lingzhi(1980) vs. krishsingh(1849) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2011-06-10
Earlier moves are in angelius(2023) vs. alfreale(1963) *
9.Bc4 (1:36)
9...Rb8 (0:13) 10.O-O-O (2:56) Na5 (0:22) 11.Bb3 (0:49) b5 (0:03) 12.g4 (6:23) Nxb3+ (3:22) 13.Nxb3 (0:15) a5 (0:19) 14.g5 (1:07) Nh5 (0:11) 15.Nd5 (2:02) b4 (3:40) 16.Bd4 (3:19) a4 (0:21) 17.Bxg7 (1:30) axb3 (1:13)
RxR(2189) whispers: what does black have after Bxh8 bxa2 b3?
RxR(2189) whispers: Qa5 then!
RxR(2189) whispers: but then Qd4?
RxR(2189) whispers: so Bh8 bxa2 b3 e5 Kb2 Qa5 Ka1 and black is just rook down? 18.Bxh8 (4:45) bxa2 (0:07) 19.b3 (0:10) Qa5 (0:02) 20.Qd4 (0:43)
RxR(2189) whispers: probably Kb2 was enough here too KrishSingh resigns 1-0
RxR(2189) whispers: what does black have after Bxh8 bxa2 b3?
RxR(2189) whispers: Qa5 then!
RxR(2189) whispers: but then Qd4?
RxR(2189) whispers: so Bh8 bxa2 b3 e5 Kb2 Qa5 Ka1 and black is just rook down? 18.Bxh8 (4:45) bxa2 (0:07) 19.b3 (0:10) Qa5 (0:02) 20.Qd4 (0:43)
RxR(2189) whispers: probably Kb2 was enough here too KrishSingh resigns 1-0