stilidimitrov(1971) vs. gabrielpergola(1760) 1-0
standard 45+45, 2010-07-25
1.c4 (0:00) b6 (0:00) 2.Nf3 (0:19) Bb7 (0:05)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: Much difference in rating can black upset? 3.g3 (2:29) g6 (1:04) 4.Bg2 (0:08) Bg7 (0:07)
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Go Stella!! 5.O-O (0:26)
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: oh, the double hole defence 5...e6 (0:25)
milpat(1797) whispers: double-hole?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: holes on b7 and g7
arunsingh(1654) whispers: you mean fianchetto?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: alekhine used to speak of double hole
milpat(1797) whispers: hi Jenny :)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Hello Mil 6.d4 (5:51) Ne7 (0:30)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: this the hardcore game, milpat?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Kc5 wins
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: Stili has gone into hibernation? 7.Nc3 (11:22)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: When this game getz interesting i be offline :(
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: poor jenny :(
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: poor Stili, with this time-management he getz in trouble
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: stili is experienced enough 7...d5 (3:30) 8.cxd5 (1:04) Nxd5 (0:30) 9.Nxd5 (0:12) Bxd5 (0:04) 10.Re1 (0:16) O-O (3:48) 11.Bf4 (0:21) Na6 (1:24) 12.a3 (0:15) Rc8 (0:13) 13.e4 (0:29) Bb7 (0:16) 14.Be5 (0:20) f6 (3:50) 15.Bf4 (0:06) c5 (1:02) 16.Bh3 (2:21)
milpat(1797) whispers: provoke f6 and create light squares weakness was a good plan...OC :)
OrganicChess(2035) whispers: he a master at work 16...Re8 (14:06)
milpat(1797) whispers: d5? 17.d5 (4:34) Nc7 (1:42)
milpat(1797) whispers: d6-d7 ... easy plan 18.Bxc7 (1:16) Rxc7 (0:54) 19.Bxe6+ (0:06) Kh8 (0:20)
milpat(1797) whispers: d6 20.Qc2 (0:23) Bc8 (1:17)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: What was the idea of Qc2
milpat(1797) whispers: Rd1 obviously 21.Bxc8 (2:41) Qxc8 (0:36) 22.Rad1 (0:05)
milpat(1797) whispers: i still believe than d6 was stronger than Qc2
milpat(1797) whispers: will be hard to unblock passer now.... 22...Qg4 (0:40)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: Rc8-Qd6 with some sort of blockade was preferable 23.Kg2 (0:22)
milpat(1797) whispers: will block with rook, let q free
milpat(1797) whispers: must be what black tought
milpat(1797) whispers: white play b4 next if rook dont move?
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: hmm, how did Stili steal a pawn?
milpat(1797) whispers: Steali
Aneirin(1728) whispers: d5 with the pin
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: i like h3
arunsingh(1654) whispers: knight was loose 23...Rce7 (3:44)
milpat(1797) whispers: h3 24.h3 (1:49) Qd7 (0:20)
milpat(1797) whispers: i guess white needs f4
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Nd2-c4 looks good
Aneirin(1728) whispers: maybe Nd2, also preparing Nc4 perhaps
Aneirin(1728) whispers: yayyyy 25.b3 (1:21)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: White knight can go to c4 afyer a4
milpat(1797) whispers: wow, this b3 was unexpected :)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: I was thinking he didn't really -need- a4 because of Nc4 b5 Na5 with Nc6
arunsingh(1654) whispers: yes will trouble black very much 25...Qd6 (2:16)
milpat(1797) whispers: Nc4 would be welcome now :) 26.Qc4 (1:01)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: black is trying for f5 26...Rb7 (1:19) 27.a4 (0:07) Rbe7 (0:08) 28.Qc2 (0:44) Kg8 (0:29) 29.Qd3 (1:08) Kh8 (0:18) 30.Nd2 (0:58)
milpat(1797) whispers: now black hope just get crushed, i'm affraid 30...Qd7 (3:50) 31.f4 (5:44) Rd8 (1:13) 32.Nc4 (0:09) b5 (0:18) 33.Nb2 (0:28)
milpat(1797) whispers: ? :) 33...a6 (0:33)
milpat(1797) whispers: plays with the mouse as long as it move a bit? 34.axb5 (0:40) axb5 (0:03) 35.Re2 (0:23)
milpat(1797) whispers: Nb2 looks strange 35...g5 (0:54)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: yes it looks outplaced 36.Rf1 (1:09) Bh6 (0:19) 37.Qc3 (0:41)
milpat(1797) whispers: double attack
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Qd6 saves?
