Nf3 (0:02) Nc6 (0:03) 4.Bc4 (0:06) Be7 (0:04) 5.Nc3 (0:04) Nf6 (0:03) 6.fxe5 (0:08) dxe5 (0:03) 7.O-O (0:09) (7.O-O (0:09) 7...Qd4+ (0:09) 8.Nxd4 (0:03) lcsusa requests to take back 2 half move(s). kicanovic accepts the takeback request.) 7...Nd4 (0:10) 8.Nxe5 (0:11) O-O (0:18) 9.Nd5 (0:14) Nxd5 (0:08) 10.Bxd5 (0:12) c6 (0:04) 11.Bxf7+ (0:49) Kh8 (0:04) 12.Qh5 (0:12) Nxc2 (0:45) lcsusa checkmated 1-0

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