outposter(1875) vs. noirop(1739) 1-0

standard 45+45, 2010-10-08

1.d4 (0:00) Nf6 (0:00) 2.c4 (0:03) g6 (0:02) 3.Nc3 (0:02) Bg7 (0:02) 4.e4 (0:02) d6 (0:03) 5.Nf3 (0:03) O-O (0:02) 6.Be2 (0:02) Na6 (0:12) 7.O-O (0:28)
Nitreb(1257) whispers: Very classic ;-)
7...e5 (1:42) 8.Re1 (1:07) exd4 (0:28) 9.Nxd4 (0:14) Nc5 (1:45) 10.f3 (0:38) a5 (4:02) 11.Be3 (1:22) Re8 (0:45) 12.Qd2 (3:27) Bd7 (9:29) 13.Rad1 (2:29)
pchesso(1754) whispers: noiro! my hero! go here!!
13...Qc8 (8:26)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: what exactly is queen doing on c8?
pchesso(1754) whispers: good question... interesting move
14.Bf1 (3:32)
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: maybe Noiro will show us in the next couple of moves :-?
bodzolca(1706) whispers: interesting and bad are not mutually exclusive, i'm afraid
bodzolca(1706) whispers: i hope so :)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: "i hope so" was directed to madman's, not my own comment, of course ;)
pchesso(1754) whispers: :)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: go noiro, go blue team
bodzolca(1706) whispers: by the way, has anyone heard from harmonicus lately?
pchesso(1754) whispers: perhaps he prepares Be6, and would like to recapture with queen, i don't know
pchesso(1754) whispers: not at all, unfortunately
bodzolca(1706) whispers: that was my first guess, yes
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: at least Noiro is in very familiar territory facing the Maroczy Bind setup :)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: that's a good news, because i just hate this slow maneuvering
pchesso(1754) whispers: or perhaps he was expecting Bg5 and wants to keep his N in the game
14...Ne6 (4:39)
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: checking on 365chess, only one game with the position after 13.Rad1. Black moved Nh5 there and lost, maybe Qc8 is an improvement :)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: i hope this is one of those incomprehensible grandmaster moves
pchesso(1754) whispers: c7-c5 cannot be the intention, d6 looks too weak
15.Ndb5 (6:25)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: if black doesn't exchange now, maybe that was the reason for qc8?
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: the queen defended c7 from d8 too? :-/
bodzolca(1706) whispers: oh no, sorry, e6 knight already covers c7
bodzolca(1706) whispers: so still a mystery
pchesso(1754) whispers: after Bxb5 Nxb5 Rd8 e5 can be met dxe5, perhaps was the motivation
15...Bxb5 (3:26) 16.Nxb5 (0:53)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: queen on e7 does the same without disruption rook coordination
pchesso(1754) whispers: no, Rd8 makes e5 impossible
pchesso(1754) whispers: or hmm, maybe you are right
16...Nh5 (2:36)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: hm, preparing f5?
bodzolca(1706) whispers: doesn't make sense
piorgovici(1551) whispers: white c5 is danger. white 2 bishop free to work (?)
pchesso(1754) whispers: c5 is covered twice atm
bodzolca(1706) whispers: yeah ... knight should go back to c5
17.Bh6 (5:11) Bxh6 (1:27) 18.Qxh6 (0:15)
pchesso(1754) whispers: btw, the vidmar introduction is wonderful!
bodzolca(1706) whispers: thx, i intend to translate some more material ... i'm looking through some interesting games ... rubinstein-vidmar 1918 berlin is interesting with the budapest gambit, but i already did one game with rubinstein, so i'm not sure
pchesso(1754) whispers: Re7 and Qf8 perhaps?
pchesso(1754) whispers: i have to study the game yet, i look forward to it :)
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: is it called Budapest gambit because several Hungarians played it?
18...Re7 (4:15)
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: e5 looks fairly interesting for white now
pchesso(1754) whispers: on the main site you announced the vidmar page with wiki syntax; it seems that isn't recognized - do you know a bit html?
bodzolca(1706) whispers: yes, Hungarian master Aboni showed him the moves just before the game
bodzolca(1706) whispers: yeah, sure, but i don't know how to fix it
bodzolca(1706) whispers: ok, have to go guys, i'm already late for football match
pchesso(1754) whispers: i had the same problem a while ago. these posts cannot be altered, at least i cannot do it. but i can remove it, so you could post a new version with html link?
pchesso(1754) whispers: okay, see you, good luck with football :)
bodzolca(1706) whispers: ok, great, i can do that
bodzolca(1706) whispers: :)
19.Nc3 (4:37) Nef4 (1:17)
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: g3 Nd5 g4 noirop in danger ?
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: anything wrong with g4 at once for white?
20.g4 (1:38)
Madmansreturn(2012) whispers: unfortunately I can't see anything :(
piorgovici(1551) whispers: Re5.
piorgovici(1551) whispers: maybe then Nh3+ BxN, QxB. but...
20...Re5 (5:06) 21.gxh5 (1:02) Nh3+ (0:26)
Nitreb(1257) whispers: White wins a piece in ant case :-(
22.Bxh3 (2:18) Qxh3 (0:04) 23.Qf4 (0:34) Rxh5 (2:23)
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: i like king indian but this game convince me that i should learn smth like slav in near future ;)
Nitreb(1257) whispers: ;-)
24.Nd5 (1:44)
pchesso(1754) whispers: h6 and Rg5 ?
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: nf6 thread
pchesso(1754) whispers: :(
Nitreb(1257) whispers: h6 Nf6+
Nitreb(1257) whispers: Perhaps Rh6, but it's passive
24...Kg7 (2:52)
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: qf6 Kg8 Ne7 Kf8 Qh8 Ke7 Qa8 but black Rg5 hmm
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: qf6 Kg8 Ne7 Kf8 Qh8 Ke7 Qa8 qh2 kf1 rg5 ~ rg1x black win maybe ? ;)
25.Rd2 (5:40) Rc8 (3:10)
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: now Qf6 (kh6 Nf4 ) works probably :(
26.Qf6+ (1:16) Kh6 (0:20)
piorgovici(1551) whispers: In life u can make a mistake!. in chess u cant!.... :)
27.Rg2 (6:08)
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: i expected Nf4 Qh4 Qh4 Rh4
27...Qd7 (2:37)
pchesso(1754) whispers: Nf4 Qxf3 was an idea, with checks, so white Rg2 first is safer perhaps
WilkBardzoZly(1658) whispers: maybe because Ne7 Nf5 thread
28.Ne3 (0:50) NoiroP resigns 1-0

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