milpat(1797) whispers: Qd6 Nd3 37...Qd6 (0:56)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: .. and Nb2 makes sense again? :)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Nd3 gxf4
Aneirin(1728) whispers: ahh
milpat(1797) whispers: gxf4 Nxf4
Aneirin(1728) whispers: even fxg might work now? 38.fxg5 (2:41)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: :')
vdLeden(1789) whispers: fxg5 Bxg5 h4 Bxh4 gxh4 Rg8+ perhaps?
Aneirin(1728) whispers: interesting 38...Bxg5 (0:59) 39.Rf5 (0:08)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: h6
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: ?qhre does bishop goif h6?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: very nice play by stili
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: *where
Aneirin(1728) whispers: Rg8 also looks somewhat good
vdLeden(1789) whispers: indeed Rg8 looks nice
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Rg8 Rf2 or Qf3
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: or Kf2
milpat(1797) whispers: i'm just back...oh, B hangs
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: I was expecting h4 instead of Rf5
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: but this works better maybe 39...Rg8 (5:22)
milpat(1797) whispers: K move out g-file 40.Qf3 (1:19)
milpat(1797) whispers: why remove the pin on the f pawn??
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: yes, h4 seemed better here
vdLeden(1789) whispers: h4? Bxh4 looked pretty ok for black I think
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: nevermind, I suck at analizing others games 40...Rg6 (3:02)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: I agree that it's more difficult for some reason 41.Nd3 (1:13)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: well, in a position like this I would probably lose anyway, too many tactics, I try to avoid such positions in my own games 41...Bh4 (0:49)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: interesting 42.g4 (0:12) c4 (0:46) 43.bxc4 (0:06) bxc4 (0:02) 44.Nf4 (0:04)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: also when analyzing another game, Im not as concentrated as if I were playing the game because its ok if I make mistakes 44...Rg8 (1:47) 45.Ne6 (0:22)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: Rxf a threat?
Aneirin(1728) whispers: hmm maybe not
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: go gabrielpergola!
unsophisticated(1693) whispers: <pom> Gooooo Stili <poms> 45...Rg6 (2:55) 46.Rh5 (0:29)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: this is 1-0 46...Bg5 (0:53)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: maybe to you 47.Nxg5 (0:54)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: must take with pawn
vdLeden(1789) whispers: else Rxg5?? Rxg5 fxg5 Qf8# 47...fxg5 (1:06) 48.Qc3+ (0:15)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Rg7? Rxg5, else Qxc4 I think 48...Rf6 (2:29)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: ok, white is winning, but not 1-0 yet 49.Rxg5 (0:52)
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Rh6 looks good
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Rh6? Kg7
smallblackcat(2020) whispers: this allows the pin on the next move
smallblackcat(2020) whispers: Rf2 or Rf5
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Rf2 looks good 49...Rf7 (1:14)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: you can still have hope, maybe stili will have a heart attack
vdLeden(1789) whispers: e5?! 50.Rf5 (0:36)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: 1 - 0 50...Kg8 (0:16) 51.Qxc4 (0:44) Rc7 (0:29)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: oh Rxf6
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Rxf6 52.Rxf6 (0:58) gabrielpergola resigns 1-0
arunsingh(1654) whispers: Much difference in rating can black upset? 3.g3 (2:29) g6 (1:04) 4.Bg2 (0:08) Bg7 (0:07)
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Go Stella!! 5.O-O (0:26)
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: oh, the double hole defence 5...e6 (0:25)
milpat(1797) whispers: double-hole?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: holes on b7 and g7
arunsingh(1654) whispers: you mean fianchetto?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: alekhine used to speak of double hole
milpat(1797) whispers: hi Jenny :)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: Hello Mil 6.d4 (5:51) Ne7 (0:30)
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: this the hardcore game, milpat?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Kc5 wins
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: Stili has gone into hibernation? 7.Nc3 (11:22)
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: When this game getz interesting i be offline :(
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: poor jenny :(
Funkmaus(2187) whispers: poor Stili, with this time-management he getz in trouble
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: stili is experienced enough 7...d5 (3:30) 8.cxd5 (1:04) Nxd5 (0:30) 9.Nxd5 (0:12) Bxd5 (0:04) 10.Re1 (0:16) O-O (3:48) 11.Bf4 (0:21) Na6 (1:24) 12.a3 (0:15) Rc8 (0:13) 13.e4 (0:29) Bb7 (0:16) 14.Be5 (0:20) f6 (3:50) 15.Bf4 (0:06) c5 (1:02) 16.Bh3 (2:21)
milpat(1797) whispers: provoke f6 and create light squares weakness was a good plan...OC :)
OrganicChess(2035) whispers: he a master at work 16...Re8 (14:06)
milpat(1797) whispers: d5? 17.d5 (4:34) Nc7 (1:42)
milpat(1797) whispers: d6-d7 ... easy plan 18.Bxc7 (1:16) Rxc7 (0:54) 19.Bxe6+ (0:06) Kh8 (0:20)
milpat(1797) whispers: d6 20.Qc2 (0:23) Bc8 (1:17)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: What was the idea of Qc2
milpat(1797) whispers: Rd1 obviously 21.Bxc8 (2:41) Qxc8 (0:36) 22.Rad1 (0:05)
milpat(1797) whispers: i still believe than d6 was stronger than Qc2
milpat(1797) whispers: will be hard to unblock passer now.... 22...Qg4 (0:40)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: Rc8-Qd6 with some sort of blockade was preferable 23.Kg2 (0:22)
milpat(1797) whispers: will block with rook, let q free
milpat(1797) whispers: must be what black tought
milpat(1797) whispers: white play b4 next if rook dont move?
Madmansreturn(1986) whispers: hmm, how did Stili steal a pawn?
milpat(1797) whispers: Steali
Aneirin(1728) whispers: d5 with the pin
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: i like h3
arunsingh(1654) whispers: knight was loose 23...Rce7 (3:44)
milpat(1797) whispers: h3 24.h3 (1:49) Qd7 (0:20)
milpat(1797) whispers: i guess white needs f4
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Nd2-c4 looks good
Aneirin(1728) whispers: maybe Nd2, also preparing Nc4 perhaps
Aneirin(1728) whispers: yayyyy 25.b3 (1:21)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: White knight can go to c4 afyer a4
milpat(1797) whispers: wow, this b3 was unexpected :)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: I was thinking he didn't really -need- a4 because of Nc4 b5 Na5 with Nc6
arunsingh(1654) whispers: yes will trouble black very much 25...Qd6 (2:16)
milpat(1797) whispers: Nc4 would be welcome now :) 26.Qc4 (1:01)
arunsingh(1654) whispers: black is trying for f5 26...Rb7 (1:19) 27.a4 (0:07) Rbe7 (0:08) 28.Qc2 (0:44) Kg8 (0:29) 29.Qd3 (1:08) Kh8 (0:18) 30.Nd2 (0:58)
milpat(1797) whispers: now black hope just get crushed, i'm affraid 30...Qd7 (3:50) 31.f4 (5:44) Rd8 (1:13) 32.Nc4 (0:09) b5 (0:18) 33.Nb2 (0:28)
milpat(1797) whispers: ? :) 33...a6 (0:33)
milpat(1797) whispers: plays with the mouse as long as it move a bit? 34.axb5 (0:40) axb5 (0:03) 35.Re2 (0:23)
milpat(1797) whispers: Nb2 looks strange 35...g5 (0:54)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: yes it looks outplaced 36.Rf1 (1:09) Bh6 (0:19) 37.Qc3 (0:41)
milpat(1797) whispers: double attack
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Qd6 saves?
milpat(1797) whispers: Qd6 Nd3 37...Qd6 (0:56)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: .. and Nb2 makes sense again? :)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Nd3 gxf4
Aneirin(1728) whispers: ahh
milpat(1797) whispers: gxf4 Nxf4
Aneirin(1728) whispers: even fxg might work now? 38.fxg5 (2:41)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: :')
vdLeden(1789) whispers: fxg5 Bxg5 h4 Bxh4 gxh4 Rg8+ perhaps?
Aneirin(1728) whispers: interesting 38...Bxg5 (0:59) 39.Rf5 (0:08)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: h6
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: ?qhre does bishop goif h6?
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: very nice play by stili
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: *where
Aneirin(1728) whispers: Rg8 also looks somewhat good
vdLeden(1789) whispers: indeed Rg8 looks nice
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Rg8 Rf2 or Qf3
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: or Kf2
milpat(1797) whispers: i'm just back...oh, B hangs
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: I was expecting h4 instead of Rf5
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: but this works better maybe 39...Rg8 (5:22)
milpat(1797) whispers: K move out g-file 40.Qf3 (1:19)
milpat(1797) whispers: why remove the pin on the f pawn??
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: yes, h4 seemed better here
vdLeden(1789) whispers: h4? Bxh4 looked pretty ok for black I think
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: nevermind, I suck at analizing others games 40...Rg6 (3:02)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: I agree that it's more difficult for some reason 41.Nd3 (1:13)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: well, in a position like this I would probably lose anyway, too many tactics, I try to avoid such positions in my own games 41...Bh4 (0:49)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: interesting 42.g4 (0:12) c4 (0:46) 43.bxc4 (0:06) bxc4 (0:02) 44.Nf4 (0:04)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: also when analyzing another game, Im not as concentrated as if I were playing the game because its ok if I make mistakes 44...Rg8 (1:47) 45.Ne6 (0:22)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: Rxf a threat?
Aneirin(1728) whispers: hmm maybe not
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: go gabrielpergola!
unsophisticated(1693) whispers: <pom> Gooooo Stili <poms> 45...Rg6 (2:55) 46.Rh5 (0:29)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: this is 1-0 46...Bg5 (0:53)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: maybe to you 47.Nxg5 (0:54)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: must take with pawn
vdLeden(1789) whispers: else Rxg5?? Rxg5 fxg5 Qf8# 47...fxg5 (1:06) 48.Qc3+ (0:15)
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Rg7? Rxg5, else Qxc4 I think 48...Rf6 (2:29)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: ok, white is winning, but not 1-0 yet 49.Rxg5 (0:52)
BlindSmirdo(1937) whispers: Rh6 looks good
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Rh6? Kg7
smallblackcat(2020) whispers: this allows the pin on the next move
smallblackcat(2020) whispers: Rf2 or Rf5
vdLeden(1789) whispers: Rf2 looks good 49...Rf7 (1:14)
StrategyMaster(1834) whispers: you can still have hope, maybe stili will have a heart attack
vdLeden(1789) whispers: e5?! 50.Rf5 (0:36)
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: 1 - 0 50...Kg8 (0:16) 51.Qxc4 (0:44) Rc7 (0:29)
Aneirin(1728) whispers: oh Rxf6
alphafoxtrot(1755) whispers: Rxf6 52.Rxf6 (0:58) gabrielpergola resigns 1-0